Community College of Rhode IslandNew Media Communication Certificate leading to
Associate of Arts in GENERAL STUDIES / Bryant University
Bachelor of Arts
Course No. / Course Title / Cr. / Course No. / Course Title / Cr.
COMM 1000 / Foundations of Video & Audio Prod / 4 / COM 2XX / Communication Elective / 3
COMM 1050 / Mass Media Foundation / 3 / COM 272 / Mass Communication / 3
Select one Track
Media Production Track
COMM 2100 / Studio Production / 3 / COM 242 / Basic Studio Production / 3
COMM 2200 / Field Production / 3 / COM 243 / Basic Field Production and Editing / 3
COMM 2300 / Video and Media Editing / 3 / LA Elective / Liberal Arts Elective / 3
Media Post- Production Track
COMM 2300 / Video and Media Editing / 3 / LA Elective / Liberal Arts Elective / 3
COMM 2350 / Motion Graphics for Media Communication / 3 / LA Elective / Liberal Arts Elective / 3
COMM 2400 / Media Production & Distribution / 3 / LA Elective / Liberal Arts Elective / 3
Media Studies Track
COMM 2050 / Media and Broadcast History / 3 / HIS 2XX / Humanities Survey / 3
ENGL 1210 / Introduction to Film / 3 / LCS 2XX / Humanities Survey / 3
ENGL 2210 / Special Topics in Film / 3 / LCS 2XX / Liberal Arts Elective / 3
Media Communication Track
COMM 1100 / Oral Communication I / 3 / COM 202 / Public Speaking / 3
COMM 1400 / Social Media Communication / 3 / LA Elective / Liberal Arts Elective / 3
COMM 2000 / Media Writing / 3 / LA Elective / Liberal Arts Elective / 3
GENS Degree Req.
ENGL 1010 / Composition I / 3 / WRIT 106 / Writing Workshop / 3
Literature Elec. / ENGL 1200 Introduction to Lit / 3 / LCS 121 / Introduction to Literary Studies / 3
Choose 2 Nat. Sci. / ASTR, BIOL, CHEM, GEOL, OCEN, PHYS / 8 / Scientific Mode of Thought / 7
Choose 2 Soc. Sci / Any PSYC, SOCS, or POLS / 6 / Social Science Mode of Thought / 6
HIST Elec. Choose / HIST 1010, 1020, 1210, 1220, 2010, 2015, 2020, 2035, 2241, 2245, 2250, 2260, 2330 / 3 / Global Found. of Character & Lead. / History 2XX / 3
MATH 1670 (and) / Quantitative Business Analysis I (and) / 3 / MATH / Math Elective / 3
MATH 1680 / Quantitative Business Analysis II / 3 / MATH 110 / Mathematical Analysis / 3
MATH 1475 MATH 1550 / Stats for the Social Sciences** or Statistics / 3 / MATH 201 / Statistics I / 3
ECON 2040 / Macroeconomics / 3 / ECO 114 / Macroeconomic Principles / 3
ECON 2030 / Microeconomics / 3 / ECO 113 / Microeconomic Principles / 3
BUSN 1010 / Introduction to Business / 3 / GFOB 100 / Global Foundations of Org. & Bus / 3
COMI 1100 / Introduction to Computers / 3 / CIS 201 / Intro to Inform Tech and Analytics / 3
BUSN 2060 / Principles of Marketing / 3 / MKT 201 / Foundations of Marketing Management / 3
Total Credits / 63 / Total Credits / 61
**MATH 1475 meets our MATH 201 requirement for Communication majors only.
The $50 application fee is waived if student completes the course requirements outlined above and enrolls as a fulltime student at Bryant.
For additional information please see an advisor in the Office of Advising & Counseling – or contact:
Brenda Doran, Director Transfer Admission, Bryant University –
Date: Spring 2016