Community Connectivity Consortium

General Meeting

December 1, 2011 Bellevue City Hall

In Attendance: Brenda Cooper, City of Kirkland; Pam Stewart, University of Washington; Chelo Picardal, City of Bellevue; Stosh Morency, Renton School District; Lorrie Rempher, City of Auburn; Mehdi Sadri, City of Renton; Kris Henry-Simmons, Andy Stankovics and Vicki Wills, City of Seattle; Thomas Fichtner, City of Federal Way; Lora Ueland, ValleyCom and George McBride, GM2 Systems

Minutes from the November 3 meeting were approved. Andy pointed out that a correction needed to be made regarding ACAD in the Mapping Project section. Those files cannot be imported directly into OSPI. Brenda will send out the corrected minutes.

Brenda reviewed the work that’s been done over the last 6 months:

  • The Board has created the ILA andBylaws so that the consortium is now a formal public non-profit agency.
  • Copies of the charter were handed out with the signatures that have been received.
  • There is lots of work being done regarding the UASI grants.
  • Some progress has been made regarding fiber mapping.
  • Drafted a work plan for 2012.

Brenda gave an overview of the new website for the public. The web address is: The site is new and content will continue to be added.

There is a new logo and a Members Only link will be added.

George navigated the member Sharepoint site. The web address is: If anyone does not currently have access, please let George know. The site was started several years ago and is a repository for documents like grant information, FOPAs, governance and BTOP. There are folders that are for final and working documents that are available for all members to see. If you see that any of your contact information is missing, please update it.

George passed out the minutes from the 11/16 Operations Board meeting to keep the members apprised of what they are working on.

ILA signing- There are several cities that still need to sign. Brenda has been in touch with Evergreen. George has followed up with Kent and Puyallup. Lorries stated that Algona is going to wait. Thomas said that Federal Way was waiting until they could actually connect. George said that there are some upcoming opportunities to have that happen. Mercer Island is a maybe.

The Bylaws were approved.

UASI- George reviewed the 2 current projects.

  • 2009 grant for $423K- FOPA 37 was signed along with a MOU from Newcastle. All fiber is in place from I-90 to Renton City Hall. Termination work is still needs to be done in Newcastle City Hall. The fiber needs to be labeled. Work should be completed in December then testing will start. Newcastle will join the CCC once the new membership process is in place.
  • 2010 grant for $678K could break down in to 3-4 parts.
  • King County removed all resources from the server room at the Emergency Management facility in Renton and moved them to Sabey.
  • There is discussion to reduce the fiber count from 144 to 48: 12 Issaquah, 12 Sabey and 24 spares. The cost would be less. The Operations Board feels that 144 should still be pulled. The FOPA will be written by KC using the CCC template. A MOU can be done with KC until they become members.

George and Brenda had a meeting with Tukwila and it went very well. There is a commercial provider that wants to partner with the CCC on a project to help get through the valley without using federal funds. They want interduct put in. George will be meeting with Bill Schrier regarding an SDOT project.

George had a meeting with the state about the federal funds and they were surprised that CCC had chosen not to apply for a 2012 grant. CCC needs to work on continuing to build relationships with Seattle and KC.

There’s a possibility of a partnership with Rapid Ride using their F line. It covers Burien, Des Moines, SeaTac and Tukwila. George would like to get down to SCORE and maybe Federal Way and Auburn as well. We would be willing to trade fiber. Brenda stated she will approach Sound Transit.

Mapping Project- Andy reviewed the data requirements.

  • All data needs to be sent to Seattle with each organization’s GIS contact information so he can contact them directly.
  • Information should cover all fiber whether leased or owned.
  • Send via hard copy (include reference points, major intersections, etc.), pdf, bitmap, ACAD (dwg/dxf) or shape file. Make sure data can be lined up.
  • Need to determine what coordinate system each organization uses.
  • GIS staff should be invited to attend future meeting.

Data Requirements: Regional All Fiber- should include fiber used for exclusive government use and INET (Brenda will request a map from KC). At a later time, a more detailed mapping project for the Consortium fiber will be done. Requirements for the data are still being developed.

  1. Routes
  2. Cable
  3. Size
  4. Number of Strands
  5. Owner(s)
  6. Type: leased vs. owned
  7. Funding Source: Franchise, UASI, other jurisdiction
  8. Termination Points
  9. Buildings
  10. Address and zip

The Slate of Officers was approved as follows:

Core Seats: Chelo Picardal, CTO, City of Bellevue, Brenda Cooper, CIO, City of Kirkland, John Vaille, Asst. Superintendent/CIO, LWSD, and Pamela Stewart, Executive Director, IT, UW

At-Large Seats (with term limit):

Lorrie Rempher, IT Director, City of Auburn, 3 years

Andy Stankovics, City of Seattle, 3 years

Medhi Sadri, IT Director, 2 years

Stanley (Stosh) Morency, Director of MIS, Renton Schools, 2 years

Lora Ueland, Valley Communications Center, 1 year

The proposed Executive Board’s Work Planfor 2012 was reviewed along with the member overseeing the task.

  1. Complete a process that allows new members to join- Brenda
  2. Develop any financial policies and practices needed to supplement Bellevue's role as our fiscal agent- Chelo
  3. Produce a budget recommendation for the 2013/2014 biennial budget- George
  4. Assist Seattle in assembling a regional fiber map during 2012- Brenda
  5. Choose and set consortium mapping standards and approve a technical approach that will both yield a consortium-wide fiber map and meet individual member's needs- Seattle
  6. Improve our fiber maintenance- Chelo/George
  7. Meet our UASI grant requirements- Bellevue
  8. Begin work on a five-year strategic plan which will be delivered to the general membership at the May 2013 meeting- ?

There was discussion about the budget. There is no formal budget for 2012 and there will be some expenses. The Board can take action to approve on a case by case basis. A determination needs to be made as to how to record the 2012 expenses. Chelo suggested coming up with a budget and billing members to help cover the cost. She’ll check with the Finance department on how this would work.

It was suggested that there be a survey sent to members before the February meeting regarding the strategic plan. Mehdi and Stosh will work on putting it together.

The work plan was approved.

Pamela stated that UW is doing a fiber audit. The face some off campus communications challenges and are trying to get a handle on who is using it. There is a new tool to map layers that the vendor is using. She’ll ask the vendor to come in and do a demo for the February 2nd meeting.

Project Terms and Conditions discussion is tabled until the February meeting. The focus will be on the highlighted areas in the document.

The new Board was approved as follows:

Chair: Brenda Cooper

Vice Chair: Stosh Morency

Secretary: Lora Ueland

George discussed the joining agreement. Per Oskar Rey, new members do not need to sign the new ILA, only the existing members do. The final version needs to be revised and then it will be resent to everyone. Federal Way does need to sign the new ILA.

Meeting adjourned at 3:30