Final Report Template

Stage 3

***Our Monitoring ***

Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither Agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree
STUDENTS should answer questions 1-4
1.  Participating in the school business made us want to come to school more. / 4
2.  Participating in the school business provided us with relevant life skills. / 5
3.  After participating in the school business we feel confident that we could plan and set up our own business in the future. / 5
4.  After participating in the school business we felt better able to identify problems and come up with alternative solutions. / 5
Ask your TEACHER to answer questions 5 – 6
5.  As a result of participation in the School Enterprise Challenge I have set up my own business / Yes No X
6.  As a result of participation in the School Enterprise Challenge I plan to set up my own business in the future / Yes X No

Please circle ONE Number in each row. Thinking back over your participation in your school business: Do you strongly agree (5), agree (4), neither agree nor disagree (3), disagree (2) or strongly disagree (1) with each of the statements below. There are no right or wrong answers here. There are no marks for this section but your answers will help us to develop the School Enterprise Challenge for the future.

Your School Details
a.  School Name / Lycee de Zamengoe
b.  Country / Cameroun
c.  Business Name / BAMBASBOO
d.  Business Activity / Artisanat
e.  Main product / service / Paniers en fibres vegetales.
f.  Brief description of your school business / Notre entreprise fabrique et vend des paniers en fibres végétales.
g.  Number of students in business team / Boys 4 / Girls6 / Total 10
h.  Number of students in whole school / 1000
i.  Your school business social media links (Facebook page, Twitter Blogs, etc.) /
Financial Summary
You will be able to complete this section AFTER you have completed Sections A-F from the Financial Plan on Page 6. This section is really important as it gives the judges a quick overview of your Finances. Please note this section should be filled in in US Dollars.
Estimated in Business Plan (Stage 2) / Actual
Budget Period of Financial Plan / 4 / 2
Start-Up Costs (Actual) Insert answer from Section A / 0000 / 0000
Total Income (Actual) Insert answer from Section B / 600 / 516
Total Direct Costs (Actual) Insert answer from Section C / 0000 / 0000
Gross Profit (Actual) Insert answer from Section D / 600 / 516
Total Indirect Costs (Actual) Insert answer from Section E / 280 / 290
Net Profit (Actual) Insert answer from Section F / 320 / 226
Section A: Main Achievements
1.  Please tell us the top five things that your school has achieved in the School Enterprise Challenge programme. There are no marks for this question; however, your answers to this question help us to understand your school business better.
1.  Nous sommes rentrés aux sources de notre culture avec une occupation ancestrale qui tend à disparaitre.
2.  Nous avons approché des grandes surfaces et des petits revendeurs pour l’exposition de nos produits.
3.  Nous avons donné de la valeur à un objet purement artisanal, local et villageois.
4.  La découverte de la vente en ligne.
Section B: Business Implementation
These questions will give you the chance to show us how you actually implemented your school business. Please refer back to your Business Plan template if you need help to answer these questions.
2.  Operational Plan: How did you actually produce your product/service? Please explain clearly your production process. (10)
Nous obtenons notre produit de deux manières:
-Ce que nous fabriquons nous-mêmes directement au Lycée.
- Ceux que nous rassemblons des artisans locaux (achetés directement ou après nos vente) et que nous redistribuons.
3.  Marketing & Sales: Did you actually sell your product/service to the customers identified on your Market Research? If not, why? Who was your Target Market? (10)
Non nous n’avons pas pu vendre nos produit à notre clientèle principale(en ligne) notre page n’ayant pu être activé que plus tard.
Please tell us about your 4 P’s (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) now that you actually started your school business.
a.  Product – What was your product?
Paniers en fibres vegetales.
b.  Price – What price did you sell it at?
1000 FCFA(en moyenne, car les dimensions sont variables avec les prix)
c.  Place – Where did you sell your product?
Nous vendons notre produit principalement dans des endroits inaccessibles aux artisans locaux: supermarchés, grandes boutiques et en ligne sur internet.
d.  Promotion – How did you promote your product? E.g. Did you hold any launch event?
La promotion se fait seulement pour l’exposition en ligne. Dans les supermarchés, la seule promotion c’est l’exposition dans les rayons.
4.  Evidence: Please include here any evidence that shows you actually implemented your school business; such as examples of records kept, press releases (if any), one-two photos from the launch event (if any), one-two photos of the team running the business. You can get 5 points if you answer to this question. Note: at the end of this Narrative section you will find an Appendix for any other additional information you want to add.

