Subject -- AP European History Unit 11Europe at WarLesson –#1, Alliance System – The case for security Length – 2 Class periods
Common Core Literacy Standard(s):
Social Science RH: 11-12.9: Integrate information from diverse sources, both primary and secondary, into a coherent understand of an idea or event, nothing discrepancies among sources.
WHST 11-12.7: Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.
SL 11-12.1: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-to-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 11-12 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
Unit Essential Question:
Progress towards: To what extent did World War I and World War II shape the social, political, and cultural movements of the first half of the 20thCentury?
Desired Results:
Big Idea:Systems – May influence other systems.
Established Goal:Students will be able to understand the roots and results of 10 different treaties that lead to the causes of World War I. Students will research secondary source selections to help them understand and then analyze their specific treaty and to then develop a presentation about short and long term effects of the treaty. Students will work in collaborative groups to research how each specific treaty responded to conflict within Europe during the period of great imperialism and then lead to WWI.
Daily Essential Question:
1) Assess the significance of specific pre-World War I alliances on both the short and long term cause of WWI:
2) In your opinion, which treaty best identifies the challenges to peace in Europe and why?
Transferable Understanding:Students will be able to understand the need for and the complexity of the pre-World War I alliance system.
Lesson Model: Group Investigation
Thinking Progression/Activity/Skill Development:
Student Action / PracticeAnticipatory Set / Students are asked to develop a think, pair, and share about the causes of World War I.
Essential Question(s) / 1) Assess the significance of specific pre-World War I alliances on both the short and long term cause of WWI:
2) In your opinion, which treaty best identifies the challenges to peace in Europe and why?
Academic Predictions / Students are asked to make predictions about the essential question to establish details about the topic and to determine possible challenges facing specific nations.
Developing academic questions / Students will take their academic predictions and develop guiding questions with those predictions. These questions will be the bases for their research into specific challenges facing their chosen treaty.
Group Investigation / Students will conduct a group research-based inquiry on a specific treaty during the build-up to World War I. Students are asked to utilize both primary and secondary source research to develop original fact-based analysis answers to their guiding questions.
Checking for understanding / Students will be asked to summarize their findings to the guiding questions in order to clarify tasks and check for understanding.
Synthesis/Creation Application / Students will create a Google Slide/PowerPoint tosummarize their findings and to synthesize how each treaty addresses the essential questions. Students are asked to create both visual and written components within this reproduction and students are asked to demonstrate its historical significances within the greater scope of European history and the build-up to WWI.
Share and Summarize / Students will present their findings to the whole class through a group presentation format.
Reference Original Assumptions / Post debate, students are asked to relook at their original assumptions to identify how their research and collaborative discussion clarified or confirmed their original points of view.
Relate to real world / Students are asked to determine any connections between the debate topic and any potential conflicts within in the modern age and the historical topic.
Application/Essential Question Assessment / 1) Assess the significance of specific pre-World War I alliances on both the short and long term cause of WWI:
2) In your opinion, which treaty best identifies the challenges to peace in Europe and why?
Extension Assignment/AP Test Prep/Homework:
Reading on Otto von Bismarck and Kaiser Wilhelm II + Analysis Questions