SDG & Cornwall Community Garden Network

Community Garden and Special Event Grant

Application Form

Apply for financial support to help our community grow!

EligibleProjects Include:

-Community garden planning, development and maintenance,

-Garden supplies and tools (seeds, seedlings, tools, soil, and larger infrastructure like sheds, fencing, and water taps),

-Community gardening parties andevents,

-Workshops or education initiatives related to gardening, and

-Project, event and or garden promotion.

Note: Eligibility can be applied to new or existing gardens, events, and other initiatives. You may also apply to cover outstanding costs from past projects that occurred between March 1, 2017 and September 30, 2017. Proof of the initiative’s final cost and itemized accounting report should be included with the application.

IMPORTANT: Only applications for garden initiatives located within the City of Cornwall, the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry, and/or Akwesasne will be considered.

Successful applications will be awarded on an ongoing basis until February 2018, and paid out by cheque from the Social Development Council of Cornwall and Area. There is no limit to the number of applications submitted for consideration.This funding has been made possible through an Ontario Trillium Foundation Seed Grant. For more information contact Kat Rendek at or (613) 935-4017.

Total Funding Request: ______

(Max $200 per application)

Applicant Information

Full Name
Name of Organization (if applicable)
Mailing Address
Website (if applicable)

Project Information

Project Title
Project Location
Staff and or Volunteers Involved

Program Purpose

Briefly describe the purpose and goal of your planned project (250 words max.).

Project Budget and Funding Request

Total Budget Costs / Community Garden Network Contribution
Plants, Soil, Seeds, etc.
Planting Supplies and Tools
Garden Maintenance
Education - Workshops
Communication - Promotion

If you are receiving additional financial or in-kind contribution for your project please explain:

Community Involvement

  • How do you plan to share and promote your initiative across the community?
  • Who will be responsible for maintain the garden?
  • Who will have access to your garden? Who is the intended audience? How will it bring people together?
  • Does this garden initiative serve an educational component? Explain.
  • Is this an expansion of a previous community food project? Explain.
  • How does your initiative raise awareness of local, healthy, and fresh food?

Using the points above as inspiration, briefly describe the role of the community will play in your garden project, initiative and or event. (250 words max.)

Name of Signing Authority: ______(please print)

Signature: ______

Date: ______

Please submit your application electronically to or mail to:

Community Garden Network

c/o SDC of Cornwall and Area

26 Montreal Road

Cornwall, ON K6H 1B1