Project Planning Notes

Relocating our mobile campus to the new Sugarloaf Campus

Updated Sunday, February 16, 2014

** See glossary of terms on last page

Outline of Planning Thoughts

These items are in no particular order…and they may be duplicate thoughts from different perspectives (one might be a purchasing list and one might be an actionable list).

1) We need to plan our storage space requirement to relocate

a) Note how much space the PTRHS equipment consumes. We need to save this equipment for the next campus launch.

i) On-site mobile storage

ii) On-site storage room (Tech Team cage)

iii) Truck & Trailer

iv) Total is approx. 550 SF

b) We need space to receive shipments for equipment and supplies for the new building (you can’t move in until you receive a certificate of occupancy). For all previous campus launches, we secured off-site storage and a UPS or Mailboxes location to receive all the packages. A volunteer would make multiple trips between them. There will be a large amount of packaging (cardboard boxes, peanuts, etc) to be thrown away after the contents are inspected and verified. This time we found an empty warehouse adjacent to a business that assisted with receiving packages. Note that most packages will need to be:

i) Unboxed

ii) Checked

iii) Assembled

iv) Re-packaged

v) Transported to the campus when open

2) Coffee / Cafe

a) Determine who needs to participate in equipment selection.

i) What products are we going to offer?

ii) What storage is needed in the building for supplies?

iii) What refrigerator and freezer space is needed?

iv) Has the leader of the current team been contacted to ensure participation?

b) Determine who has the coffee equipment in their budget.

c) Get a drawing of the cafe layout (counter, equipment, electrical outlets, etc.) and have the team review them for people flow and other issues

d) Setup a meeting with the business office to determine if the café will use existing COA or new ones. Is this a cost center or a P&L with income?

e) What are the legal issues if we collect income selling coffee?

f) Meet with facilities to ensure that enough electrical circuits and plumbing exists in the kitchen to support the brewers and grinder.

g) Meet with your brew team and start preparing them for the café process

i) Confirm that the leader plans to continue in their position. This relocation will result in a significant increase in their responsibilities

(1) They must take ownership of the ongoing inventory. Today they get all their supplies from SBUX. In the new campus, they will have to manage inventory levels of cups, lids, straws, creamer, sugar, etc.

(2) They will have to maintain a regular schedule of cleaning the equipment. Coffee residue builds up in the pots and the team will have to spend one day every month to clean (all 40 of them). There is a special cleaning solution that has to sit in the pots for an hour and then be rinsed out.

ii) Have the leader start rotating members of the team at Central Campus to train as brew-masters on the equipment.

h) Selection of the dispensing kiosk is important. We had a number of issues trying to make all the equipment and supplies fit on the ones here at Central. Be sure to get into the approval cycle with facility team.

3) The warming kitchen

a) The kitchen is a very important part of the inspection process for the SBUX. Plus, it is used by every approved caterer when they serve our events.

i) Check with hospitality to see what equipment is critical and what equipment is not needed.

ii) We have a dry goods storage room here at Central Campus that is vital to the operation of the kitchen. Is there one at Sugarloaf? If not, how will the kitchen supplies be managed?

b) I would obtain a layout of the kitchen from facilities to see what is included.

4) There are various budget items that are almost always left off of the lists somewhere!

a) Drums or Drum kits

b) Keyboards

c) Inner ear pieces

d) Microphones

e) Where are these items stored at the campus? Do they just sit out on the stage?

5) Campus Storage

a) Survey the campus and determine if you have enough room to store the equipment and supplies that you plan to order. Where do they go? Do you have shelving, cabinets, etc.?

i) Shirts, towels, etc. for baptism

ii) Printed materials (Visitors, bulletins, copy paper)

iii) Environmental arts (stage stuff)

iv) Baptism tub

v) Tech Team lift

vi) Supplies for free coffee (cups, napkins, sugar, creamer, straws, air pots, etc.)

vii) Bibles and pens

viii) Parking team cones, vests

ix) Radios

x) Umbrellas

xi) Nametags (place for volunteers to check in)

xii) Pipe and drape

xiii) Mobile DVD/TV carts

6) Radios & earpieces

a) Digital radios for the team leaders

b) Other radios for the other members

c) Compile a list of radios needed

7) First Aid bag and supplies

a) Our medical team can spec and purchase this

b) Issue: Will this campus have a medical team?

c) Facility Team has contracts for oxygen, defibulator, etc.

8) Check-in stations (they not just for children’s events)

a) How many does the campus need?

b) Where are they located?

c) Will their locations be sufficient for non-childcare check-in (Discover 12Stone, membership)?

