
May 2011


Attorney admitted to the Paris Bar.

Joined Moquet Borde & Associés in 1980, became a partner in 1988.

Joined the Paris Office of Shearman & Sterling as a partner in May 1995.

Partner of Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP since August 1996.

Managing Partner of the Paris office from January 2006 through December 2008; Member of the Executive Committee of the firm since January 2003 and in charge of the European Committee.

French nationality.

Born on December 12, 1955.

Senior Lecturer at Sciences Po. Daniel Hurstel was also a teacher at ISA and HEC in the framework of Mergers & Acquisitions from 1987 through 1991.

President of the Capital Markets Forum of the International Bar Association until January 1st, 2006.

Member of the consultative working group charged with assisting the European «Expert Group» on the drafting of the European directive on Prospectus and Disclosure Requirements set up by the CESR (Committee of European Securities Regulators). (2003-2004).

Author of the book La Nouvelle Economie sociale - Pour reformer le capitalisme, Editions Odile Jacob, in November 2009.


Daniel Hurstel's main activities include general practice in corporate law, corporate finance and specific areas of financial law, and may be summarized as follows:

(i)Mergers and acquisitions:

-choice of appropriate structure; preparation and carrying out of due diligences, negotiation and drafting of letters of intent and letters of confidentiality, share purchase agreements, representation and warranty agreements, shareholders' agreements, relations with regulatory authorities, tender offers, takeovers of listed companies, leveraged buyouts (including financing); he acts for French and foreign companies. His experience includes acting on behalf of purchasers, sellers and investment banks;

-restructuring groups of companies: spin-offs, contribution of assets, ...;

-setting-up of joint ventures (in particular for regulated activities);

(ii)Corporate finance: IPOs, listings and secondary offerings, national and international, as well as regulatory issues relating to capital markets.

The activities of the clients covered by this practice are wide-ranging, including areas as varied as hotels, telecommunications, the media, computer hardware and software, public works, aviation, transportation, car components, electrical components, defence, advertising agencies, etc.

(iii)Financial regulations: As Co-Chairman of the Securities section and of the Capital Markets Forum of the International Bar Association (IBA), he organized several conferences on various subjects linked to capital market.

The conferences and publications in the framework of his professional activities are attached as Annex.


Daniel Hurstel is active in the Social Business area. He wrote a book La Nouvelle Economie sociale - Pour réformer le capitalisme, published by Éditions Odile Jacob, in November 2009.

Conferences and publications

-Contributor at a round table entitled Le social business, nouvelle frontière pour la solidarité de l’entreprise, in the framework of the conference of Mrs.Christine Boutin ending her mission for the French Government, La dimension sociale, un point de convergence possible pour le G20, on May 10, 2011.

-Social business: legal approach, HEC, Certificat Social Business/Entreprise et Pauvreté, on May 3, 2011.

-La nouvelle économie sociale, EMLYON, on March 22, 2011.

-Contributor at the Académie Royale des sciences, des lettres & des beaux-arts in Brussels, Belgium, on the issue of social business, on January 15, 2011.

-La Nouvelle Economie sociale - Pour réformer le capitalisme, organized by Philosophie et Management in Brussels on December 17 and 18, 2010.

-Contributor at the International Forum on Human Development, panel 4: Partnership and Integration, in Agadir on November 1 and 2, 2010.

-Le social business: un nouveau type d’intérêt social ou d’intérêt de l’entreprise?, Magistère de juriste d’affaires-DJCE and of the MBA of the Panthéon-Assas University held of May 11, 2010. This conference was published in Actualités de droit de l’entreprise n° 28 in October 2010.

Daniel Hurstel was auditionned in February 2010 by the working group headed by Mr.Francis Vercamer, Député du Nord, in charge of a mission on Social Economy and Solidarity for the French Prime Minister.

He was also auditionned in December 2010 by Mrs. Christine Boutin in the framework of her report “De la mondialisation à l'universalisation : une ambition sociale”.


Associative activities:

-President of Jeunesse & Patrimoine International, association whose aim is to develop the consciousness of youth to national heritage (1980s)

-President of parents association at Ecole Alsacienne (1994-1999)

-President of the Conseil de Surveillance of the football club AS St Etienne (1996-1997)

Decorations: Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur, Officier dans l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres.


1980:Specialization (Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies - D.E.A.) in European Community Law, University of Paris.

