Math Pacing Guide

Common Core/ HarcourtAlignments (Order of Standards)


CCS / Essential Question / On Core Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Student WB
(On Core) / Harcourt Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Manipulatives / Vocabulary / Activities
Wk1 / Train Daily Drills / Straws, 100s board, number line / Unit 1: 1,2,3
Wk 2 / Center Training
Wk 3 / 1.NBT.1 / How can knowing a counting pattern help you count to 120? / L47 – Count by Ones to 120 pg. 49 / 9394 / no HM / counting chart / Unit 1: 1,5,9,11
What patterns do you see as you count by 5s? / Count by fives
1.NBT.1 / How do numbers change as you count by tens to 120? / L48 – Count by Tens to 120 pg. 50 / 9596 / no HM / counting chart / Unit 1: 1,5,9,11
1.NBT.1 / How can you model, read, and write numbers from 100 to 110? / L49-Model, Read, and Write Numbers Dayfrom 100 to 110 pg. 51 / 97 & 98 / no HM / Base-ten blocks / Unit 1: 1,5,9,11
Wk 4 / 1.NBT.1 / How can you model, read, and write numbers from 100 to 120? / L50-Model, Read, and Write Numbers from 100 to 120 pg. 52 / 99 & 100 / no HM / Base-ten blocks / Unit 1: 1,5,9,11
1.NBT.2 / How can you group cubes to show a number as tens and ones? / L51 – Tens and Ones to 50 pg. 53 / 101 & 102 / 10.3 / connecting cubes base ten blocks / Unit 4: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
1.NBT.2 / How can you show numbers to 100 as tens and ones? / L52-Tens and Ones to 100 pg. 54 / 103 & 104 / 10.4 / Base-ten blocks / hundred / Unit 4: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
Wk 5 / 1.NBT.2a / How can making a model help you show a number in different ways? / L53-Show Numbers in Different Ways pg. 55 / 105 & 106 / 10.5 / Base-ten blocks / Unit 1: 1,5,6,8,9,11
CCS / Essential Question / On Core Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Student WB
(On Core) / Harcourt Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Manipulatives / Vocabulary / Activities
1.NBT.2b / How can you use different ways to write a number as ten and ones? / L54 – Understand Ten and Ones pg. 57 / 107108 / no HM / connecting cubes / digit, ones, tens / Unit 1: 1,2,6
1.NBT.2b / How can you show a number as ten and ones? / L55 – Make Ten and Ones pg. 57 / 109110 / 10.1 / connecting cubes / Unit 1: 1,2,6
1.NBT.2c / How can you model and name groups of ten? / L56 – Tens pg. 58 / 111 & 112 / 10.2 / connecting cubes / Unit 1: 1,2,6
Unit 2
Wk 6 / 1.0A.1 / How do pictures show adding to? / L1 Algebra* Use pictures to add to Pg. 2 / 1 & 2 / 1.1 / Unit 2: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,19
Unit 3: 11,14,15
1.0A.1 / How do you model adding to a group? / L2 Model Adding Pg. 3 / 3 & 4 / 1.2 / Connecting Cubes / Plus +, is equal to=, addition sentence / Unit 2: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,19
Unit 3: 11,14,15
1.0A.1 / How do you model putting together? / L3 Model putting together Pg. 4 / 5 & 6 / 1.4 / Counters / Add / Unit 2: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,19
Unit 3: 11,14,15
1.0A.1 / How do you solve addition problems by making a model? / L4 Model Addition Pg. 5 / 7 & 8 / Counters / Unit 2: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,19
Unit 3: 11,14,15
Wk 7 / 1.0A.1 / How can you show all the ways to make a number? / L5 Algebra* Put together numbers to 10 Pg. 6 / 9 & 10 / 2.2 / 2 Color counters,
Connecting Cubes / Unit 2: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,19
Unit 3: 11,14,15
Continue L5
CCS / Essential Question / On Core Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Student WB
(On Core) / Harcourt Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Manipulatives / Vocabulary / Activities