Section C: Challenges and Solutions
Your answers to these questions will test your innovation and creativity in setting up your business. Don’t be afraid of writing about your problems or things that went wrong with your business. Recognising and addressing problems are key skills for entrepreneurship.
5.  What were the biggest challenges you faced when planning, running and/or implementing your business and how did you overcome them? Please give us some evidence of your innovation and creativity when solving these challenges (300 words max). (10)
-  Le payement en ligne des droits pour l’exposition de nos produits sur le site nous avons utiliser la carte visa de notre enseignant coordonateur obtenu un peu en retard.
-  L’occupation de la demi-journée des mercredis par d’autres événements du Lycée. Nous avons travaillé pendant les pauses des jours réguliers.
-  Les difficultés de transport des membres de l’entreprise après les rencontres. Les plus éloignés rentraient avant et d’autres rentraient dans le véhicule du coordonnateur.
L’implication du coordonateur dans d’autres projets. D’autres enseignants ont étés volontaires comme assistants. Très important pour la durabilité de l’entreprise.
Section D: Outcomes
6.  How have the students benefitted from the running of the school business? Please provide specific examples on each of the following areas. (5)
a.  Aspirations: Aspirations are defined as a young person’s ambitions and realistic goals of the future for themselves and their family/wider community.
Les élèves pensent maintenant aa trouver des plus value aa des occupations parfois considérées comme secondaires et ils rendent hommage aa ceux laa qui jusqu’ici étaient moins considérés de part leur travail: l’artisanat.
b.  Knowledge Skills: Knowledge Skills are defined as the facts, information, and abilities acquired through experience or education.
Les élèves ont redécouvert l’art de la fabrication ancestral des paniers.
c.  Attitudes: Attitudes are defined as a manner of thinking, feeling or behaving that reflects a state of mind or disposition; the way a person views something or tends to behave towards it.
Les élèves ont acquis un certain leadership dans la détection des niches d’affaires dans la richesse locale.
7.  How has the school benefitted from the running of the business? Please provide specific examples. (5)
-Le Lycée a bénéficié d’une application concrète des nouveaux programmes de «l’approche par les compétences» et de «la professionnalisation des enseignements»
-Notre Lycée a reçu des encouragements des inspecteurs pédagogiques en visite à l’établissement qui ont proposé des opportunités de financement d’une telle activité.
-Les autres clubs de l’établissement ont projeté de trouver des modèles entrepreneuriaux à leurs activités.
- Le Lycée a en projet de créer tout un groupe d’entreprises l’année prochaine qui participeront toutes au SEC.
Section E: People, Profit, Planet
Remember your business needs to address all 3 People, Profit, Planet criteria to win our Top Global prize. Extra points will be awarded to the most innovative answers in this section.
8.  People: How did people benefit from your business?
En ouvrant leurs produits aux marchés et opportunités jusqu’ à là non explorés et non pensés, et en augmentant leurs marges bénéficiaires, les artisans locaux et leur expertise ont étés revalorises par notre entreprise
Please ask a teacher, a student, a parent and a customer what they think about your school business and how it has made an impact on their lives. Please include their quotes here (please try to keep them short). (5)

