Plans are underway to identify a replacement for Pastor Eric. The Council is in the process of gathering information that will lead to developing a job description. They will then select a search team who will take the gathered information and begin the process that, with prayer will lead us to the right person for the position.
The Deacons and Council met recently to analyze our church. Page 2 is a summary of the replies each of them had given independently when asked the following question. What do you consider to be the greatest strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats concerning our church? The copy of that summary attached shows the most frequently listed items in each category. This was done as a first step in a planning process to be undertaken by leadership. This was in process before Pastor Eric made his announcement.
Please review this summary information and then based upon these finding and upon your own familiarity with our church, answer the questions on the attached form (page 3). Your responses will be summarized in the same way as the exercise already completed by the Council and that summary provided to the membership and to the search committee.
Return your form to the church office before June 21.
- Friendly, loving, dedicated people/volunteers
- Stephen ministry
- Alternative services
- Solid, Biblical teaching
- Semi-Retired Treasures Thrift Store (SRT)
- Facilities (with equity) for church, SRT and community use
- Great internet exposure
- Lack of communication
- Hospitality at second (C3) service
- Financial constraints, no requests for donations, many giving little
- Inadequate pastoral staff (quantity)
- Lack of sufficient volunteers to serve
- Resistance to needed change
- Large mortgage
- SWFL is growing fast-harvest is plentiful/must engage guests with follow-up
- Offer another service, e.g. Wed. night
- Minister to participants in new addiction program
- Using our facilities to the fullest, community worship center
- Develop SRT to its full potential
- Development of residence building next door
- Doing more to help the needy in our community and congregation
- Aging congregation in traditional service
- Mortgage
- Focus on wrong things-put money into things but not people
- Cash flow
- Lack of sufficient mission support
- Building maintenance and repair of older structure
- Burn out of volunteers/need more people to serve
- Your Gender: ______a). Male ______b). Female
- Your Age: _____ under 29 _____ 50-59
_____ 30-39 _____ 60-69
_____ 40-49 _____ 70 +
- What is your desired age range for the pastor? (I.e. 30-35, 50+, etc.)
- What is the minimum acceptable level of education you expect the pastor to have obtained? _____ a). High School graduate only.
_____ b). Attended seminary, divinity school, or Bible College.
_____ c). Graduate of seminary, divinity school or Bible College.
_____ d). Master’s degree from seminary / divinity school.
_____ e). Doctorate degree from seminary / divinity school.
_____ f). Formal educational degree unimportant.
- How many years of prior Pastoral or Professional Ministry experience required?
_____ a). No prior experience necessary.
_____ b). Less than 5 years prior pastoral experience.
_____ c). More than 5 years prior pastoral experience.
_____ d). More than 10 years prior pastoral experience.
- Please describe below up to seven the most important issues you believe must be addressed by our new lead pastor.
Signed (optional): ______