Commodity Code Job Aid

What is a Commodity Code?

Commodity - An item of physical property, as opposed to a service.

Commodity Code - A system of words and/or numbers designed to identify and list commodities or services by classes or sub-classes.

Commodity codes are selected by vendors as part of their MFMP registration. These codes help organize the goods and services vendors offer into the following:

–  classes,

–  group,

–  item, and

–  details.

The assigned commodity codes also assist buyers in selecting the most appropriate product possible. In addition, commodity codes are also used by state purchasers to notify applicable vendors of upcoming bids and Solicitations.

Helpful Hint: A searchable commodity code listing is available as an MS Excel file on the MFMP Toolkit.

Commodity Code Overview

The State of Florida uses a unique numbering system to classify commodities and services called a commodity code. This numbering scheme is used to identify the products or services buyers wish to procure when the state solicits bids.

Most solicitations are issued at the Class or Group level (3- or 6-digit commodity code) but bid specifications can be presented at the Item or Detail level (9- or 13-digit commodity code). Florida uses the commodity code in several tools to seek vendor participation in solicitations:

–  Sourcing, and

–  eQuote.

Each tool requires registration and enables vendors to identify their products/services. When buyers solicit bids/quotes for products, notifications will be distributed based on the classification vendors selected. The commodity code can be comprised of 13 digits:

·  Class - First 3 digits

o  Group - Second 3 digits

§  Item - Third 3 digits

·  Detail - Last 4 digits


What is eQuote?

Agency buyers have the ability to informally solicit quotes from the vendor community for purchases under $25,000; this can be accomplished through the eQuote tool. If you are registered, you have the ability to expand your business to all state buyers. Once a quote is released, you will receive electronic requests from buyers who are researching products and are ready to buy. Vendors can also respond to these requests electronically.

How Commodity Codes are Used in eQuote

·  The commodity codes you select in your MyFloridaMarketPlace Vendor Registration will be transmitted to your eQuote account. Vendors need to validate that the correct commodity codes were selected

·  When you update commodity codes in your MyFloridaMarketPlace Vendor Registration account, you must manually update the eQuote account

·  You can manage your own eQuote categories within the system

·  Emails will automatically generate when a bid meets selected criteria (The vendor is manually selected by the agency buyer when he/she creates the quote for the request; if the vendor is not specifically chosen no notification is sent)

·  Commodity Codes are added regularly; vendors are encouraged to review their account frequently to ensure all their products are selected

For more information, or to register, please visit: http://equote.myfloridamarketplace.com

What is Sourcing?

MyFloridaMarketPlace uses an online solicitation tool to conduct Formal Bids (bids that exceed $25,000 in contract value). During this process the agency buyer decides who to buy from, at what price, in what quantities, and under which terms. To participate in MFMP Sourcing events, you must be a registered MFMP Sourcing customer.

For more information, or to register, please visit: http://dms.myflorida.com/business_operations/state_purchasing/myflorida_marketplace/mfmp_vendors/vendor_toolkit/mfmp_vendor_training_opportunities

How Commodity Codes are used in Sourcing

· The commodity codes you select in Vendor Registration will be transmitted to your Sourcing email account

·  Once invited to a solicitation in MFMP Sourcing, you will have access to the solicitation by simply logging into your MFMP Sourcing account.

·  Notifications of solicitations published in Sourcing are distributed at the class level (first three digits of the commodity code) and are distributed to the Sourcing account contact

·  Updates from Vendor Registration account are sent over to Sourcing

·  Commodity Codes are added regularly; vendors are encouraged to review their accounts frequently to ensure all their products are selected

What is the Vendor Bid System (VBS)?

The Vendor Bid System (VBS) is the State of Florida’s public posting site for bids, notices and grants. All formal solicitations are recorded in VBS. To receive email notifications from VBS, complete the Add Email Notification section on the Vendor Bid System’s Web site. (You must first register in MyFloridaMarketPlace)

How Commodity Codes are Used in VBS

·  Email notifications for solicitations are distributed using the 6-digit commodity (class and group)

·  The notification will be sent to the address you identified when your VBS account was created

·  If the account needs to be updated, contact the VBS Helpdesk,

·  Commodity Codes are added regularly; vendors are encouraged to review their accounts frequently to ensure all their products are selected

For more information, or to register, please visit http://vbs.dms.state.fl.us/vbs/main_menu

Helpful Hints when selecting Commodity Codes:

·  Research what the state is buying through the SPURSview tool: http://www.myflorida.com/apps/spurs/spurs.main_menu_form You can perform a search of purchase orders that were issued and analyze the commodity codes that buyers used

·  Commodity Codes that begin with “9” are services

·  There is a searchable Commodity Code Excel file online that will enable you to search for key words: http://dms.myflorida.com/business_operations/state_purchasing/myflorida_marketplace/vendors/vendor_toolkit/sourcing_solicitations

Appendix A: Web site Examples

Example of Searching for Commodity Codes – http://www.myflorida.com/apps/spurs/spurs.main_menu_form

Enter product description. Example: Pencils

Execute Search

Class and Group are displayed as hyperlinks and also show item and detail for more specific products

If you update your commodity codes in any of your accounts (Vendor Registration, eQuote, or Sourcing) you must update your commodity codes in the remaining accounts. Ex: Changing commodity codes in eQuote necessitates changes in Vendor Registration and Sourcing

Login to your Vendor Registration account

Select Update my Vendor Registration

Select Commodity Selection

Scroll down and make your updates and save