
CareDirector Support Team – helpdesk

Phone number: 01785 277006

Email address: .

Personal Assistant Packages

We would like to clarify the process of starting up a Personal Assistant (PA) package, to ensure delays are minimised, and that costly payments that include the PA hours are not made until they are required.

When a Direct Payment care package includes PA hours, it is important that we ensure that any necessary set-up costs are paid as soon as possible. Therefore when it is established that the service user wants to employ a PA, you can establish what will be required, for example.:

  • All NEW Personal Assistant packages have to include a payment for employers’ liability insurance. The Rowan will tell you how much is required, up to £80. You will have to raise a one-off Service Provision for this.
  • There may be further set-up costs (e.g. for advertising), which may cost up to £227.75. Again, The Rowan will help you to establish how much (if anything) is required. E.g. if the service user knows who they are employing there won’t be any need for this. Or, if they are just intending to put an advert in the local shop or newspaper, they may only need a small sum.You need to raise a one-off Service Provision for this.
  • You should send these Service Provisions to us as soon as possible, and as long as they are correct we will process them, and The Rowan can make these payments to speed up the recruitment process.
  • When the PA is in place (or even better, when you know the start date), you can raise the remainder of the Service Provisions for the hours as required.

CareDirector Support team - Testing of changes and fixes

Each business area has nominated members of staff to test changes and fixes when they have been put in place by the CareDirector Support team. If you have been nominated to do this testing, please ensure that you either complete the testing as soon as possible; or let us know when you anticipate you will be able to do it; or let us know if you are unable to complete the work for any reason.

The lack of response and the delays we are encountering are causing delays to getting these changes and fixes uploaded to the live system. These are changes and fixes that have been requested by your teams or service areas, and will help to improve the system for you and your colleagues.

Don’t forget – ALL requests for change must go through your local User Group and Business Change Board, who will send your request to us once it has been approved. Please do not send requests for change direct to the CareDirector Support team!

CareDirector User Guides

The Adult Services CareDirectorManagers Guide has now been approved by the Adults Change Board and the Finance team, and has been published alongside the other CareDirector User Guides.

All published Adult Services CareDirector User Guides can be located in 5 central locations noted below:

  • Articles, within the CareDirector system itself
  • SCC intranet
  • StEP e-learning (for Mental health north/South and Welfare benefits staff to access)
  • Partnership Trust extranet adult social care staff
  • Partnership Trust Intranet for health staff

Accessibility software

Accessibility software testing was completed and the report was published and circulated to IF and SSOTP in April – work is now underway to address the needs of individual users.


Corporately, training sessions have been scheduled in for new starters, and people returning from long term absence. If you need to book anyone onto training for Adults services staff, please contact:

or call 01785 277932.


The old CareDirector sandpit for Adults services has now been closed, and new staff who wish to access the sandpit to practice following training will need to access the new combined (Adults’ and Children’s) sandpit. The address of the new sandpit is:

All Adults’ staff will receive information about any changes they may see when Children’s go live and all services use the combined CareDirector system, nearer to the time.

Staffing Changes: Managers - please don’t forget that you need to inform us both now and in the future of any starters, leavers, or changes to staffing roles (including casual and agency staff, and students), so that CareDirector can be updated with the necessary access permissions and ensure that workloads are reassigned where necessary. The form that you need to fill in to request a staffing change is located on the SCC intranetsite or on StEP.

There is more information on the CareDirector web pages:

Managers: Please ensure this information is passed on to your teams either by email or by printing and displaying on your notice board