PRF International Travel Grants–FY 2019 (Spring 2019 Travel)
PROPOSAL SUBSMISSION DEADLINE: October 7, 2018 @ 11:59pm
- OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the International Travel Grant Program is to assist Purdue faculty members in scholarly achievement by providing a portion of the travel costs to those who will participate in international research projects or presentatrecognized international research meetings between January 1, 2019 and June 30, 2019. Foreign travel, as internally defined by the Executive Vice Chancellor for Research and Partnerships, is any travel outside of the continental United States, Alaska and Hawaii.
- AWARD: Recipients of PRF International Travel awards will receive up to $1,000 toward the cost of all approved travel expenses. Travel dates must be between January 1, 2019 and June 30, 2019. Recipients can only receive one travel award in a fiscal year. The program should not be regarded as a likely source of support, replacing established governmental or private sources of travel funds. In cases where partial funding is available from alternative sources, the recipient of a grant may combine the awards to cover the allowable costs of the trip.
- QUALIFICATIONS: Applicantsmust be full-time tenured/tenure-track facultymembers at Purdue Northwest during the 2018-2019 academic yearand must continue in residence on either an academic-year or twelve-month appointment in the following fiscal year (2019-2020).
- The applicantmust participate in an international research project or present as an official at a recognized international research meeting. Examples of non-eligible travel: Travel for teaching purposes (overseas university guest lecturer; teaching a course at an international university, etc.); Travel to sabbatical destination.
- Preference will be given to faculty who did not receive this award in the last 2 years.
- Faculty who did not meet commitments from internal grants, in the last three years, do not qualify.
- A faculty member may not have two PRF International Travel Grants in one fiscal year.
- Preference will be given to faculty who do not have significant external funding to support travel for dissemination of findings or research collaboration as related to this application.
- The grant award will be processed through Concur. After receiving notice of the award, please contact the Travel Center or Office of Research to receive the PRF International Travel Grant payment instructions.
- REQUIREMENTS: Awardees, without exception, must fulfill the following requirements.
- Participate in an international research project or present as an official at recognized international research meeting between January 1, 2019 and June 30, 2019.
- Submit a one-page report to the Office of Researchregarding their trip within 30 days of returning from travel.
- Participate in Days of Discovery or similar campus-wide research event at PNW in 2019 or 2020.
- APPLICATION GUIDELINES: All applications must be completed electronically by visiting ON-LINE APPLICATION FORM before October 7, 2018 at 11:59pm. The following questions must be answered on the application form:
- Full name (Last, First, Middle)
- Position Title
- Department
- College
- Conference Title or Project Title
- Do you have external funding to support travel for dissemination of findings or collaborative research related to the paper or project referenced above? If yes, please explain. Please include the source of funding, including the amount available, and any restrictions that may apply.
- Conference or Project Location (City and Country)
- Sponsoring Organization, if applicable
- Purpose of Research Travel or Conference Attendance
- Date(s) of Conference or Research Travel
- Link to Conference Information, if applicable
- Conference presentation acceptance letter. In the event of acceptance notification date falling after the PNW application deadline, please upload documentation specifying when you expect to receive acceptance information. Once received, please use the link in the application confirmation email to update your application. If you do not receive a confirmation email containing an application link, please email and one will be provided.If awarded, the award will be contingent on providing conference acceptance letter.
- Paper to be presented. If document is not in English, please provide translated copy, or translated summary. Review committee will not consider papers not translated to English.
- If travel is related to a research project, please submit a one page summary of the project and your role.
- Responses to the following questions (limit of 500 words each)
- How does your role in this conference or research project benefit your department?
- How does your role in this conference or research project benefit PNW?
- Please provide information on how you intend to use the funds to support and advance your project.
- Air Travel
- Transportation
- Registration and Other Conference Costs
- Presentation Supplies and Materials
- General Travel Expenses
- Meals
- Other
- Please attach a CV (up to 4 pages).
- Requirements: Please read and check the box acknowledging that you understand that, if awarded, all recipients of the award will:
- Submit a one-page report to the Office of Research regarding their trip within 30 days of returning from travel.
- All recipients must participate in Days of Discovery or similar campus-wide research event at PNW in 2019 or 2020.
- Please sign your full name certifying that all information provided is accurate.
- EVALUATION CRITERIA: Proposals will be evaluated by a review committee, selected by the Research Board, based on the following criteria:
- Quality and clarity of the presentation/scholarly work described in the application (70%)
- Benefits to the applicant’s department (20%)
- Benefits to Purdue Northwest (10%)
Awards will be announced the week of November 19, 2018.
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