Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 14 March, 2012 at the Community Hall, Rydon Road, Kingsteignton at 7:34 p.m.


Chairman: Cllr J Morris

Ex Officio: Councillor K Howard (Mayor), Councillor R Howes (Deputy Mayor)

Councillors: B Austen, R Hunt, K Jones, A Lonsdale, C Meathrel, B Thorne

Admin Assistant: Mrs S Simmons

20/12 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr J Foxwell.

21/12 Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

22/12 Minutes

Cllr Morris signed the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 8 February, 2012 which had been approved at the Full Council Meeting.

23/12 Hearing Loop - Quotes for approval

Unfortunately a last minute decision was taken to defer this agenda item until next meeting, due to further specification requirements being requested by GD Systems, prior to giving their revised quote.

24/12 Community Hall Parking Restrictions – update

Cllr Morris reports that one Rydon School Parent has been spoken to by a member of staff advising him that parking is not permitted, however, he was extremely rude in his reply. PC Lou Barlow has been to see him. Other than that the decision seems to have worked extremely well and hall users are pleased that they are now able to park.

Cllr Morris proposed that no further decisions need to be taken at present. Seconded by, Cllr Howard. All agreed.

25/12 Wild Flower Seeds – Community Hall and Clifford Park

Cllr Morris advised that the ground within the Community Hall was currently being prepared by Mr Turner and Mr Hedges for the sowing of the seeds which have been purchased from Boston Seeds, Lincs. A rotavator has been hired from Jewson Hire. Seeds will be sown next week.

26/12 Jubilee - update

Unfortunately the update has been deferred until next meeting, due to the absence of Cllr Foxwell. However, Cllr Thorne expressed on behalf of the Jubilee Celebrations that volunteers would be required. Cllr Morris advised that she will speak to Cllr Foxwell with regard to this matter.

27/12 Garden & Craft Show - update

Cllr Morris advised that following a meeting on Monday 12 March, 2012 all plans were on schedule. Drafts of the programme/advertisements will be discussed at the next meeting.

28/12 Solar Panels - update

This item had to be deferred until next meeting due to the absence of Cllr Foxwell, who was obtaining further information from his company.

29/12 Garage/Workshop

Cllr Morris asked Cllr Jones if he would be willing to assist with the planning of building/erecting a garage/workshop for Mr Turner, by taking on the role of being Project Manager. Cllr Jones expressed that he is willing to do so.

Cllr Howard advised that DCC Cllr Walters has offered financial support from his 2011/2012 allowance.

Cllr Morris proposed for this project to get underway, seconded by Cllr Howes. All agreed.

30/12 Bills for Payment

·  Dart Fire Protection, Annual check £84.40 + VAT approved

·  Firewatch – Alarm installation £526.85 +VAT approved

31/12 Correspondence for information

v  CCTV - Cllr Morris advised that information had been provided by PCSO Vanessa Pike to report that there had been an incident on Saturday 10 March at night, where officers had attended, but no arrests were made. Other than this, the Fountain area seems to have been relatively quiet since the CCTV camera has been installed.

Meeting closed @ 8:00 pm

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 11 April, 2012

Signed:…………………………………………………………………………… Dated:………………………………………….