Community Health Care Update

On March 2, 2015, with over seventy people from Craik and district present, Premier Brad Wall rose in the Legislative Assembly and said

“Our government all along has committed to continuing health care services for the people of Craik and that includes as follows: a physician four days a week, nurse practitioner five days a week, 24-7 RN, long term care, dietician services, public health nurse, home care, lab and X-ray, and physiotherapy, Mr. Speaker. And not withstanding the difficulty of the budget that presents itself before the people of the province today, we intend to maintain, to continue those resources

Unfortunately Five Hills Health Region is not honouring this commitment by the Premier.

During the month of March, there was only inconsistent physician coverage by a locum. As of April 6, 2015,only limited and sporadic physician services will be provided by a doctor from Davidson. This severe reduction in physician services is directly in contrast to commitments made publicly by the Premier and the Minister of Rural and Remote Health.

At the same time, our nurse practitioner will be leaving April 16. There is no commitment by Five Hills Health Region to immediately provide another nurse practitioner.

The Saving Our Health Care Task Force has written to the Premier and encouraged him to make sure that his commitment is honoured by instructing Five Hills Health Region CEO, Ms Cheryl Craig to immediately restore physician services four days a week to the Craik and District Health Centre and to ensure that nurse practitioner services continue to be available five days a week.

We invite you to add your voice in supporting the Task |Force’s request by contacting the Premier directly at

Room 226 email: Telephone: 306 787 7448

Legislative Building

2405 Legislative Drive

Regina, SK S4S 0B3