Community Grants 2017/18 – Final Report

This Final Report is due within 30 days of project completion and before30 June 2018.

1. Project Details.
Group Name:
Project No.:
Project Title:
2. Project Objectives. What were the original aims or intentions of the project? Refer to your project application.
3. Methods. What methods or processes did the group use to achieve the projects aims?


4. Results (for this grant funding only).
In the section below:-a. Describe in detail the major results of the project, include specifics of work undertaken e.g. controlled weeds species; b.All on-ground activities require mapping. You will need to create an electronic map. c.If a project officer was supported using funds from the PPWCMA Community Grants, then supply their name(s); d. Attachmentse.Select the most appropriate output(s) from the Output list below and enter the quantity achieved
4a.Description:Additional information can be attached if you run out of room.
4b. Map/Spatial Data:
You must provide a map of your project location identifying all activities. There are several ways to do this of varying complexity. In order of preference by the PPWCMA, these are:
  1. Submitting electronically in a spatial format such as to the PPWCMA
  • .kml or .kmz files (Google Earth)
  • ESRI shape files (ArcMap, DELWP Mapshare)
  • Map Info, QGIS or other formats
  1. An annotated aerial photo with drawings showing the location and type of works submitted to the PPWCMA
Detailed information on spatial data requirements can be found at
Have you supplied the map of your projects works? YESNO
4c. Name of officer employed (if relevant):
4d. Attachments:
Please attach/submit all photos or materials produced that show the outcomes of activities funded via this project (eg. Revegetation sites, fencing, field days, promotional material, management plans etc).


4e. Project outputs

What are the outputs your project achieved? Only complete outputs relevant to your project’s delivery.
Outputs / Measure / Qty
Fence / Km
Vegetation (tick)
[ ] Native Indigenous modify (top-up revegetation, i.e. additional plantings in remnant native vegetation)
[ ] Native indigenous establish (new planting of native indigenous plants in a non-vegetated area e.g. paddock shelterbelt) / Ha
Total No. Plants
No. Plants >2m tall
Pest animal control - Rabbit / Ha
No. sites
Pest animal control – Fox / Ha
No. sites
Pest animal control – Other (describe): / Ha
No. sites
Weed control - Please specify species name: / Ha
No. sites
Plan - Community driven plan/ Action plan / No plans
Engagement event - Awareness raising activity/event (describe): / No. events
No. attendees
Engagement event – Training and Capacity activity/event (describe): / No. events
No. attendees
Agricultural Best Land Management Practice Change (describe): / Ha
Management agreement (tick)
[ ] Non-perpetual: Lapse at the end of a fixed term or when the land changes ownership. (e.g. land management agreement)
[ ] Perpetual: An agreement is binding on future landowners as well as the current landowner. (e.g. Covenant) / Ha
Other (For example project signage, monitoring using photo points) describe: / Measure / Qty


5. Expenditure summary. Additional information can be attached if you run out of room.
All receipts/invoices and/or other payment documentation must be includedand itemised to validate expenditure.
(As per your approved project submission) / Components / Unit and unit price / Quantity / Total Cost for activity / PPWCMA Grant funding expended / Other Cash Contribution (source and amount) / In-kind contribution
Revegetation / Site preparation by contractor ripping / $55/Hour / 100 hours / $5,500 / $3,000 / Local Government Grant - $2,500 / 0
Revegetation / Plants, guards and stakes. Planting by Volunteers 10 people x 10 hours @$30/hr. / $5/set / 500 sets / $2,500 / $2,500 / $0 / $3,000
Total Expenditure
Total PPWCMA Funds approved
Balance PPWCMA Funds remaining
Unspent CMA funds: If there are any unspent funds associated with this project, on what aspects of the project will they be spent and when? The PPWCMA will have discretion on use of any unspent funds and this may result in a variation to the project.


6. Conclusions: Has the project been successful in meeting its objectives? What lessons have been learnt? What ongoing works are required?
7. Contact details for person completing the report:
8. Signatures of Office Bearers / Delegated Authority:
Signed: / Dated:
Name: / Position held: / Treasurer
Signed: / Dated:
Name: / Position held: / President

Return the Final Report to:

PPWCMA Community Grants

C/- Port Phillip & Westernport CMA

Level 1, Landmark Corporate Centre

454-472 Nepean Highway, Frankston, VIC 3199


To avoid having to resubmit your reporting please ensure all sections of the Final Reporthave been completed.

Have you completed all sections of the report?
Have you submitted/attached your map of works?
Have you submitted/attached all project material?
Does your budget balance?
Have you included copies of all receipts/invoices and an itemised summary?
Are the contact details correct?
Has the report been signed by the appropriate delegated representatives?