1979:Masters (Maîtrise) in Law, University of Paris.

1974/1977:Business School (Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales - H.E.C.).



Numerous conferences and articles in France and abroad on the above-mentioned subjects have won him recognition in France as an expert in the fields of corporate law, corporate finance and mergers and acquisitions. They include, in particular:

Conference (as from 2003)

-Private Equity Symposium, organized by the International Bar Association in London on November 30, 2010

-Points-clés de la négociation d’un contrat d’acquisition, organized by Wendel on April 6, 2009

-Mondialisation, organized by Thales on September 27, 2007

-Principales problématiques juridiques soulevées à l’occasion de l’introduction en bourse et de la privatisation des sociétés concessionnaires d’autoroutes, organized by Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP on October 18, 2006

-The Emerging Global Standard for Corporate Compliance Programs, organized by Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP, in Paris on June 9, 2005

-Mergers of Equals / Cross-border Mergers, presented before various several “CAC 40” companies on December 2004

-PtoP and IPO opportunities across Europe: securities techniques kick in, 3rd Annual Corporations, Entrepreneurs, Funds & Investors Summit, Décideurs Juridiques, in Paris on November 25, 2004

-Corporate Governance: les limites du contrôle des actionnaires sur les dirigeants, organized by the EFE, in Paris on November 16, 2004

-Advising clients in an expanded Europe: The Financial Services Action Plan and the Accession Countries, organized by the European Lawyer and the International Bar Association, in Vienna on April 30, 2004

-European Financial Services Forum - Prospectus and Transparence Directives: EU issuers, organized by the International Financial Law Review, in London on April 21, 2004

-The restoration of market confidence: should the lawyer have a role?, organized by the World Federation of Exchanges, in New York on October 14, 2003

-CMF: Corporate Governance forum. Current status of corporate governance issues in France, organized by the Capital Markets Forum (IBA) in San Francisco on September 18, 2003

-EU Directives in securities regulation – prospectus and takeover bid directives. Prospectus Directive: Introduction, organized by the International Bar Association in San Francisco on September 15, 2003

-Gouvernement d’entreprise: conflits et information de l’Administrateur, organized by the Capital Markets Forum (IBA) on April 22, 2003

-Gouvernement d’entreprise: l’expérience réglementaire américaine récente doit-elle être reproduite en France?, organized by the Commission des Lois of the National Assembly in Paris, on January 23, 2003

Publications (as from 2002)

-France, in Private Equity, Jurisdictional Comparisons, First Edition 2010, European Lawyer, October 2010.

-The right law firm in a crisis, World Finance, March-April 2009

- Chapter 5: Prospectus regulation in France, Raising Capital in Europe - The Legal Framework Following the EU Prospectus Directive, Luis de Carlos Bertran for the International Bar Association and Richmond, December 2005

-General Overview: Introduction, adoption process, main concepts, strengths and weaknesses of the EU Prospectus Directive, Raising Capital in Europe - The Legal Framework Following the EU Prospectus Directive, Luis de Carlos Bertran for the International Bar Association and Richmond, December 2005

-The role of the lawyer in the restoration of market confidence Securities Law, Newsletter of the International Bar Association, November 2005

-Un cadre plus favorable aux introductions en bourse, (A more efficient framework for listings) La Tribune, March 31, 2005

-Avocat d’affaires: respectueux mais pas gardien de la loi. Acteurs publics et entreprises contre l’économie hors la loi, (Business lawyers and law violations) 6th international conference of past students of ENA, HEC and Polytechnique, March 31, 2005

-The role of the lawyer in the restoration of market confidence, Droit et Economie de la Régulation, Les régulations économiques : légitimité et efficacité, Presses de Sciences Po et Dalloz, June 2004

-Qui, du dirigeant ou de l’actionnaire, doit gérer l’entreprise?, L’Agefi, April 15, 2004

-The prospectus directive, International Financial Law Review, novembre 2003

-La loi Sarbanes-Oxley doit-elle inspirer une réforme du gouvernement d’entreprise en France?, La Revue des Sociétés, March 2003

-Les leçons d’Enron : Capitalisme, la déchirure, Collection Autrement, directed by Marie-Anne Frison-Roche, February 2003

-Le nouveau projet de DSI s’oriente vers une «déconcentration, L’Agefi, June 26, 2002

-Public to Private, mythe ou réalité ?(Public to Private, myth or reality?), L’Agefi, March 15, 2002