Common Formative Assessment


District: / School:

The pre/post test provided with this module can be used to measure the gains made in participants’ knowledge of the training content. Results can also be used to guide the trainer in knowing which concepts were well taught and which concepts need additional time and/or revision in delivery.

**This pre/post test is most useful when the intent is to present all 6 sections of the CFA module.**

Directions: The following questions have only ONE right answer. Circle the correct answer.

  1. Common Formative Assessment at the classroom level is:

a)One-time assessment that provides feedback to improve instructional practices

b)Cyclical process that provides feedback to improve instruction and achievement

c)One-time assessment that provides feedback to improve academic achievement

d)Cyclical process that provides feedback to ensure accurate and effective assessments

  1. The most important reason to “unwrap” a standard is to determine the important

a)Terminology/vocabulary for the standard

b)Achievement thresholds for the standard

c)Learning targets conveyed by the standard

d)Skills/concepts conveyed by the standard

  1. Which of these content areas would be most appropriate for selected response items?

a)Foundations of essay writing

b)Stages of cell mitosis

c)Ability to solve an algebraic equation

d)Historical context of the Revolutionary War

  1. Which of the following must be true for a constructed response item?

a)Scoring is dependent on student writing proficiency

b)Requires recall of key facts

c)Answer elicited is open-ended or close-ended

d)Scoring is conducted holistically by examining the whole response

  1. One feature of a faulty or poorly written assessment item is

a)Item includes content from multiple subject areas

b)Student complaints

c)Wording on the item is unclear or confusing

d)Item includes big ideas and essential question

Missouri SPDG/ Collaborative WorkCommon Formative Assessment

July 2016 Pre/Post Assessment

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Common Formative Assessment

Pre/Post-Assessment KEY

District: / School:

The pre/post test provided with this module can be used to measure the gains made in participants’knowledge of the training content. Results can also be used to guide the trainer in knowing which concepts were well taught and which concepts need additional time and/or revision in delivery.

**This pre/post test is most useful when the intent is to present all 6 sections of the CFA module.**

Directions: The following questions have only ONE right answer. Circle the correct answer.

  1. Common Formative Assessment at the classroom level is:

e)One-time assessment that provides feedback to improve instructional practices

f)Cyclical process that provides feedback to improve instruction and achievement

g)One-time assessment that provides feedback to improve academic achievement

h)Cyclical process that provides feedback to ensure accurate and effective assessments

  1. The most important reason to “unwrap” a standard is to determine the important

e)Terminology/vocabulary for the standard

f)Achievement thresholds for the standard

g)Learning targets conveyed by the standard

h)Skills/concepts conveyed by the standard

  1. Which of these content areas would be most appropriate for selected response items?

e)Foundations of essay writing

f)Stages of cell mitosis

g)Ability to solve an algebraic equation

h)Historical context of the Revolutionary War

  1. Which of the following must be true for a constructed response item?

e)Scoring is dependent on student writing proficiency

f)Requires recall of key facts

g)Answer elicited is open-ended or close-ended

h)Scoring is conducted holistically by examining the whole response

  1. One feature of a faulty or poorly written assessment item is

e)Item includes content from multiple subject areas

f)Student complaints

g)Wording on the item is unclear or confusing

h)Item includes big ideas and essential questions

Missouri SPDG/ Collaborative WorkCommon Formative Assessment

July 2016 Pre/Post Key

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.