Communities of Practice Webinar Questions
April 26, 2012
Q: How will ACEE build trust?
A: We realize that for groups to work together and accomplish the outcomes laid out for the Communities of Practice trust must be established. To start building these relationships, we propose launching each CoP with a full day face-to-face meeting. These meetings will help fuel the on-line communications that will be necessary to continue the work between face-to-face meetings.
Q: Is there a plan to engage the seasonal employees common in environmental education?
A: Each Community of Practice will identify unique needs and if engaging the seasonal employee is a priority of the group, they can set up and lead this initiative.
Q: How will we engage the rural population?
A: We recognize that it is challenging and costly for organizations and individuals in rural communities to come in to one of the major centres for face-to-face meetings. This is being addressed by:
- Providing funding to cover some transportation costs to get rural based organizations to the face-to-face meetings
- On-line forums, discussions and webinars will open CoPs to anyone who is interested
- Regional groups may be established if there is an interest from a specific CoP
Q: Who is the audience for the CoPs?
A: Broadly speaking, any organization or individual with an interest in environmental education! Visit for a list (work in progress) of organizations ACEE has worked with through the years.
Q: Where do teachers fit?
A: We have not quite figured out how to involve teachers in these CoPs. Currently the focus in on engaging agency professionals but we know the connection between teachers and agency professionals is important. ACEE will consult with teachers for ideas and suggestions on how to connect these two groups. If you have any suggestions, please contact Christina at .
Q: How do organizations addressing many different topics get involved?
A: We realize this will be a challenge for some organizations. There is no clear solution, but here are some possibilities:
- Choose a topic where your organization needs to develop
- Choose a topic where your organization is an expert and can help move the community forward
- Get involved in more than one CoP
- Follow several different CoPs through the on-line forums and discussion groups so you can keep up to date
- Suggest a CoP topic that would address this problem and ACEE will consider starting it. Send any suggestions to
Q: Are there plans to incorporate regionalism into these CoPs?
A: Definitely! We recognize that there may be interest for organizations in a certain area to meet and develop plans and partnerships to advance environmental education in their specific region around a topic. This will be addressed at the first face-to-face CoP meeting.
Did we miss anything? Please contact Christina at .
Thank you to Suncor Energy Foundation for providing funding for this initiative!