COURSE NAME: / Plant Science in Agriculture.
INSTRUCTOR: / Jim Wilson
OFFICE and PHONE: / Evergreen A38, 732-6403
TIME: / M. W. F 9 a.m. to 9:50 a.m. campus,
LAB: / Wednesday 2 - 4 p.m.
TEXT: / Plant Science, Parker. Notes and PlantCD
(see classweb explanation) and on the PlantCD.
COURSE OUTCOMES: / All students should gain an appreciation for plants and their role in human existence by understanding plant processes, morphology, and physiology.
Students will demonstrate knowledge of agri-plants by completing objective tests and labs with a 70% accuracy.
REQUIREMENTS: / Do all required reading, assignments on Blackboard; take appropriate notes from lecture and all tests and quizzes. It is your responsibility to log on to Blackboard and keep up with the calendar, all requirements and assignments. All students are to complete a team (two person) cyber-collection of plants from the world wide web. These will be given towards the last of the class. Students not ready will be given a score of 0. This is not a hard assignment but takes time to complete. ALL STUDENTS ARE TO TREAT THEIR FELLOW STUDENTS WITH RESPECT AT ALL TIMES.
EXAMS, QUIZZES and GRADING: / One short Exam after Nutrition – 50 points
Each hour exam = 100 points (3 @ 100 = 300 points possible)
Each Quiz = 30 points (10 @ 30 = 300 points possible)
Cyber-collection = 150 points
Final Exam = 200 points
Exams = 350
Quizzes = 300
Cyber-collection = 150
Final = 200
All tests and quizzes are given through “Blackboard”. Each is timed with a set amount of time (10 min. for Quizzes, 1 hr. for exams). There is sufficient time to take quizzes without using notes or the book, if you go over on time you will be assessed 1 pt. Per 5 seconds over after the first 30 sec. Study for each and you will not exceed the time given.
Quizzes are NOT open book open note. (You can not use your neighbor or another student, anyone not doing their own work will be asked to drop the class or failed) Quizzes will be made available on Wed. morning and unavailable Thursday morning. If you did not take it, score counts a 0 “you just missed the quiz”. Any missing grade will be counted as a 0, NO makeup’s on tests or quizzes. Students that are gone during the time for the quiz will miss the quiz, there will be approx. 12 quizzes of which only the top 10 will count. You can log on from anywhere there is internet connection and take the quiz. Students that have an earned A or B can opt not to take the final. All others will take the final.
BLACKBOARD / To log in to Blackboard, open your browser and type “” in the address line of the browser or go to and follow the links to Blackboard. The startup page for Blackboard will come up. Create an account for yourself and place yourself in “Plant Science” and then email me with the subject Plant Science Class.
The PlantCD has been in development for several years and is generated with the student in mind. Now missed notes can be viewed from any PC that uses Windows 95 or better. Not all things talked about in class are on this CD; however, all required notes are. Do not think you can just use this CD and not come to class. All college requirements and stipulations on attendance will be inforced


/ Cheating, Plagiarism will not be tolerated; Collaboration on assigned projects only, all others will not be tolerated. Discovery of a student’s intent to be dishonest will result in a request for that student’s withdrawal from the class or could result in the failure of the student. It’s just wrong so don’t do it!
ATTENDANCE: / It is important for me that everyone attends class. Check the college requirements and policy on attendance. They will be followed. A student missing class without a valid reason will be dropped. Valid reasons are sickness and family emergencies and others that may be discussed with the instructor before the event (not after). A grade of F will be recorded on students that fail to show up for class and don't drop the class. Continual tardiness will result in the student being dropped from the class.

Major Course Objectives by Lecture Topic


Students shall be able to:

1.  Identify the truly American Crops and give country/region of origin.

2.  Describe two (2) events of mass migration caused by agricultural catastrophes.

3.  List three (3) effects of agricultural revolutions to modern society.

4.  Name the scientific studies involved with plants.

5.  Describe the importance of plants to man and the food web.

6.  Draw a food chain/web.

Nutrition and Plants

Students shall be able to:

1.  Classify carbohydrates into their proper categories by name.

2.  Explain the concept of a complex carbohydrate and give examples of them.

3.  Classify the vitamins into water or fat-soluble and give one good source of each.

4.  Write the essential amino acids and describe why they are classed as essential.

5.  Describe the importance of plants to man’s diet.

6.  Explain saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.

Plant Morphology

Student shall be able to:

1.  Identify Plant parts as described, drawn or randomly identified on a live plant.

2.  Describe the main differences between monocots and dicots.

3.  Explain the functions of each major plant part.

4.  Discuss and use the system to classify plants.

5.  Compare and contrast the reproductive systems of plants, including a comparison with animals.

6.  List and describe the parts of flowers, inflorescence and fruits.

Plant Anatomy

Student shall be able to:

1.  Identify and list the parts of a plant cell.

2.  Describe the key functions of cells and tissues.

3.  Discuss the primary tissue types found in a plant.

4.  Explain the functions of each plant tissue.

5.  Discuss the three tissue systems of plants and list their functions.

6.  Compare and contrast cellular division for sex and division growth.

7.  Describe the differences in anatomy of stems, leaves and roots.

Plant Growth and Development,

Student shall be able to:

1.  List the stages of plant growth and development.

2.  Explain the chemical process of photosynthesis and write the photosynthetic equation showing where each component involved starts and ends up.

3.  List the phytohormones and explain their functions.

4.  Discuss the factors that affect photosynthesis.

5.  Compare and contrast the respiration to photosynthesis.

6.  Define and explain tissue differentiation.

7.  Identify environmental conditions that effect phytohormonal responses.

Plant reproduction and genetics.