1.0A.1 / How can you show taking from using pictures? / L6 Use pictures to show taking from Pg. 7 / 11 & 12 / 3.2 / Unit 2: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,19
Unit 3: 11,14,15
Continue L6
1.0A.1 / How do you model taking from a group? / L7 Taking from a group Pg. 8 / 13 & 14 / 3.1 / Connecting Cubes / Minus, difference, sub. sentence / Unit 2: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,19
Unit 3: 11,14,15
1.0A.1 / How do you model taking apart? / L8 Model taking apart Pg. 9 / 15 & 16 / Counters, Red & Yellow crayons / Unit 2: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,19
Unit 3: 11,14,15
Wk 8 / 1.0A.1 / How do you solve subtraction problems by making a model? / L9 Model Subtraction Pg. 10 / 17 & 18 / 3.4 / Unit 2: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,19
Unit 3: 11,14,15
Continue L9
1.0A.1 / How can you model to compare and subtract? / L10 Subtract to compare Pg. 11 / 19 &20 / Unit 2: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,19
Unit 3: 11,14,15
Wk 9 / 1.0A.1 / How can you show all the ways to take apart a number? / L11 Take apart numbers Pg. 12 / 21 & 22 / Connecting Cubes, counters / Unit 2: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,19
Unit 3: 11,14,15
CCS / Essential Question / On Core Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Student WB
(On Core) / Harcourt Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Manipulatives / Vocabulary / Activities
Continue L11
1.0A.6 / How can acting out a problem help you solve the problem? / L 12 – Use Subtractions Strategies pg. 13 / 23 & 24 / 7.4 / Ten frames, counters / Unit 2: 7,9,10,12,13,14,15,18,19
Unit 3: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,17
1.OA.1 / How can making a model help you solve a problem? / L 13 – Add or Subtract pg. 14 / 25 & 26 / 8.5 / Connecting cubes / Unit 2: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,19
Unit 3: 11,14,15
Wk 10 / Continue L13
1.0A.1 / How do you choose when to add and when to subtract to solve a problem? / L14 Choose an Operation pg. 15 / 2728 / connecting cubes / Unit 2: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,19
Unit 3: 11,14,15
Continue L14
1.0A.2 / How do you solve addition word problems by drawing a picture? / L 15 – Use Addition Strategies pg. 16 / 29 & 30 / Unit 3: 16
Wk 11 / 1.0A.3 / What happens when you add 0 to a number? / L16 Algebra* Add 0 Pg. 17 / 31 & 32 / 1.3 / Counters / Zero / Unit 2: 7,8,9,10,11,14,15,19
Unit 3: 4,11,12,13,17
1.0A.3 / Why can you add addends in any order? / L17 Algebra* Add in any order Pg. 18 / 33 & 34 / 2.1 / Connecting Cubes / Order, addends / Unit 2: 7,8,9,10,11,14,15,19
Unit 3: 4,11,12,13,17
CCS / Essential Question / On Core Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Student WB
(On Core) / Harcourt Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Manipulatives / Vocabulary / Activities
1.0A.3 / What happens if you change the order of the addends? / L18 Algebra* Add in any order Pg. 19 / 35 & 36 / 6.2 / Unit 2: 7,8,9,10,11,14,15,19
Unit 3: 4,11,12,13,17
Continue L18
Wk 12 / 1.OA.3 / How can you add three addends? / L 19 – Algebra *add 3 Numbers pg. 20 / 37 & 38 / 13.3 / Connecting cubes / Unit 2: 7,8,9,10,11,14,15,19
Unit 3: 4,11,12,13,17
Continue L19
1.OA.3 / How can you group numbers to add three addends? / L20 – Algebra *add 3 Numbers pg. 21 / 39 & 40 / 18.5 / Connecting cubes / Unit 2: 7,8,9,10,11,14,15,19
Unit 3: 4,11,12,13,17
1.OA.4 / How can you use an addition fact to find the answer to a subtraction fact? / L21 – Think Addition to Subtract pg. 22 / 41 & 42 / 14.4 / Connecting Cubes / Unit 3: 18
Wk 13 / Continue L21
How can you use addition to help you find the answer to a subtraction fact? / L22 – Use Think Addition to Subtract pg.23 / 43 & 44 / Connecting cubes
