National Committee Meeting (NCM)

Preliminary Agenda

Saturday, May 5th, 2018


In accordance with the Article of Incorporation of SKÅL International USA, the President of SKÅLInternational U.S.A., Burcin Turkkan invites the Representatives ofSKÅL International USA to attend the National Committee Meeting (NCM) on Saturday, May 5th, 2018 at 11.00 am.

  1. Call Meeting to Order by President Burcin Turkkan
  • Welcome to Delegates and Guests
  1. Roll Call of the Clubs – Vice President Administration – Lisa Conway
  • Determination of Quorum
  1. Approval of “Consent Agenda” of Executive Committee Reports – President Burcin Turkkan
  • Presidents Report – Burcin Turkkan
  • 2017 End of Year Skål USA Finance Report – Alton Hagen
  • 1stQuarter 2018 Skål USA Finance Report – Alton Hagen
  • Administration & Industry Relations – Lisa Conway
  • Membership and Membership Retention Committee – Dave Ryan
  • Membership & Social Media Committee – Jim Dwyer
  • Membership & YS Committee – Richard Scinta
  • Public Relations & Communications & Advocacy Committee – Steve Richer
  • ISC Report, ISC Meeting Minutes, FVF Update & Industry Relations -Holly Powers
  1. Vice President Finance Report – Alton Hagen
  • Proposed Budget for 2019
  • Skål USA-ABA Management Agreement Renewal
  • Funding New Clubs
  1. ISC – Holly Powers
  • Review of recent ISC meeting in Germany
  1. Power of Social Media / Tools & Ideas – Jim Dwyer& Tom Moulton
  2. Advocacy Committee Focus Items – Steve Richer
  1. Sponsorship/ Advertisement Committee – SKÅLUSA B2B Event – Andres Hayes
  2. Presentation of “Bill Sweet Member of DistinctionAward”– President Burcin Turkkan
  1. Presentation of SKÅLUSA Recognition Awards – President Burcin Turkkan
  1. Other Business – President Burcin Turkkan
  • NCM Webinar September 14, 2018, 3PM EST
  • World Congress Mombasa, Kenya October 17 – 21, 2018

Workshop / Discussion


Moderator: Alton Hagen

SKÅLUSA EC will call to order a Workshop / Forum and explain ground rules and time limits.

Subjects introduced by Membership Committee: Dave Ryan, VP Membership, and Directors Jim Dwyer,Richard Scinta and Steve Richer

  • Membership retention
  • Membership growth
  • Relevance of SKÅLUSA