International/EU Law Scholarship

Facing Digital Technologies and Innovative Approaches

5thDecember 2016 – Law Department, Roma Tre University

A (tentative) map of current initiatives relevant at the Italian level

Draft E-form to Be Filled


In view of the workshop “International/EU Law Scholarship Facing Digital Technologies and Innovative Approaches” this form aims to collect background information on digital resources as well as teaching activities characterized by a non-frontal approach (i.e. legal clinics, Moots Courts and other tools of interaction with students,such as e-platforms, social media, participatory teaching methodologies, etc.) in order to create a preliminary survey of current activities relevant at the Italian level and foster networking in this area among Italian scholars/institutions.

Academics/institutions are kindly encouraged to fill this form according to layoutsand proposed criteria/suggestionsprovided below (if relevant). Filled forms should not exceed 1-2 page(s) per initiative. A consolidate version of this form will be shared among scholars/institutions having contributed to its realization and participants at this workshop.

Filled forms could be provided to by Friday 25th November.

Giulio Bartolini

Department of Law, Roma Tre University

Structure of the form

A) Digital Resources Relevant for Scholarship:

1) Blogs and other informative digital tools

2) E-journals

3)Digital databases

B) Teaching Activities:

1) Legal clinics

2) Moot courts:

2.1) Organizers’ perspectives

2.2) Universities’ perspectives

3) Other tools of interaction with students (i.e. e-platforms, social media, participatory teaching methodologies, etc.)

A) Digital Resources Relevant for Research Activities

1) Blogs and other informative digital tools

Title of the Initiative
Focalpoint/s: / e.g. name and title of person/s in charge of the initiative; web page; contact/s (e.g. e-mail address/es)
Description of Activities / e.g. main characteristics of the initiative; purposes and rationale behind the development of the initiative; modalities and frequency of updates and publications;creation of newsletters; etc.
Background info / e.g. year of foundation; presence of board/editorial committee (if any), etc.
Partnership/s / e.g. links with other projects; links with external institutions/professionals/law firms/etc.; relations with such institutions, etc
People Involved / e.g. number/position/academic and professional background of persons supporting the initiative (including technological experts, if any); number/position/academic and professional background of contributors to the initiative, etc.
Funding / e.g. whether 'internal' or 'external'; difficulties encountered
Technological Info / e.g. general info on technological aspects related with this initiative, use of social media to disseminate information, etc.
Main Challenges and Opportunities, Impact / e.g. main challenges met in managing the initiative, main positive aspects aimed to be emphasised, impact of the initiative, etc.
Further Comments

2) E-Journals

Title of the Initiative
Focalpoint/s: / e.g. Name and title of person/s in charge of the initiative; web page; contact/s (e-mail address/es)
Description of Activities / e.g. main characteristics of the initiative; purposes and rationalebehind the development of the initiative; modalities and frequency of updates and publications; creation of newsletters; etc.
Background info / e.g. year of foundation; presence of board/editorial committee (if any), etc.
Partnership/s / e.g. links with other projects; links with external institutions/professionals/law firms/etc.; relations with such institutions, etc.
People Involved / e.g. number/position/academic and professional backgroundof persons supporting the initiative (including technological experts, if any); number/position/academic and professional background of contributors to the initiative, etc.
Funding / e.g. whether 'internal' or 'external'; difficulties encountered
Technological Info / e.g. general info on technological aspects related with this initiative, use of social media to disseminate information, etc.
Main Challenges and Opportunities, Impact / e.g. main challenges met in managing the initiative, main positive aspects aimed to be emphasised, impact of the initiative, etc.
Further Comments

3) Digital databases

Title of the Initiative
Focalpoint/s: / e.g. Name and title of person/s in charge of the initiative; web page; contact/s (e-mail address/es)
Description of Activities / e.g. main characteristics of the initiative; purposes and rationalebehind the development of the initiative; creation of newsletters; etc.
Background info / e.g. year of foundation; scientific/managing committee/s; modalities and frequency of updates, number of entries, structure of the database, research procedures
Partnership/s / e.g. links with projects; links with external institutions; relations with such institutions, etc.
People Involved / e.g. number/position/academic and professional backgroundof persons involved in the initiative (including technological experts, if any); number/position/academic and professional background of contributors to the initiative; etc
Funding / e.g. whether 'internal' or 'external'; difficulties encountered
Technological Info / e.g. general info on technological aspects related with this initiative, use of social media to disseminate information, etc.
Main Challenges and Opportunities, Impact / e.g. main challenges met in managing the initiative, main positive aspects aimed to be emphasised, impact of the initiative, etc.
Further Comments

