JULY 2007
16 JULY 2007
These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Committee in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Committee and shall not be considered as such by any agency.
MONDAY, 16 JULY 2007
1.1 Call to Order/Quorum Check
The meeting was called to order at 3:00 pm by Chairperson (Jay Park).
The following representatives were in attendance and a quorum was established:
Committtee Members Present:
Name Company
Rossella Andreozzi Alenia Aeronautica
Mark Cathey Spirit AeroSystems
Michael Coleman The Boeing Company
John Haddock BAE Systems MAS
Cherif Khelil Safran Group
Jay Park Northrop Grumman
Michel Pieranoni Eurocopter
Steve Pollard BAE Systems MAS
John Reid Bombardier
Laurie Strom Honeywell Aerospace
Camille Valmy Airbus
LaVerne Waalkes Spirit AeroSystems
Kevin Ward Goodrich
PRI Staff Present:
Name Company
John Barrett PRI
Ryuichi Koyama PRI
Arshad Hafeez PRI
Lui Le PRI
Stanley Revers PRI
1.2 Review of agenda completed.
The agenda for the meeting was discussed and no changes were made.
1.3 Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
The minutes taken at the January 2007 and April 2007 meeting were approved as published.
1.4 Committee Membership
No changes to committee membership were noted for this meeting.
1.5 Review Action Item List
There were no active Action Items for review.
Jay Park and Cherif Khelil reviewed the current plan for the 2007 oversight audit. Prime membership was reviewed and corrected. The attached file reflects the current status of Oversight Audit Team members and roles and responsibilities.
Cherif Khelil reviewed the scope of the audit and the current status. A number of Prime representatives who are assigned to the audit team have not yet responded to Cherif’s efforts to contact. Committee members should contact their audit assignees and encourage them to touch base with Cherif this week. Laurie Strom briefly reviewed the results of one of the desktop audits completed for NOP-011, Audit Failure Process. It was agreed that audit results will be shared with PRI as they are noted, but a final audit report will be presented at the end of the on-site audit on Friday, 26 October 2007. Corrective action responses will be due shortly after the final report is provided by the audit team leader. One Major, one Minor, and five observations were documented for the desktop audit for NOP-001. Other audit results to date are noted in the file attached within these minutes. It was noted that some of the Oversight Audit Checklists are not in sync with the current revision of the procedures. If such a condition is noted, the auditor should utilize the current issued procedure and note the problem with the checklist in the audit report. John Barrett will review all checklists and bring them up to date with the current revisions.
The details for the on-site audit at the Warrendale PRI Headquarters were discussed. It was suggested that a dinner with the auditors and PRI Points of Contacts be organized for Wednesday, 24 October 2007. John Barrett will take responsibility to make the arrangements and send out notices to the audit team and appropriate PRI Staff.
John Barrett will identify the particular procedures to be audited based on the audit plan and will identify the PRI Points of Contact for the on-site audit on Friday, 26 October 2007. This information will be sent to Jay Park and Cherif Kehlil.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 PM.
Minutes prepared by:
John Barrett PRI
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