Healthwatch South Gloucestershire Work Programme 2015/2016
Outcome / Priority / Actions / Progress / Timescale / OutputsTo ensure that seldom hear communities have the opportunity to engage with Healthwatch / Gypsy and Travellers / Attend the West of England Gypsy and Traveller Health Strategic Partnership
Work with Sheila Lally Gypsy and Traveller HV to reach Gypsies and Travellers to hear their health and social care issues
Opportunities for HW Development Officer to go onto Winterbourne and Patchway sites with HV
HW info in G&T booklet / Hear what Gypsy and Travellers say about their services through working in partnership with Sheila Lally Health Visitor / Conference June 18
Mid April / Hear issues from the Gypsy and Traveller community
Take part in and run a workshop at the Gypsy and Traveller Conference in June 2015
Patient Stories
Workshop at G&T conference
Make recommendations to CCG
Outcome / Priority / Actions / Progress / Timescale / Outputs
To ensure that Healthwatch engages with new early mental health intervention being planned with South Glos Council / Mental Health / Healthwatch to engage with Mental Health Community Offer - Identify the gap in early intervention of mental health support services and the threshold for crisis point working with VS networks
Work with community health on the health needs of prisoners.Contact Dominic Mellon
Enter and View in partnership with Community Health
Contact Alison Enever
Agree the Crisis Care concordat
Attend AWP Stakeholder group meetings quarterly to keep updated and feedback / Patient stories collated and shared / South Glos have agreed to fund TCF VSS/ HW to provide a DW one day a week to hear from seldom heard groups / Healthwatch support to Mental Health Community Offer model around setting up joint commissioning to ensure that a wide range of people with early signs of mental ill health including anxiety and depression. Feed into the commissioning cycle for IAPT
Outcome / Priority / Actions / Progress / Timescale / Outputs
To ensure Healthwatch hears from people with physical, sensory impairment / Deaf, deafened and hard of hearing
Low vision and visual impairment / Identify issues from NHS England Survey April / May / Qtr 4
Qtr 1 / Views of people with physical and sensory impairment shared with service providers and commissioners
Outcome / Priority / Actions / Progress / Timescale / Outputs
To use enter and view to observe care provision and hear from residents and their families / Older People and people with dementia / Enter and View visits to observe and review the care of older people and develop an understanding of the care of people with dementia in a South Glos care home / 8Enter and View visitscompleted
2 visits in partnership with HW Bristol / Complete and report on 8 enter and view visits in 2015 /16
Outcome / Priority / Actions / Progress / Timescale / Outputs
Healthwatch to identify how people with long term conditions are taking up Personal Health Budgets / Give the public an awareness of Personal Health budgets / The public can ask for a Personal Health Budgets from Nov 2014 and by April 2015 people with LTC should be offered
Kim Smith South Glos CCG to explain about Personal Health Budgets / Use JSNA to identify long term conditions in South Glos
CCG attending 5.5.2015 Advisory Group
Outcome / Priority / Actions / Progress / Timescale / Outputs
Healthwatch to comment on NHS Trust Equality Delivery System / Equality / Work with the BNSSG Commissioning Support Group ‘Diamond Group’ to identify and train volunteers to reply to the NHS Trust Equality Delivery System.
Trained volunteers join Healthwatch South Glos / Evaluate and report back on NHS Trust EDS / Trust can produce the EDS anytime during 2015 /16 / Healthwatch report to NHS Trusts
Outcome / Priority / Actions / Progress / Timescale / Outputs
Healthwatch to hear issues on Southmead Hospital / Healthwatch to follow up on Southmead Hospital report / Visit for 1 week during summer / tba / Summer 2015 / Healthwatch hear issues and share with NBT / Commissioners
Outcome / Priority / Actions / Progress / Timescale / Outputs
Healthwatch to give feedback to NHS Trust Quality Accounts / NBT
SWAFT / Volunteer group meet to reply to the NHS Trust Quality Accounts / Letter from SWAFT QA ready 13.4.2015 to be returned 12.4.2015
Joint HW working group to be set up / April / May 2015 / Healthwatch report to NHS Trusts
Outcome / Priority / Actions / Progress / Timescale / Outputs
Ensuring children and young people have their say on the services they use / Recommission Children Services / Support the CCG in consultations around the commissioning of children’s services to start April 2016
The scope is the majority of children’s community services, including Health Visiting, School Nursing, Community Paediatrics, Therapies, CAMHS, learning disability services and some specialist services. Two other services, Lifetime ( Sirona’s specialist community nursing for children with life limiting conditions) and GP with a Special Interest (Paediatrics) will also be re-commissioned at the same time. Lindsay Gee is the lead commissioner in South Gloucestershire CC. / Ensure CYP have the opportunity to feed into the programme board
CAHMS discussion in House of Commons March 2 emailed MP’s to attend / Recommissioning March 2016 / Healthwatch CYP representation as part of recommissioning children’s community health services
Outcome / Priority / Actions / Progress / Timescale / Outputs
Healthwatch hears the issues and concerns of young carers / Young Carers / Community engagement with young carers
Discuss with Jo Holden Carers Support Centre / Hear young carers issues on health and social care / Healthwatch feedback to commissioners
Outcome / Priority / Actions / Progress / Timescale / Outputs
Obesity and body image / Forum with young people to identify issues / Planned CYP event 28th October at the Station / Completed / Report sent to commissioners
February 2015