Student shall be able to:

1.  List the stages of meiosis and briefly describe each stage.

2.  Compare and contrast meiosis and mitosis.

3.  Define all terms given in this section.

4.  Discuss segregation and recombination of gene pairs.

5.  Discuss the nature of DNA and protein synthesis.

6.  Use the Punnett Square to solve genetic problems.

7.  Define and hybridization and discuss the role of biotechnology in hybridization.

Plant Needs

Student shall be able to:

1.  Describe light and explain how light is used in photosynthesis.

2.  Give the following about water: Specific heat, properties of water, and forms of water.

3.  Explain how water is used in plants.

3.  Discuss the soil systems and how they relate to plant needs.

4.  List the 16 elements needed for plant growth and give a small description of the macro elements.

5.  List the soil components.

Assessment of these objectives will be by quizzes, written exams, and lab practicals.

1 - 2 / Introduction, Uses of Plants, Nutrition
Test (Blackboard) / 2,
3-6 / Plant Morphology / 3
Test (Blackboard)
6-8 / Plant Anatomy / 1, 4
8-10 / Growth and Development
Chemistry of Plants / 4, 13, 14
11, 12
Test (Blackboard)
10 - 12 / Genetics and Reproduction
Genetic Engineering / 15, 16
12 - 15 / Light, Temperature, Water
Soil / 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Test (Blackboard)
15 -16 / Catch up


This is an approximation of intended times for the subject matter. Actual times may vary.

Lab Syllabus
Lab Schedule
COURSE NAME: / Plant Science in Agriculture Lab
INSTRUCTOR: / Jim Wilson
OFFICE and PHONE: / Evergreen A38, 732-6403
MAJOR COURSE OBJECTIVE: / All students should gain an appreciation for plants and their role in human existence by understanding plant processes, morphology, and physiology.
REQUIREMENTS: / Do all required reading, assignments take appropriate notes and all tests and quizzes. All students are to complete a cyber-collection of plants from the world wide web. ALL STUDENTS ARE TO TREAT THEIR FELLOW STUDENTS WITH RESPECT AT ALL TIMES. Lab is a required part of this class. Two missed labs will result in removal from the lab class.
EXAMS, QUIZZES and GRADING: / Labs = 20 points (5 @ 20 =100 points possible)
Lab Practicum = 20 points (2 @ 20 = 40 points possible)
Lab scores are not reflected in the class grade.
You cannot use your neighbor or another student, anyone not doing their own work will be asked to drop the class or failed. If you miss 2 labs you will be dropped. Any missing grade will be counted as a 0, NO make-ups. There is no written final.
Labs are team events. An individual lab sheet will be turned in for each lab (graded or not). Members of the lab team are responsible for the whole team. One member not actively participating means a low score on the lab for all members. (Subjective)


/ Cheating, Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Discovery of a student’s intent to be dishonest will result in a request for that student’s withdrawal from the class or could result in the failure of the student.
ATTENDANCE: / It is important for me that everyone attends class. Check the college requirements and policy on attendance. They will be followed. A grade of F will be recorded on students that fail to show up for class and don't drop the class. Continual tardiness will result in the student being dropped from the class.
FINAL EXAM: / Check the schedule for final exams.
TEXT: / Notes.


1. Plant Collection, Wetland Tour

2. Plant Identification, pressing and plant sample mounting.- Weed samples,

3. Internet Sources for Plant Pictures/Agriculture, Bean planting

4. Food Quality

5. Flower / Fruit Dissection, Identification of fruit types

6. Transpiration

7. Tissue Culture/Micropropagation

8. Diffusion and Osmosis

9. Plant Pigments / Photosynthesis

10. Cell Respiration

11. Seed Germination

12. Genetics and chromosome simulation

13. DNA Extraction

14. Electrophoresis and Biotechnology

Approval of Class Syllabus and rules.

I, ______have read the syllabus and agree to abide by such. I also realize things happen, that can’t be addressed by the syllabus, (ie. Sickness, etc.) it is these times I will try my best to inform the instructor of any problem. The instructor will inform the students of any changes to the class schedule or lab schedule as needed. I am also aware that the PlantCD in my possession has to be returned in good shape before any ADD/DROP slips will be signed and that NO GRADE will be recorded until it is returned in good shape.



______CD Number

Cyber Collection of Plants


1.  Learn about the resources on the World Wide Web

2.  Prepare a presentation on the plants collected by using software like Power Point or HTML files with links to picture sites.

3.  Learn the plant families and scientific names of plants.


1.  All collections are to have 75 pictures of different plants.

2.  Each picture/slide shall include: the Scientific name, Common name, Family name, collection site, short description (characteristics, growth habit) of the plant.

3.  Each collection shall have representatives of 25 plant families or tribes except when a collection is done on a specific family.

4.  Scientific name is to be placed before the description and be in Italics with the genus capitalized.

5.  The last entry should contain a reference to the site or any other information on where the plant was found.

6.  Each collection will be presented to the general class and be based on one of the following themes:

a.  Range Plants of the Intermountain region.

b.  Toxic or Poisonous Plants.

c.  Weeds of Idaho (Noxious and common).

d.  Crop Plants.

e.  Trees.

f.  Herbaceous Ornamentals

g.  Woody Ornamentals.

h.  Grasses / Grass like plants (Grasses shall be for tribes not families).

i.  Endangered Plants.

j.  Wetland Plants.

k.  Forage plants.

l.  Plant families (you choose)

No two presentations will be on the same theme. Sign up for your theme for your team.

Due Date: Fall 2002 – November 29, 2002

Spring 2003 – April 25, 2003

On the due date random names will be drawn for presentation. If collection is not done when called a score of 0 will be entered for the presentation.