Contact NamePosition in Organisation
Full Name of Organisation
Phone Number:Fax number:
Mobile number:
When was your organisation formed?
What is the structure of your organisation? (Community Interest Company, Registered Charity etc.)
Charity or Company number.
Does your organisation have a constitution or set of rules?
If yes, please supply a copy
Briefly describe the aims and objectives of your organisation:
What is the name or working title of your project?
Please describe your project and its objectives.
How will your project benefit the residents of Marsh and/or Micklefield residents and how does it meet one or more of the Marsh andMicklefield Big Local
objectives of:
- Raising Aspirations
- Enhancing Educational Engagement
- Improving Community Cohesion
How many people will directly benefit from your project?
What evidence do you have to show that the project has the support of Marsh and/or Micklefield residents?
How will you actively engage and publicise your project to the local community?
What is the total cost of your project?
How much are you applying for from Marsh and Micklefield Big Local?
Have you applied or are you applying to more than one funder for a grant?
If yes please provide details and list any successful or pending applications.
How will the project be financially sustainable in the long term?
Please provide a full breakdown of the total cost of your project. (Continue on a separate sheet if necessary)
Item or Activity / AmountTOTAL
Are there any other partners involved in the project and what role will they play?
Please supply a plan for the project, describing the main phases or milestones when they will happen and who is responsible for them. Please also include any planning activity that has already taken place.
Tell us how you will monitor, evaluate and record the progress of your project,either at the end of the project or on an ongoing basis?
How did you find out about the Marsh and Micklefield Big Local Community Investment Fund?
By signing the application form you agree to the following:
1) This application form and the other information you have provided will be used for the following purposes:
- To decide whether to award yourorganisation a grant
- To provide copies to other individuals or organisations thatmay assist us in awarding and monitoring grants
- To hold in our database and for statistical purposes and reporting
2) If we offer you a grant you agree that we will publish information about your organisation and the project we have funded, including the amount of grant awarded. This information may appear in our press releases, on websites and/or social media sites, and events etc.
3) If we offer you a grant you may be requested to contribute to publicity activities during the period of the funded project. You will also provide, when requested,case studies, and documentation in the form of images etc. that may be used to publicise the Community Investment Fund and the Marsh and Micklefield Big Local Project generally.
4) If we offer you a grant you agree to ensure the Marsh and Micklefield Big Local logo is clearly placed on anypublicity relating to the project, and that Marsh and Micklefield Big Local’s contribution made explicit in any press releases, interviews and public communications about the project.
5) If we offer you a grant, you agree to evaluate your work and fill in an activity report form that relates to the information on this application. You also agree to
present your progress to the Marsh and Micklefield Big Local Partnership if requested, and/or attend evaluation meetings with us periodically.
I confirm to the best of my knowledge all the information provided in this application form is correct.
Signed: Date:
Please also include any documentation you consider may support your application, for example budget forecasts, statistical information, project plans, charitable objects, company memorandum and articles of association, etc.
Please send this completed form and any supporting information by email to: