


Prepared By:

Human Resources Group, Perth

May 2010



Position Information

Indicative Timetable for the Selection Process



Security and Police Records Checks

Security Documentation

Criminal History & Conduct

Mitigating factors

Health Assessment



Alcohol & Other Substances

Illegal Substances


Selection Process

Position Details


Application Guidelines

How to Apply

Selection Process - DUFF Recruitment Timeline

Short listing

Interviews / Assessment

Other Selection Techniques

Reference Checks

Feedback to Candidates

Lodging your Application

Employment Conditions



Soft Barrier Process - New Employees




Planned Absences

Outside Employment

Drivers Licence

Hours of Duty

Information on the Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)

Behaviour and Conduct in the Workplace

APS Code of Conduct

APS Values


Core CAPabilities


Please read this information carefully before preparing and submitting an application.

This package is provided to assist you with the AQIS recruitment and selection process. In this package you will find information about eligibility, details of the selection process, and information on how to prepare your application. You are encouraged to read this information carefully in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of the requirements for candidates. You should assess yourself against the core capabilities before deciding to apply for the position and prepare an application according to the guidelines in this information kit.

AQIS is committed to best practice selection and advancement principles, processes and decisions that are consistent with the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and APS Values, and are based on:

  • open and transparent processes which ensure fairness and equity in decisions;
  • selection based on merit taking into account the skills, attributes, knowledge and qualifications required for the job and the benefits of a diverse workforce;
  • streamlined and efficient processes;
  • a balance between operational needs of the workplace and career development opportunities for employees; and
  • advancement linked to demonstrated performance.

Position Information

Information about the vacancy is enclosed. The duty statement describes the role and duties of the position and the core capabilities lists the skills, knowledge and attributes that the successful candidate should possess.A significant aspect of these positions involves the application of technical knowledge and expertise. Tertiary qualifications in the area of agriculture, horticulture, animal health, entomology, or other quarantine related fields would be an advantage.

Indicative Timetable for the Selection Process

Advertisement in the Gazette / 27thMay 2010
Advertisement in the West Australian / 29thMay 2010
Advertisement on the DAFF Website / 27thMay 2010
Advertisements on Seek Website / 27thMay 2010
Closing dates for applications / COB 5pm, Thursday, 10th June 2010
Interview and Assessment process / SAC – Selection Advisory Committee in conjunction with DUFF Recruitment
Position Offered / Quarantine Inspector
Expected Start Date / September 2010



APS employees are required to be Australian citizens. Under Departmental policy, the Secretary may approve your engagement provided that you have permanent resident status and are actively seeking Australian citizenship (refer for further information on becoming an Australian Citizen). Your engagement may be terminated if citizenship has not been attained within a reasonable time. If you are not an Australian Citizen, or have lodged an application for Citizenship, please indicate this on the Application Cover Sheet and within the body of your application.

Security and Police Records Checks

All AQIS employees must hold (at least) PROTECTED security classification. For positions located in airport and wharves, you will also be required to undergo an assessment for an airport (ASIC) and marine (MSIC) security clearances in accordance with the requirements of the relevant Regulations. The vacancy advertisement will outline the security classification required.

Applicants should note that in some instances, security clearance processes will commence at short listing. Applicants are strongly encouraged to start sourcing the availability of these documents on application.

Security Documentation

Applicants are required to provide a range of documentation to verify citizenship status and identity. Security clearances are required to determine an individual’s suitability to safeguard classified security information. In order to make this determination a security background investigation is conducted. The information collected must be sufficient to allow an affirmative or negative determination of a person's eligibility for access to classified information and suitability for employment.

Personal documentation must be sufficient to cover all periods of your life and address any significant life changes such as marriage, divorce or name changes via deed poll or other means.

To obtain a PROTECTED security classification clearance subjects must supply ORIGINAL or CERTIFIED COPIES of the following documents:

  • Full birth certificate
  • Marriage certificate
  • Decree nisi or decree absolute
  • Deed poll
  • Australian Government employment history
  • General employment history
  • Citizenship
  • Discharge certificate
  • Address check
  • Police check

Criminal History & Conduct

A history of criminal conduct, irrespective of whether the clearance subject was formally charged with, or punished may be of significant security concern where:

  • the offences involve dishonesty or deception;
  • the offences involve misappropriation of resources, or misuse of positions of trust;
  • the clearance subject would endeavour to ensure that the details of the activity remain concealed from family, friends or work colleagues;
  • the offences indicate a serious or habitual disregard for the law; or
  • the offences are indicative of some other basis for concern.

A history or pattern of criminal activity may create doubt about the clearance subject’s judgement, reliability and trustworthiness. Such behaviour may indicate the clearance subject’s lack of respect for rules, the law and social expectation.

