School: Emilio R. Delgado, High School Teacher: Prof. Sandra J. Fuentes
Available Days and Hour(s): Monday to Friday: 9:50 – 11:30 a.m. Level: 11th grade
Course Description:
This class will allow the student to continue develop English vocabulary and grammatical structures so that he/she can successfully communicate. Also the student will develop literacy and analytical skills which will enable him/her to be successful in future courses and in life.
General Objectives: In order to master the English language the student must:
1. Understand what he/she listens.
2. Express ideas in formal and informal discussions with appropriate intonation, pronunciation, and grammatical correctness.
3. Comprehend and interpret what he/she reads for the enjoyment of reading.
4. Make use of the English language as a communication mechanism for different purposes in a variety of contexts.
5. Write with clarity, precision and correction.
Attitudinal Objectives: This course will also encourage the student to:
1. Develop a positive attitude toward the use of the English Language in social settings.
2. Develop awareness of his/her capacity and potential for learning English.
3. Develop his/her willingness to risk to communicate ideas in the English Language.
4. Develop awareness of the need for communicating through writing for academic as well as personal reasons.
1. Listening/Speaking:
o The student uses the English language to interpret oral input, construct meaning, interact with confidence both verbally and nonverbally, and express ideas effectively in a variety of personal, social, and academic contexts.
2. Reading:
o The student uses reading strategies, literary analysis, and critical thinking skills to construct meaning and develop an understanding as well as an appreciation of a variety of genres of both fiction and non-fiction.
3. Writing:
o The student effectively communicates to a variety of audiences in all forms of writing through the use of the writing process, proper grammar, and age-appropriate expressive vocabulary.
Grade Level Expectations:
L/S.11.1 Listens and responds during a read aloud, presentation, or performance from a variety of literature, periods, genres, and styles to analyze character development and setting, and to distinguish the characteristics of tone, voice, and mood; makes connections to text.L/S.11.2 Listens and responds to synthesize, explain, describe, support, and discuss information; answers and formulates closed and open-ended questions.
L/S.11.3 Uses appropriate language structure to analyze and state opinions in discussions and presentations, to problem solve, and to explain a process integrating comparison and contrast statements.
L/S.11.4 Expresses thoughts and opinions to discuss current events, concepts, themes, characters, plot, and conflict resolution; makes predictions and inferences, as well as draws conclusions from listening to a variety of texts, performances, and multimedia sources; listens to sort and prioritize information.
L/S.11.5 Analyzes the main idea or topic and important details from learned concepts or readings from a variety of persuasive texts; summarizes, explains, clarifies, and discusses effectiveness of text, performance, speech, or literature. / R.11.1 Examines context clues, uses reference sources and vocabulary expansion strategies to assess word meaning; analyzes the meaning of
unfamiliar words and applies the new meaning to context; identifies Greek and Latin root words.
R11.2 Analyzes character development; infers the setting in fiction and nonfiction; classifies point of view.
R.11.3 Classifies parts of the plot, establishes cause and effect, makes connections, predictions, and inferences in a variety of texts; draws conclusions; analyzes and compares and contrasts conflicts and resolutions across texts.
R.11.4 Distinguishes between fact and opinion, infers, and supports the main idea in a variety of texts; analyzes the theme.
R.11.5 Uses elements of poetry and plays to analyze, interpret, and compare and contrast genre, imagery, figurative language, and symbolism. / W.11.1 Analyzes and selects appropriate words to convey meaning; incorporates
transitions, correct grammar, syntax, and style.
W.11.2 Determines the purpose of writing; analyzes and constructs
organizational patterns to connect ideas; writes narrative, expository, and persuasive essays.
W.11.3 Applies figurative language and develops voice to produce different styles of poems.
W.11.4 Compares and contrasts two forms of writing on similar topics to write a critical essay.
W.11.5 Applies editing marks, self-correcting methods, and reference sources to revise and edit; analyzes, organizes, and verifies information to write and revise; completes a final draft using the writing process.
Course Outline Themes and Time Distribution:
Unit Time (36 weeks)
1. Memoir: My point of view 6 weeks
2. Identity: The personal narrative 5 weeks
3. As I See it: Persuasion 7 weeks
4. It’s a Mystery! 6 weeks
5. History- non-fiction 6 weeks
6. Create: Poetry power 6 weeks
Instructional Strategies:
· Direct Instruction
· Interactive Instruction
· Indirect Instruction
· Independent Study
· Experiential Learning
· Instructional Skill
Special Education: Law 51 of June 7, 1996:
Guidelines for adapting assessments strategies for students with special needs &/or abilities & for linguistically & culturally diverse students will be established in the students Individualized Educational Program (PEI). An accommodation is a variation in the exam environment or process that does not fundamentally alter what the test measures or affects the comparability of scores. Accommodations may include variations in scheduling, setting, aids, equipment, & presentation format which is informed by the Special Education Teacher to the English Teacher.
Evaluation: Frequency
A. Tests Three (3) to Four (4) per semester
B. Assessment & classroom activities Minimum of one (1) per unit.
C. Dictations At least one (1) weekly (every Friday)
D. Homework At least one (1) weekly
E. Daily class work One (1) per semester
F. Special projects One (1) per semester
G. Portfolio One (1) per school year
Test: 80 % Reading: 33.3 %
Assessment: 20 % Writing: 33.3 %
Listening/Speaking: 33.4 %
Total: 100% Total: 100 %
** All Academic Instruction is subject to changes
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