1.OA.5 / How do you count on 1,2, and 3? / L23 – Count On pg.24 / 45 & 46 / 5.1 / Connecting cubes / Count on / Unit 2: 16,17
Unit 3: 1
Wk 14 / 1.OA.5 / How can you count back 1,2, or 3? / L24- Count Back pg.25 / 47 & 48 / 7.1 &7.2 / Counters / Count back / Unit 2: 16,17
Unit 3: 1
CCS / Essential Question / On Core Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Student WB
(On Core) / Harcourt Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Vocabulary / Activities
Continue L24
1.0A.6 / Why are some addition facts easy to add? / L25 Addition to 10 Pg. 26 / 49 & 50 / 2.4 / Connecting Cubes / Unit 2: 7,9,10,12,13,14,15,18,19
Unit 3: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,17
1.0A.6 / Why are some subtraction facts easy to subtract? / L26 Subtraction from 10 or less Pg. 27 / 51 & 52 / 4.3 / Connecting cubes, counters / Unit 2: 7,9,10,12,13,14,15,18,19
Unit 3: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,17
Wk 15 / Continue L26
1.0A.6 / What are doubles facts? / L27 – Add Doubles pg. 28 / 53 & 54 / 5.3 / Connecting cubes / Doubles / Unit 2: 7,9,10,12,13,14,15,18,19
Unit 3: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,17
1.OA.6 / How can you use doubles to help you add? / L28 –Use Doubles to Add pg.29 / 55 & 56 / HM 13.2 / Connecting cubes / Unit 2: 7,9,10,12,13,14,15,18,19
Unit 3: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,17
CCS / Essential Question / On Core Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Student WB
(On Core) / Harcourt Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Manipulatives / Vocabulary / Activities
1.OA.6 / How can you use what you know about doubles to find other sumd? / L29 Doubles Plus 1 and doubles minus 1 pg.30 / 57&58 / Chapter 13 / Connecting cubes / Unit 2: 7,9,10,12,13,14,15,18,19
Unit 3: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,17
Wk 16 / 1.OA.6 / What strategies can you use to solve addition fact problems / L30 Practice the Stragtegies pg. 31 / 59 & 60 / 79 / Red, blue, yellow crayons / Unit 2: 7,9,10,12,13,14,15,18,19
Unit 3: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,17
1.OA.6 / How can you use the ten frame to add 10 and some more? / L31 – Add 10 and More pg. 32 / 61 & 62 / 18.2 / Counters, ten frames, red and yellow crayons / Unit 2: 7,9,10,12,13,14,15,18,19
Unit 3: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,17
Continue L31
1.OA.6 / How do you use the make a ten strategy to add? / L32 – Make a 10 to add pg. 33 / 63 &64 / 18.3 / Counters, ten frames, red and yellow crayons / Make a ten / Unit 2: 7,9,10,12,13,14,15,18,19
Unit 3: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,17
Wk 17 / Continue L32
CCS / Essential Question / On Core Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Student WB
(On Core) / Harcourt Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Manipulatives / Vocabulary / Activities
1.OA.6 / How can you make a ten to help you add? / L33 – Use make a 10 to add pg. 34 / 65 & 66 / 18.4 / Unit 2: 7,9,10,12,13,14,15,18,19
Unit 3: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,17
Continue L33
1.OA.6 / How can you make a ten to help you subtract? / L34 –Use 10 to Subtract pg. 36 / 67 & 68 / No HM / Ten frames, counters / Unit 2: 7,9,10,12,13,14,15,18,19
Unit 3: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,17
Wk 18 / 1.OA.6 / How do you break apart a number to subtract / L35 –Break Apart to Subtract pg. 36 / 69 & 70 / No HM / Ten frames, counters / Unit 2: 7,9,10,12,13,14,15,18,19
Unit 3: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,17
1.0A.6 / How do related facts help you find missing numbers? / L36 - Record Related Facts pg. 37 / 71 & 72 / 8.4 / connecting cubes / related facts / Unit 2: 7,9,10,12,13,14,15,18,19