Mitigating factors

The Crimes Act 1914 protects clearance subjects from having previous minor criminal convictions held against them long after the offence has been dealt with, provided they have not since re-offended. These are called ‘spent convictions’. A spent conviction is a conviction for an offence that satisfies all of the following conditions:

  • it is 10 years since the date of the conviction (or 5 years from child offenders);
  • the clearance subject was not sentenced to imprisonment or was not sentenced to imprisonment for more than 30 months.
  • the clearance subject has not re-offended during the 10 year waiting period (5 year for child offenders); and
  • an exclusion does not apply (a full list of exclusions is available from the Office of the Privacy Commission).

Health Assessment

New APS employees must undergo a medical examination through Health Services Australia or another nominated medical practitioner, to assess whether their health and physical fitness is of an appropriate standard to undertake the duties of the position applied for. Where, after receiving a report from the Commonwealth Medical Officer/medical practitioner, the delegate is not satisfied with your standard of health or physical fitness, he or she may elect not to proceed with offer of employment or terminate your engagement.


The Privacy Act places obligations on Australian Government agencies (and their employees) in relation to collecting and handling personal information. The information provided in the selection processes and forms will not be used without your prior consent for any purpose other than in relation to your assessment for engagement as an APS employee.


Candidates will not be engaged if they have received a redundancy benefit from an Australian Public Service (APS) Agency or a non-APSCommonwealth employer within 12 months of the proposed date of their engagement with the Department. Candidates who have received a redundancy benefit are eligible for the positions, but cannot be engaged as an ongoing employee until 12 months has expired since receipt of the redundancy benefit.

Alcohol & Other Substances

AQIS is committed to maintaining an alcohol free environment for its employees in compliance with the OH&S (CE) Act 1991, the ACT Motor Traffic (Alcohol and Drugs) Act 1977 and associated Regulations. Improper and/or inappropriate use of alcohol and other substances can serious injury the health of employees, impair the workplace performance and endanger the safety and wellbeing of fellow employees and members of the general public.

In line with AQIS’s Drug and Alcohol Guideline, AQIS employees and contractors must not, through the consumption of alcohol or other substances (whether legal or illegal) render themselves unfit or incapable of performing their duties.

Illegal Substances

AQIS adopts a zero tolerance policy toward the use of illegal drugs. This position covers the unlawful or unauthorized possession, use, distribution, dispensing, sale or manufacture of controlled substances (drugs, drug paraphernalia, look-alikes, or marijuana) in all AQIS premises and workplaces not owned or operated by AQIS. The violation of these requirements may result in the imposition of disciplinary procedures as defined in AQIS’s Drug & Alcohol Guideline, up to and including, dismissal and referral for prosecution.


AQIS is required by Occupational Health and Safety legislation to provide employees with a healthy and safe working environment

Smoking is banned:

  • in all areas of buildings or parts of buildings occupied by AQIS – including offices, basements, stairwells, toilets and balconies;
  • in vehicles, vessels or aircraft under the control or hired by AQIS; and
  • at all social functions held on AQIS premises.

This ban applies at all times, not just in working hours and covers all workplaces in central office, the regions and overseas.

Selection Process

DUFF Recruitment will undertake the recruitment process and assessment of potential applicants on behalf of AQIS. Kerri Duff-Borthen is the Managing Consultant. Contact details are: (08) 9244 2789 or

Think about whether you can clearly demonstrate (by way of example) how you meet the job requirements (the core capability based selection criteria). Explore the descriptors and behaviours that explain the core capabilities drawn from the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Services Capability Framework. This will assist you in assessing if you have the required capabilities and what competencies you will be assessed against. Information regarding the AQIS Capability Framework can be found on the DUFF website

The selection process may include: short-listing, interview, including possible use of selection exercises and reference checks. Panels operate in accordance with departmental recruitment and selection guidelines and consist of at least two members.

Position Details

Information about the vacancies is enclosed. The duty statement describes the role and the duties of the position and the Core Capabilities (selection criteria) lists the skills, knowledge and attributes that the successful candidate should possess. A description of a “Typical day in the life of a Quarantine Inspector” is attached.

Please seeattachments 1, 2, 3 & 4


Your application should include names and contact details of two referees (one of whom is your current supervisor). If you are unable to provide your current supervisor as a referee as this may prejudice your continuing employment, you should discuss this with the vacancy contact officer.

No written referee reports are required at the time of lodging your application.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to make suitable arrangements with their nominated referees prior to lodgement of their application.

Application Guidelines

How to Apply

You will need to read the application information package. The package highlights the application process.

The website is complete the application as requested.

Applicants are encouraged to apply online.

Selection Process- DUFF Recruitment Timeline

The following is a guide of the Selection progress:

AD RESPONSE: Thursday 27th – Thursday 10th June 10
Short listing Process: Thursday 27thMay - Friday 18thJune 10
Group Interviews (AQIS Premises): Tuesday 21st June – Thursday 23rd June 10
Interview, Reference Checks & Police Clearances: Monday 28th June 10 onwards
MEDICALS: Monday 5th July - 9th July 10
Proposed Start Date – Mid September 2010

Note: Please be aware that candidates will be shortlisted and invited to participate in the next stage of the selection process via email. If you have not received notification from DUFF Recruitment after you have applied online it is your responsibility to contact DUFF as soon as possible and advise them. Please ensure your email is correct when applying online and is regularly checked for notification.

