CR ID: CR0059
Change Request
for the update of ISO 20022 financial repository items
All change requests conforming to this template that are received prior to the end of a quarter (31 March, 30June, 30 September, 31 December) will be evaluated by the SEG and, if approved, incorporated in the following quarterly publication cycle of the External Code Lists (respectively, by end of May, August, November and February), unless otherwise specified by the SEG.
A. Origin of the request:
A.1 Submitter: EBICS Working group (French and German Experts working together for the
EBICS SCRL (company)).
A.2 Contact person:
Stella Petiot ( ) and
Sabine Wenzel ( )
A.3 Sponsors:
German and French banking communities (ZKA and CFONB)
B. Related External Code List:
C. Description of the change request:
We have defined new reason codes, see enclosed document “New reason Codes to be created for EBICS”.
D. Purpose of the change:
The EBICS company members have decided to use XML ISO20022 messages for the
protocol messages. Some of the needed ISO codes do not exist. The proposal of the above
mentioned paper is the description of all new (needed) ISO Codes to protocol all EBICS actions.
E. Urgency of the request:
The advantage is the migration from the current proprietary (German) customer
acknowledgement to ISO 20022 pain.002 message and the advancement of the pain.002-
acknowledgement/protocol already used in France. The result will be a common and integrative use of this message by all EBICS users.
F. Business examples:
With pain.002 it is possible to display the results of the transmission of files, the validation
of the signatures and information about the content of the file in a structured and integrative
form. The use of pain.002 will be one more step for the unification of EBICS implementations in Europe.
G. Comments from the SEG and disposition of comment by the submitter
This section will be used in case the SEG requires any clarification from the submitter on the
change request
H. SEG recommendation:
This section will be completed in due time by the SEG in charge of the related External Code List.
Accept / Timing- Next possible quarterly release
- Other timing:
RejectReason for rejection:
Attachment: New ISO codes to be created in the external codes list by Pay SEG
Status January 4th, 2011
The EBICS company members have decided to use XML ISO20022 messages for the protocol messages. Some of the needed ISO codes do not exist. The proposal of this paper is to describe the new ISO Codes to be created for the purpose of protocolling all EBICS actions
(in EBICS “Result of action”)
code [(] / ISO Name / Definition /
TS01 / TransmissionSuccessful / The (technical) transmission of the file was successful
TA01 / TransmissonAborted / The transmission of the file was not successful – it had to be aborted (technical reasons)
TD01 / NoDataAvailable / There is no data available (for download)
ID01 / CorrespondingOriginalFileStillNotSent / Signature file was sent to the bank but the corresponding original file has still not been sent
DS0A / DataSignRequested / Data signature is required.
In EBICS this means that the Electronic Signature(s) still not have been sent to the bank server or there is an insufficient number of signatures
DS01 / ElectronicSignaturesCorrect / The Electronic signature(s) are correct
DS0B / UnknownDataSignFormat / Data signature for the format is not available or invalid.
In EBICS this means that the Electronic signature(s) are incorrect (also wrong structure or size of signatures)
DS02 / OrderCancelled / An authorized user has cancelled the order
DS03 / OrderNotCancelled / The user’s attempt to cancel the order was not successful
DS04 / OrderRejected / The order was rejected by the bank side
(reasons concerning content)
DS05 / OrderForwardedForPostprocessing / The order was correct and could be forwarded for postprocessing
DS06 / TransferOrder / The order was transferred to VEU
DS07 / ProcessingOK / All actions concerning the order could be done by the EBICS bank server
DS08 / DecompressionError / The decompression of the file was not successful
TD01 / FileNonReadable / The file cannot be read (e.g. unknown format)
DS09 / DecryptionError / The decryption of the file was not successful
TD03 / IncorrectFileStructure / The file format is incomplete or invalid
DS10 / WaitingTimeExpired / Waiting time expired due to incomplete order
DS11 / OrderFileDeleted / The order file was deleted by the bank server (multiple reasons)
TS03 / DisplayFileOK / The file display was successful
TS04 / TransferToSignByHand / The order was transferred to pass by accompanying note signed by hand
DS12 / UserSignedMultipleTimes / The same user has signed multiple times
AM21 / LimitExceeded / Transaction amount exceeds limits agreed between bank and client
DS0G / NotAllowedPayment / Signer is not allowed to sign this operation type
In EBICS this means that the user has no authorisation rights
DS0E / IncorrectSignerCertificate / The signer certificate is not present.
In EBICS this means that the public key does not exist or certificate is not present
DS13 / UserNotYetActivated / The user is not yet activated (technically)
DS0C / SignerCertificateRevoked / The signer certificate is revoked
In EBICS this also means that the user is locked
DS14 / UserDoesNotExist / The user is unknown on the server
DS15 / IdenticalSignatureFound / The same signature has already been sent to the bank
DS16 / PublicKeyVersionIncorrect / The public key version is not correct. This report is protocolled when a customer sends signature files to the financial institution after conversion from an older program version (old ES format) to a new program version (new ES format) without having carried out re-initialisation with regard to a public key change.
DS0D / SignerCertificateNotValid / The signer certificate is not valid (revoked or not active). In EBICS this means that the Public key not yet activated or certificate is not valid
DS0H / NotAllowedAccount / Signer is not allowed to sign for this account
DS17 / DifferentOrderDataInSignatures / Order data and signatures don’t match
DS18 / RepeatOrder / File cannot be tested, the complete order has to be repeated. This report is displayed in the event of a malfunction during the signature check, e.g. not enough storage space.
DS19 / ElectronicSignatureRightsInsufficient / The user’s rights (concerning his signature) are insufficient to execute the order
CR0059_EBICS_ExternalStatusReason_v1 Produced by EBICS on 10 Jan 11 Page 2
[(]* already existing ISO codes which can be used in EBICS (black colour) or new requested codes (red colour)