9.  Planet: What difference has your business had on the environment? How has your business improved the environment around you? Please be clear and specific and include one or two pictures (if you have any). (5)
Nos produits n’ont Presque aucun impact environnemental néfaste car étant fabriqués à partir des fibres totalement biodégradable, des fibres qui sont excès dans la végétation environnante au Lycée.
10.  Profit: How did you raise your start-up capital? What approaches did you take to maximize your profits? What would you do with your profits? (5)
Notre capital de lancement est nul.
Section F: Business Development and Sustainability
A sustainable business is one that demonstrates the ability to continue for an indefinite period of time.
11.  Business Development - What are your future plans for your enterprise? Please provide specific examples (200 words max). As an example, think about what other products you want to develop, etc. (5)
Pour une première phase, nous allons juste produire une grande variété de paniers en termes de forme et de grosseur, et étendre notre partenariat à d’autres artisans dans le même secteur pour ouvrir leurs produits à des marches inaccessibles à eux(grandes surfaces, internet…).
12.  Operational Planning - How are you planning to run the business next year? Will new students be involved in the programme? Please tell us the steps you will take next year to keep your business running and continue developing it (200 words max). (5)
Notre entreprise est toujours ouverte à tous les élèves anciens ou nouveaux désireux d’en fait partie. Les anciens membres vont servir de mentors pour les nouveaux.
Des enseignants ont étés volontaires pour êtres des assistants de l’enseignant coordonateur dans une perspective d’aide et d’imprégnation pour des aides et une éventuel relève.

Appendix (OPTIONAL Bonus Points)

You can use this space to paste any additional items which support your business implementation, e.g. examples of how you kept the team motivated, examples of how the business has been incorportated to the curriculum, team rotas, photos (3 photos MAX), etc.

Financial Reporting (20)
Please note that this Financial Report is showing what you actually spent money on and what you actually sold. Your numbers may be different to the original Financial Plan you submitted at Stage 2.
You may complete your Financial Report using your local currency. Please tell us what this is, E.g. Indian Rupees. In the report we will ask you to convert your TOTALS into US $. You can use this website to do this: Remember to write down the exchange rate you are using in the box below!
Please add any extra rows to the tables where necessary.
Local Currency used (E.g. Indian Rupees) / FCFA
Exchange Rate to US Dollars (E.g. 1 US $ = 63.52 Indian Rupees) / 1 US$=500 FCFA
Period of time budgeted for (E.g. 3 months) / 2 Mois.

Please note you may use your own financial plan template however you MUST still complete the financial summary provided at the beginning of this Final Report Template.

Section A: Start-Up Costs (Actual) / Business Development Costs (Actual)

Your Start-Up Costs or Business Development Costs are the costs of the Equipment and Supplies that you used to start your business. If you already had the products that you needed to start up your business please list them here and put 0 as the Unit cost.
1.  Please list all your actual Start Up OR Business Development Costs
Start Up OR Business Development Equipment / Quantity / Unit Cost / Total Costs of your Equipment (Quantity x Unit Cost)
Start Up OR Business Development Supplies / Quantity / Unit Costs / Total Costs of your Supplies/ Expenses (Quantity x Unit Costs)
Total Start Up Costs OR Business Development Costs
(Add your Total Costs Together) / Local Currency / 0000.0000
In US Dollars $ / 0000.0000
Section B: Income (Actual)
2.  Please list all the products or services that your business sold. Please tell us the amount you sold and the price at which you sold your products/service for.
Name of Product or Service / Quantity / Sales Price / Sales Income (Quantity x Sales Price)
Paniers en fibres vegetales / 258 / 1000 / 258 000
Total Income
(Add all the ‘Sales Income’ together) / Local Currency / 258 000
In US Dollars $ / 516
Section C: Direct Costs (Actual)
Direct Costs refer to materials, labour and expenses related to the production of a specific product or service. Don’t forget that the direct costs from your Start-Up Supplies/Expenses in Section A should be included here too. Please add extra rows if you need to.
3.  Please list all of the items you bought in order to make or provide each product or service.
Name of Item / Quantity / Unit Cost / Total Costs (Quantity x Unit Cost)
Product/Service 1 Please tell us what this product or service is here:
Fibres vegetales / 000 / 0000.000
Total Direct Costs
(Add up all the Total Costs) / Local Currency / 0000.000
In US Dollars $ / 0000.0000