Short listing

The selection committee establishes the process for short-listing candidates. All applications received are then examined and evaluated by the Selection Advisory Committee.

Your application will be read and assessed against the core capabilities. After this assessment, one of the following decisions will be made regarding each candidate:

  • The candidate will be short-listed and invited to attend an interview and other related assessments;
  • The candidate will not be short listed for further consideration. In this case you will be notified in writing.
  • Decisions may be based on application and referee reports only.

Interviews / Assessment

As a candidate you will be regarded as being available for interviewand/or assessment from the date applications close. If you are going to be unavailable for any length of time, the period must be stated on your application.

Where travel is difficult to arrange or the costs are excessive, some initial assessments may be conducted via telephone. Candidates will be required to attend group exercises in person where possible.

Other Selection Techniques

Where appropriate, other selection techniques may be used in the selection process. You may be asked to provide examples of previous work, attend assessment centres, and undertake appropriate tests or structured group and/or individual exercises.

Reference Checks

Reference checks will be undertaken, at least, in relation to the preferred candidate(s). They will be obtained from referees with first hand knowledge of performance relevant to the core capabilities, preferably supervisors. You should provide the names and contact details of two nominated referees on your application form.

Selection panels will use referee checks to verify the claims of the preferred candidate(s) in relation to achievements, qualifications, employment history and other significant matters. Unless specified, personal references are not required as part of the application.

Feedback to Candidates

Post selection feedback will be available to all internal candidates at the conclusion of the exercise. Feedback for external candidates will be provided on request. Feedback is based upon an assessment of the candidate’s suitability in relation to each of the core capabilities.

Candidates will be notified in writing of the Delegate’s decision. Promotions, engagements and reassignments will be notified in the Australian Public Service Gazette.

Lodging your Application

Applicants are encouraged to apply online.

Please proceed to the website complete the application as requested.

Closing date is COB 5pm,Thursday, 10th June 2010.

No late applications will be accepted.

An acknowledgement will be sent on receipt of your electronic application only.

Employment Conditions


Employment conditions are determined by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Collective Agreement 2009-2011, Public Service Act 1999, Public Service Regulations 1999, and the Public Service Commissioner’s Directions 1999. You should also be aware that the provisions of the Public Service Act 1999 apply.

The Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry Collective Agreement is available on the website at:


The remuneration package and terms and conditions for all AQIS positions are governed by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 2009-11 Collective Agreement. Where an individual commences employment with AQIS, salary will normally be payable at the minimum pay point of the relevant APS level.

APS Level 2 Quarantine Inspector will receive $46,949 fulltime. 26 hours per week - a pro-rata equivalent is approximately $32,551 plus an airport allowance* of approximately $11,881 resulting in a total of approximately $44,432 per annum.

18 hours per week - a pro-rata equivalent is approximately $22,535 plus an airport allowance* of approximately $8,225 resulting in a total of approximately $30,760 per annum.

* The current roster attracts an airport allowance, however in the future, depending on airport operations; rosters may only attract shift penalties.

Definition Pro-rata: Literally means ‘proportionate’. In employment terms, it refers to something allocated proportionally.

Soft Barrier Process - New Employees

Newly engaged employees, within the Biosecurity Group at the APS Level 2, other than those in positions covered by clause 2.10.8 (Kennel Hands, Reception, Data Entry), will progress through the soft barrier to APS Level 3 where the employee:

  • successfully completes their probation; and
  • participates in the DAFF Performance Management System and receives a rating of Fully Effective or better; and
  • successfully completes the Certificate III in Government; and
  • successfully completes periodic (quarterly) on-the-job technical assessments to level 2 capability standard, as it relates to Quarantine Officers, throughout the 12 month program; and
  • successfully completes final competency based assessment to APS Level 3 capability standard as it relates to Quarantine Officers. The assessment is to comprise of open book content.

Continuing engagement is subject to demonstrating a satisfactory standard of conduct and work performance and successful completion of the entry level program within 12 months of commencement. The managing of unsatisfactory performance procedures in Clause 8.12 of this Agreement does not apply during this period. Decisions recommending staff be reassessed or recommending terminationof employment due to not meeting any of the qualifying criteria will be subject to review by the relevant delegate.

  • New employees (entrants) will be advised of engagement qualification requirements (as outlined above) as condition of employment in the offer of employment letter.
  • Initial content of the competency based assessment to be agreed by the respective party principals to this Agreement and Changes to the content of the competency based assessment to be reviewed and agreed by the membership of the Biosecurity Consultative Committee.

For more information please refer to the Collective Agreement 2009- 2011.