Ancient Capital of Wessex

E. Mail:

10th April2017

To: All Members of the Amenities & Planning Committee
Dear Councillor,
Your attendance is requested at a meeting of the AMENITIES & PLANNINGCOMMITTEE to be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, COUNCIL OFFICES, KINGSBURY SQUAREto transact the following business on TUESDAY 18th APRIL2017 at 7.00 PM
Yours faithfully,
Catherine Purves
Mrs AC Purves FILCM
Town Clerk
There will also be a short public session to enable members of the public to ask questions of, and make comment to, the Committee. Questions not answered at this meeting will be answered in writing to the person asking the question, or the issue may appear as an agenda item for the next committee meeting. Members of the public are asked to restrict their comments and/or questions to 3 minutes. Please note that the meeting may be recorded.
48.17 / To receive apologies for absence and to consider whether to approve reasons given.
49.17 / Chairman's report
50.17 / Town Clerk's report
51.17 / Declarations of Interest
a) To receive Declarations of Interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972 in respect of officers and in accordance with the provisions of the Localism Act 2011 in respect of members.
b) To consider any Dispensation Requests received by the Town Clerk and not previously considered.
52.17 / Amenities & Planning Committee – to confirm and sign theminutes of the Amenities & Planning Committee meeting21st March 2017(see enclosed)
53.17 / To consider any matter raised in the public session (for discussion only)
54.17 / To consider any matters referred fromtheAprilFull Council meeting:
  • To consider the replacement of the bench at St John's Square

55.17 / To consider a response to the following planning applications received:
a. / 17/02456/FUL - proposed new 2 bed dwelling at 62 Shaftesbury Road, Wilton

b. / 17/03235/TCA - crown raise 2 x silver birch trees at 9 Florence Court, Wilton

c / 17/02864/FUL & 17/00774/LBC - proposed conversion of double garage into study/library, and car port into garage at Mill House, South St, Wilton (originally considered in February 2017)

d. / 17/01725/FUL - Change of Use - ground floor from Children's Centre to B1 office use at 9 West St, Wilton

e. / 16/08675/FUL - Change of Use - ground floor shop to residential with associated works at 49 North St, Wilton (TP Chimneys)

f. / 16/10286/FUL& 16/10439/LBC - conversion of ground floor Hair & Beauty Salon into 2 x residential flats with associated works at 2 South St, Wilton

56.17 / To note any planning decisions made and notified by Wiltshire Council since the last meeting:
a. / 17/00422/FUL - use for B8 (Storage & Distribution), B1 (Business) & A1 (Retail) at Alabare Christian Care Centre, Unit 2, North Station Yard, Wilton Road, Wilton Approved 23rd March 2017
57.17 / To review and note other ongoing matters – see enclosed report:
a. / Play area signs
b. / Old St Mary’s Churchyard - bench
c. / Community asset transfers including the Sheep Fair Field
d. / Actions required for Sports Pavilion
  1. Annual testing for Legionella bacteria

  1. Outside tap

  1. Outside electrical supply

e. / Blocked gutters at Council office
f. / Actions required for Bulbridge
  1. Brickwork

  1. Paving slabs

  1. Resetting of bench

g. / Progress re the Town Trail
h. / Damage to walls of Old St Mary's Church
i. / Draft planning guidance document
j. / Tennis Court refurbishment
k. / Possible replacement of play equipment at Bulbridge play area
58.17 / To consider the removal of the kickwall in Wishford Road play area - see enclosed
59.17 / To confirm the details of the adult gym equipment - see enclosed
60.17 / To consider replacement trees at the Minster St park - see enclosed
61.17 / To receive an update concerning the proposed new cemetery on The Avenue, and to consider the next steps - see enclosed
62.17 / To receive and note monthly reports from the Grounds Maintenance Contractor
63.17 / To receive and note monthly verbal reports from the councillors and Town Clerk on the Cemetery, Old St Mary’s Churchyard, Recreation Grounds and Car Parks:
a. / The Cemetery.
b. / Minster Street
c. / Bulbridge
d. / Castle Meadow/Sports Pavilion
e. / Old St. Mary’s Churchyard
f. / Flouse Hole
g. / Old Wishford Road
h. / The Council Offices
i. / South Street & Market Place car parks
j. / Youth Centre at The Hollows
k. / Public toilets at the Market Place
64.17 / To confirm the date and venue of the next meeting – Tuesday 16th May 2017 at 7.00pm in the Council Chamber
65.17 / To close the meeting.
Councillors are asked to note that in the exercise of their functions, they must take note of the following: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety, and Human Rights.
Any person who may have difficulty with access to the meeting through disability is asked to advise the Clerk (01722 742093) at least 24 hours before the meeting so that every effort may be made to provide access.