9) Facility Team should provide (verify)

a) Event tables (6’, 8’, 60” round). Where will they be stored?

b) Interior signage

i) Room signage

ii) Environmental Signage (Children’s area)

iii) Directional signage

(1) Inside the building

(2) Outside traffic

c) Blinds or window coverings

10) Parking

a) How many cones will be needed?

b) Will the team get a Golf Cart & Trailer?

c) Safety vests

d) Flashlights

e) Someone needs to determine what signs are needed. (Keep Right, A-frame “children ->” etc)

f) Carts for carrying supplies outside

g) Coolers for water

11) Greeting / Lobby

a) What Mobile Kiosks do we need for Guest Services, Resource Center, etc?

b) How much Soft seating / Furniture is needed?

c) Stanchions

d) Travini System?

e) Baskets (or other) for bulletins

f) Umbrella storage and umbrella racks

g) Resource Team kiosk or CD location?

h) FTV products (campus maps, free coffee cards or free coffee?)

i) Food donation bin

12) Ushers

a) Bibles

b) Pens

c) Offering baskets

d) “Reserved” seat covers

13) Children’s ministry

a) Check-in stickers (first time guests, check-in system failure)

b) Check-in binders and logs for classrooms

c) Nursery

i) Evacuation Cribs

ii) Crib sheets, blankets, mattress covers

iii) Changing tables, pads, and covers

iv) Rocking chairs

v) Paging system

vi) Diaper genie

vii) Music? (CD player?)

viii) Diapers and consumables (hand sanitizer, gloves, Kleenex, towels)

ix) Extra clothes for accidents

x) Containers (goldfish, cheerios, etc.) and cups

xi) Hand cleaner

xii) Mirror?

xiii) Toys?

xiv) Dutch doors or gates?

d) Preschool

i) A/V equipment if not already built in

ii) Themed carpets

iii) Kid sized Chairs and tables

iv) Adult chairs

v) Cleaning supplies

vi) Toys & games

vii) Music? CD player?

viii) Glue, scissors, crayons

ix) consumables (hand sanitizer, gloves, Kleenex, towels)

x) Stepping stools, toilet covers/trainers

xi) Dutch doors or gates?

e) Elementary

i) Shelving for SG Leader kits

ii) Bags (SG leader kits)

iii) Tech Team support (microphones, headsets, etc)

iv) Toys and Games

v) Themed carpets

vi) Tables and chairs?

vii) Stage set, props, design

14) Redemptive Arts

a) Drum Kit

b) Keyboard

c) Inner ear devices for each person

d) Microphones, headsets, patch cords, etc

e) Do they have a green room? (place to hang out) Do we need to install a TV to broadcast the service in that room?

15) Storage areas

a) Environmental Art items not used on stage

b) Baptism tubs, carpets, and supplies

c) Spiritual Formation -

i) Baptism, communion supplies

ii) Pipe and drape

16) Office & workroom

a) Copier, Postage machine, shredder, paper cutter

b) Cabinets, shelving, etc.

c) Workroom supplies

d) Mailboxes

e) Dual control Safe (for offerings)

f) Printed materials

17) IT equipment and supplies

a) Where is the server room?

b) Phone system integration (fixed lines or VoiP)

c) Office Computers (or docking stations)

d) Copier (purchase, lease, or rent?)

e) Printers ?

18) Café / Hospitality / Coffee Team

a) Ice machine

b) Fridge

c) Tables and chairs

d) Brewing equipment

e) Cups, lids, sugar, creamer, stirs

f) Snacks? (grab-and-go)

g) Signage

19) Middle School?

20) High School?

21) Receptionist

a) Location?

b) Desk

c) Phone

d) Computer

e) Printed materials

22) Other Thoughts / Suggestions

a) Be slow to assign rooms and storage closets. Once assigned, they are difficult to take back. Do not allow anything to be built, installed, or assigned to those rooms. They will be serve best as flexible solutions.

b) What emergency plans need to be developed for the new campus?

c) What new process/procedures need to be written?

23) Implementation Schedule

a) What Prayer events will we host to pray over new campus?

b) Are we writing names in the cement before they lay carpet?

c) Volunteer teams to relocate equipment from storage

d) Are there any new volunteer teams that need to be formed?

24) Marketing

a) Are we mailing flyers to the nearby community?

b) Are we placing a countdown banner on the site?

c) What is the communication plan to the campus? To the rest of the church?

Glossary of Terms

· PTRHS is “Peachtree Ridge High School” (the temporary location)

· Tech Team is responsible for sound, lighting, and video equipment in the worship center

· COA = chart of accounts (accounting term)

· P&L = Profit & Loss (accounting term)

· SBUX = Starbucks (the business)

· Hospitality refers to a 12Stone volunteer team

· FTV = First Time Visitor

· Travini = system that controls the electronic displays around the hallways