Unit 3: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,17
CCS / Essential Question / On Core Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Student WB
(On Core) / Harcourt Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Manipulatives / Vocabulary / Activities
1.0A.6 / How do you know if addition and subtraction facts are related? / L37 – Identify Related Facts pg. 38 / 73 & 74 / 14.2 / connecting cubes / Unit 2: 7,9,10,12,13,14,15,18,19
Unit 3: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,17
Wk 19 / 1.0A.6 / How can you use addition to check subtraction? / L38 – Use Addition to Check Subtraction p. 39 / 75 & 76 / no HM / connecting cubes / Unit 2: 7,9,10,12,13,14,15,18,19
Unit 3: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,17
1.0A.6 / How can you add and subtract in different ways to make the same number? / L39 - Algebra* Ways to Make Numbers to 20 pg. 40 / 77 & 78 / connecting cubes / Unit 2: 7,9,10,12,13,14,15,18,19
Unit 3: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,17
Continue L39
1.0A.6 / How can addition and subtraction strategies help you find sums and differences? / L40 – Basic Facts to 20 pg. 41 / 7980 / Unit 2: 7,9,10,12,13,14,15,18,19
Unit 3: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,17
Wk 20 / 1.0A.6 / What strategies can you use to add and subtract? / L41-Add and Subtract within 20 pg .42 / 81&82 / Connecting cubes
CCS / Essential Question / On Core Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Student WB
(On Core) / Harcourt Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Manipulatives / Vocabulary / Activities
1.0A.7 / How can you decide if a number sentence is true or false? / L42 - Algebra* Equal and Not Equal pg. 43 / 8384 / crayons / Unit 3: 2,3
1.0A.8 / How can you use pictures to compare and subtract? / L43. Use Pictures and Subtraction to compare Pg. 44 / 85 & 86 / 4.4 / Compare, fewer, more / Unit 2: 7,9,10,12,13,14,15,18,19
Unit 3: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,17
Continue L43
Wk 21 / 1.0A.8 / What happens when you subtract 0 from a number? / L44. Subtract All or Zero Pg. 45 / 87 & 88 / 3.5 / Unit 2: 7,9,10,12,13,14,15,18,19
Unit 3: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,17
1.0A.8 / How can you use a related fact to find a missing number? / L45 – Algebra* Missing Number pg. 46 / 8990 / connecting cubes / Unit 2: 7,9,10,12,13,14,15,18,19
Unit 3: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,17
1.0A.8 / How can you use a related fact to find a missing number? / L46 – Algebra* Use Related Facts pg. 47 / 91 & 92 / counters / Unit 2: 7,9,10,12,13,14,15,18,19
Unit 3: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,17
CCS / Essential Question / On Core Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Student WB
(On Core) / Harcourt Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Manipulatives / Vocabulary / Activities
Wk 22 / 1.NBT.3 / How can you compare two numbers to find which is greater? / L57-Algebra* Greater than pg. 59 / 113 & 114 / 11.1 / Unit 4: 6,7,8
1.NBT.3 / How can you compare two numbers to find which is less? / L58-Algebra*
Less than pg. 60 / 115 & 116 / 11.2 / Unit 4: 6,7,8
1.NBT.3 / How can you use symbols to show how numbers compare? / L59-Algebra*
Use symbols to Compare pg. 61 / 117 & 118 / 11.3 / Unit 4: 6,7,8
1.NBT.3 / How can making a model help you compare numbers? / L60-Compare Numbers pg. 62 / 119 & 120 / no HM / Unit 4: 6,7,8
Wk 23 / 1.NBT.4 / How can making a model help you compare numbers? / L61-Compare Numbers pg. 62 / 121 & 122 / 29.1 / Base-ten blocks
1.NBT.4 / How can you use a hundred chart to count on by ones or tens? / L62-Use a Hundred Chart to Add pg. 64 / 123 & 124
