Lake Minneola High School

Common Board Configuration

APUSH Lesson Plan

Teacher Name: Goody


Date / Subject
Benchmarks / N/A / Bellwork / Study for quiz
Objective / Explain why this time period was coined the Gilded Age. Discuss Urbanization and immigration during this time period. / Agenda / ·  Quiz on Industrial America
·  Immigration/Urbanization
·  Push/Pull Factors Discussion
Essential Question / How were immigrants treated? What were the effects of urbanization?
Vocabulary / Captains of Industry, Urbanization, Immigration New vs. Old, steel-skyscrapers, mass transit, Dawes Act, Chinese Exclusion Act, Ellis Island, Angel Island
Accommodations / Extra time / Ticket Out / Nativism Cartoon
Homework / Read The Growth of Cities


Date / Subject / APUSH
Benchmarks / N/A / Bellwork / Benjamin Harrison-forgotten presidents cont.
Objective / Be familiar with the effects of urbanization. / Agenda / ·  Watch Cities segment “Story of US”
·  Discussion on expansion of cities effects of urbanization
·  Unions-safety concerns –Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
Essential Question / What problems faced the cities during the Gilded Age?
Vocabulary / Urbanization, Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, Jacob Riis-How the Other Half Lives, tenements, slums, Allan Pinkerton-mug shots
Accommodations / Extra time / Ticket Out
Homework / The Jungle DOC


Date / 3/8-3/11 / Subject / APUSH
Benchmarks / N/A / Bellwork / none
Objective / Analyze photos by Jacob Riis to explain the effects of urbanization. / Agenda / ·  BW
·  Jacob Riis photo analysis
·  Go over and discuss the Jungle DOC
Essential Question / How did Jacob Riis bring reform to slum living?
Vocabulary / Jacob Riis: “How the Other Half Lives”
Accommodations / Extra time / Ticket Out
Homework / Finish reading Gilded Age

Please note: All lessons on subject to change at any time dependent on school events and the needs of the students.