Community Action Council Minutes
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 12:00 noon. Those in attendance: Fred Bunn, Dawn Lewis, Jane McClure, Jeanne Glowicki, Lauren Ditmar, Ella Ludwig, Joe Bolea, Kyler Byker, MJ Dimitriou, Anthony Morey, Diana Schad, Jennifer Yarger, Kim Rossi, Dee McGraw, Christy Buck, Will Thoms, Susan Hoffman, Peter Stuursma
- Welcome & Introductions
Kim Rossi welcomed the group and had everyone introduce themselves. Special introductions were given to Ella Ludwig and Joe Bolea who are the 8th grade reps and to Lauren Ditmar, the Junior rep, and Kyler Byker, the Senior rep. A few attendees identified themselves as attending because of a family history of substance/alcohol abuse.
- What We’re All About – Handouts/Alerts
Kim shared responses from a recent Public Policy Forum – “What Can County Leaders Do? The Problem of Underage Drinking and Other Drug Abuse” CAC is on the right track! The responses included: educating parents about new drugs and dangers, emphasizing the criminal aspect of use, provide parenting skills in general, and encourage parents to “talk early, talk often.” Chief Judge Sara Smolenski’s comments included the need for teachers, administrators, parents, students, the community and law enforcement to work together. She emphasized that the same message needs to be communicated by all: Do not violate the law regarding drugs and alcohol. To defendants, she says “If you make better decisions, you get better results.” Profound.
- Will Thoms & Susan Hoffman –“ be nice” initiative
Will Thoms is the originator of the “be nice” initiative at EGR HS. He brought this idea to the administration in the spring, and it has grown into a full-fledged program run completely by the students. Although it is essentially an anti-bullying campaign, it is under the guise of a “cool” mantra of “be nice” which stands for Notice, Invite, Challenge and Empower. Susan is a fellow Senior leader in the program.
- Christy Buck – Executive Director of the Mental Health Foundation of West Michigan
Christy gave a powerful presentation on the signs and causes of depression. These minutes could not possibly pay her or her presentation justice. The power point slides are available on the homepage of the website at under Parent Info.
Christy’s presentation was so enthralling that we did not cover the balance of our agenda items. They will be covered in Jan/Feb.
- Website – District Homepage under Parent Info
- Membership Form/Donations
- Leadership & Youth Development Update
The meeting adjourned at 1:05 pm. Dessert was had by all (most all, anyway!)
Respectfully Submitted,
Kim Rossi
CAC Vice-President filling in for Mary Reed Kelly, Secretary