1.NBT.4 / How can models help you add ones or tens to a two-digit number? / L63-Use Models to Add pg. 65 / 125 & 126 / Connecting cubes, base-ten blocks
1.NBT.4 / How can making a ten help you add a two-digit number and a one-digit number? / L64-Make Ten to Add pg. 66 / 127 & 128 / Base-ten blocks
Wk 24 / 1.NBT.4 / How can you model tens & ones to help you add two-digit numbers? / L 65 – Use Place Value to Add pg. 67 / 129 &130 / 29.2 / Base-ten blocks
1.NBT.4 / How can drawing a picture help you explain how to solve an addition problem? / L66 – Addition Word Problems pg. 68 / 131 & 132
1.NBT.5 / How can you identify numbers that are 10 less or 10 more than a number? / L67-10 Less, 10 More pg. 69 / 133 & 134 / no HM / Connecting cubes
1.NBT.6 / How can you subtract tens? / L68-Subtract Tens pg. 70 / 135 & 136 / 29.4 / Base-ten blocks
Wk 25 / 1.NBT.6 / What different ways can you use to add and subtract? / L69 – Practice Addition & Subtraction pg. 71 / 137 & 138 / Base-ten blocks
1.MD.1 / How do you order objects by length? / L70 – Order Length pg. 73 / 139 & 140 / 26.1 / Longest, shortest
CCS / Essential Question / On Core Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Student WB
(On Core) / Harcourt Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Manipulatives / Vocabulary / Activities
1.MD.1 / How can you compare lengths of three objects to put them in order? / L71 – Indirect Measure pg. 74 / 141 & 142
1.MD.2 / How do you measure length using nonstandard units? / L72 – Use Nonstandard Units to Measure Length pg. 75 / 143 & 144 / Color tiles, classroom objects
Wk 26 / 1.MD.2 / How do you use a nonstandard measuring tool to measure length? / L73 – Make a Nonstandard Measuring Tool pg. 76 / 145 & 146 / 26.2 / Paper clips, red, blue & green crayons
1.MD.2 / How can acting it out help you solve measurement problems? / L74 – Measure & Compare pg. 77 / 147 & 148 / 26.6
1.MD.3 / How do you tell time to the hour on a clock that has only an hour hand? / L75 – Time to the Hour pg. 78 / 149 & 150 / 24.1 / Hour hand
1.MD.3 / How do you tell time to the half hour on a clock that has only an hour hand? / L76 – Time to the Half Hour pg. 79 / 151 & 152 / 24.4 / Hour, half hour
Wk 27 / 1.MD.3 / How are the minute hand and hour hand different for time to the hour and half hour? / L77 – Tell Time to the Hour & Half Hour pg. 80 / 153 & 154 / Minutes, minute hand
1.MD.3 / How do you know whether to draw and write time to the hour or half hour? / L78 – Practice Time to the Hour and Half Hour pg. 81 / 155 & 156 / 24.5
1.MD.4 / What do the pictures in a picture graph show? / L79 – Read Picture Graphs pg. 82 / 157 & 158 / Picture graph
1.MD.4 / How do you make a picture graph to answer a question? / L80 – Make Picture Graphs pg. 83 / 159 & 160 / 9.2 & 9.3
Wk 28 / 1.MD.4 / How can you read a bar graph to find the number that a bar shows? / L81 – Read Bar Graphs pg. 84 / 161 & 162 / Connecting cubes / Bar graph
1.MD.4 / How does a bar graph help you compare information? / L82-Make Bar Graphs pg 85 / 163-164 / 9.5
1.MD.4 / How do you count the tallies on a tally chart? / L83-Read Tally Charts pg 86 / 165-166 / 9.4 / Tally chart, tally mark
CCS / Essential Question / On Core Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Student WB
(On Core) / Harcourt Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Manipulatives / Vocabulary / Activities
1.MD.4 / Why is a tally chart a good way to show information that you have collected? / L84-Make Tally Charts pg 87 / 167-168 / No HM
Wk 29 / 1.MD.4 / How can showing information in a graph help you solve problems? / L85-Represent Data pg 88 / 169-170 / 9.6