B) Teaching Activities

1) Legal clinics

Title of the Initiative
Focalpoint/s: / e.g. Name and title of person/s in charge of the initiative; web page; contact/s (e-mail address/es)
Description of Activities / e.g. main characteristics of the initiative; purposes and rationalebehind the development of the initiative; past and current projects; etc.
Background info / e.g. year of foundation; meeting hrs per week; academic credits; etc.
Partnership/s / e.g. links with projects; links with external institutions; relations with such institutions
People Involved / e.g. number/name/academic background of coaches; involvement of past students in managing activities; internship programmes; number/general info on students enrolled in legal clinics; involvement of external institutions/universities/professionals/law firms to support the initiative;
Funding / e.g. whether 'internal' or 'external'; difficulties encountered
Main Challenges and Opportunities, Impact / e.g. main challenges met in managing the initiative, main positive aspects aimed to be emphasised, impact of the initiative, etc.

2) Moot Courts:

2.1) Organizers’ perspectives[1]

Title of the Initiative
Focalpoint/s: / e.g. Name and title of person/s in charge of the initiative; web page; contact/s (e-mail address/es)
Description of Activities / e.g. main characteristics of the initiative; purposes and rationalebehind the development of the initiative; etc.
Background info / e.g. year of foundation; number/name of Italian teams involved in past editions; phases of the moot court (including timing of registration; preliminary and final rounds at the national/international level; selection of judges; awardsas internships, monetary prizes, etc.)
Partnership/s / e.g. links and relations with external institutions/Italian Universities/law firms/professionals
People Involved / e.g. number/names of persons involved in the initiative (eg. organizers, judges); academic/professional background of coaches; links with external professionals/law firms/institutions
Funding / e.g. whether 'internal' or 'external'; difficulties encountered
Main Challenges and Opportunities, Impact / e.g. main challenges met in managing the initiative, main positive aspects aimed to be emphasised, impact of the initiative, etc.

2) Moot Courts:

2.2) Universities’ perspectives[2]

Title of the Initiative
Focalpoint/s: / e.g. Name and title of person/s in charge of the Moot Court/s; web page; contact/s (e-mail address/es)
Background info / e.g. year of foundation; meeting hrs per week; academic credits; etc.
Partnership/s / e.g. links with national/international organizers and/or other universities involved in similar competitions; links with external institutions
People Involved / e.g. number/name/academic background of coaches; involvement of past students in managing activities; internship programmes; number/general info on students enrolled in Moot Court/s; involvement of external institutions/universities/professionals/law firms to support initiatives
Funding / e.g. whether 'internal' or 'external'; difficulties encountered
Main Challenges and Opportunities, Impact / e.g. main challenges met in managing the initiative, main positive aspects aimed to be emphasised, impact of the initiative, etc.

3) Other tools of Interaction with students (i.e. e-platforms, social media, participatory teaching methodologies, etc.)[3]

Type of e-platform/initiative: / Please specify according to proposed categories:
a) E-platform to interact with students of International/EU Law courses;
b) Use of social networks;
c) Pedagogical tools (e.g. movies, videos, virtual scenarios, on-site visits, etc.)
d) Others (please specify)
Title of the Initiative
Focalpoint/s: / e.g. Name and title of person/s in charge of the initiative; web page; contact/s (e-mail address/es)
Description of Activities / e.g. main characteristics of the initiative; purposes and rationalebehind the development of the initiative; use of external/internal tools/opportunities; etc
Background info / Department/University involved in this initiative,etc.
Partnership/s / e.g. links with projects; links with external institutions
People Involved / e.g. number/names/professional background of persons involved in the initiative; involvement of external institutions/professionals/law firms, etc.
Funding / e e.g. whether 'internal' or 'external'; difficulties encountered
Main Challenges and Opportunities, Impact / e.g. main challenges met in managing the initiative, main positive aspects aimed to be emphasised, impact of the initiative, etc.

[1]This section is reserved to national administrators/focal points of Moot Courts, e.g. as for Jessup, Sperduti Prize, etc. As for the perspective of Universities/Departments involved in these initiatives please refer to the subsequent table 2.2.

[2] If possible one single form should be filled by involved Universities/Departments. This could be favored in case same coaches manage multiple initiatives or there are some interactions among different initiatives. Otherwise separate forms could still be arranged.

[3] This section might be used to describe some significant experience of interaction with students as provided by recourse to e-platforms and digital tools (as Moodle and similar devices, use of social media for class purposes as Facebook groups and other forums managed by professors) or the use of pedagogical tools related to lecturing activities (eg. use of movies, videos, quizzes, virtual scenarios, management of on-site visits to institutions relevant for international/EU Law).