1.G.1 / How can you identify and describe three dimensional shapes? / L86-Three-Dimensional Shapes pg 90 / 171-172 / Three-dimensional shapes, 1 set per child / Sphere, cone, cylinder, cube, rectangular prism, flat surfaces, curved surface / Unit 5: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,15,16,17
1.G.2 / How can acting it out help you take apart combines shapes? / L87-Two- dimensional shapes on three-dimensional shapes pg. 91 / 183-184 / Three-dimensional shapes, 2 sets per child
1.G.1 / What two-dimensional shapes to you see on the flat surfaces of three-dimensional shapes? / L88-sort two-dimensional shapes pg 92 / 173-174 / Three-dimensional shapes, 1 set per child; plane shapes, 1 set per child / Unit 5: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,15,16,17
Wk 30 / 1.G.1 / What two-dimensional shapes to you see on the flat surfaces of three-dimensional shapes? / L88-sort two-dimensional shapes pg 92 / 173-174 / Three-dimensional shapes, 1 set per child; plane shapes, 1 set per child / Unit 5: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,15,16,17
1.G.1 / How can you use attributes to sort two-dimensional shapes? / L89-Describe Two-dimensional shapes pg 93 / 175-176 / Circles, square, triangles, rectangles, sides, vertices / Unit 5: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,15,16,17
CCS / Essential Question / On Core Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Student WB
(On Core) / Harcourt Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Manipulatives / Vocabulary / Activities
1.G.1 / How can you combine three-dimensional shapes? / L90- Combine three-dimentional shapes / 179-180 / Three-dimensional shapes, 2 set per child; / Unit 5: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,15,16,17
1.G.2 / How can you combine three-dimensional shapes to make new shapes? / L 91- Make New Three-Dimensional Shapes pg 96 / 179-180 / Three-dimensional shapes, 2 sets per child / Unit 5: 10,11,12,13,14,15,18
Wk 31 / 1.G.2 / How can you use a combined shape to build new shapes? / L 92-Take apart three-dimensional shapes pg 96 / 181-182 / Three-dimensional shapes, 2 sets per child / Unit 5: 10,11,12,13,14,15,18
1.G.2 / How can you put two-dimensional shapes together to make new two-dimensional shapes? / L93-Combine two-dimensional shapes pg 97 / 185-186 / No HM / Unit 5: 10,11,12,13,14,15,18
1.G.2 / How can you combine two-dimensional shapes to make new shapes? / L94 – Combine More Shapes pg 98 / 187-188 / No HM / Unit 5: 10,11,12,13,14,15,18
1.G.2 / How can acting it out help you make new shapes from combined shape? / L95- Make New Two-Dimensional Shapes pg. 99 / 189 & 190 / no HM / Pattern blocks, two-dimensional shapes (to combine) / Unit 5: 10,11,12,13,14,15,18
Wk 32 / 1.G.2 / How can you find shapes in other shapes? / L96- Find shapes in Shapes p. 100 / 191 & 192 / no HM / Pattern blocks / Unit 5: 10,11,12,13,14,15,18
1.G.2 / How can you take away two– dimensional shapes? / L97- Take apart Two-Dimensional shapes p.101 / 193 & 194 / no HM / Pattern blocks / Unit 5: 10,11,12,13,14,15,18
CCS / Essential Question / On Core Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Student WB
(On Core) / Harcourt Math
(Teacher’s Ed) / Manipulatives / Vocabulary / Activities
1.G.3 / How can you identify equal and unequal parts in two-dimensional shapes / L98 – Equal or Unequal Parts p. 102 / 195 & 196 / no HM / Equal parts, equal shares, unequal parts, unequal shares / Unit 5: 10,12,13
1.G.3 / How can a shape be separated into two equal shares? / L99- Halves p. 103 / 197 & 198 / 21.1 / Half of, halves / Unit 5: 10,12,13
Wk 33 / Continue L99
1.G.3 / How can a shape be separated into four equal shares? / L100 – Fourths p.104 / 199 & 200 / 21.2 / Fourth of, fourths, quarter of, quarters / Unit 5: 10,12,13