Central Indiana Chapter, CPCU
Committee Descriptions and
2012-2013 Activity Reports
Debbie Botts, Chairperson: 317-686-6418
The task of this committee is threefold, to encourage insurance professionals to seek the CPCU designation, to integrate new designees and transferees into the Chapter and to assist the national CPCU Society in the maintenance of current membership data. The goal of the committee is to develop, implement and maintain programs to encourage insurance professionals to begin CPCU studies and attain the designation as well as encourage new designees and CPCUs transferring into the Chapter to become involved with the Chapter. This includes coordinating new designee events.
2012-2013 REPORT
In September of 2012, the Chapter hosted a dinner for new designees and their guests who attended the CPCU Society Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. The Chapter President was in attendance, as well as the New Designee and Candidate Development Committee Chair, and Governor Mike Wilson. The opportunities available to new designees through Chapter and Society membership were discussed.
In October of 2012, the Chapter held its annual I-Day program. The 2012 new designees were honored in a conferment ceremony. The conferment officer was Nancy Adams, CPCU Society Vice President.
On April 16, 2013, the Chapter hosted an event specifically for 2012 and 2013 new designees. This involved a luncheon program and an opportunity to tour the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. This event was combined with the Chapter’s Annual Meeting so new designees could meet the Chapter’s leadership and have a better understanding of how the Chapter operates.
Mike Wilson, Chairman: 317-736-6128
The Champions Committee consists of all Chapter Champions. Its purpose is to facilitate two way communications between the Society, employers, the local chapter, The Institutes and the community; promoting the CPCU designation; and, in general, serving as an example of involvement in the Chapter.
2012-2013 REPORT
A Breakfast of Champions was held on Thursday, March 14, 2013, at Le Peep restaurant. Those attending discussed how Champions can work to support the Chapter, members and new designees.
The Chapter has a very active group of Champions who are involved in every area. Activities of the Chapter’s Champions over the past year included:
· Teaching insurance classes
· Supporting Chapter meetings and activities
· Encouraging new designees
· Acting as liaisons to employers and fellow employees
· Participating in several committees for the Chapter
· Working on committees for the CPCU Society
· Assisting with I-Day
· Attending the CPCU Society’s Annual Meeting and Leadership Summit
· Encouraging and supporting Chapter members
· Serving as Board members for the Central Indiana Chapter, CPCU
· Working as Society Governor
Champions are very active and an integral part of the Chapter, leading many activities.
Bill Viar, Chairman: 317-849-5545
The Connections Committee purpose is to assist the Chapter in developing and continuing strong ties with companies and agencies by coordinating and conducting visits to the organizations. The goal is to increase visibility of the Chapter, develop relationships with the insurance community and to promote educational opportunities available through the Chapter.
2012-2013 REPORT
The Connections Committee has continued its emphasis on meeting with insurance companies and related professional associations to educate current and potential CPCU candidates on the Central Indiana Chapter’s mission and available services and to strengthen the partnership between insurance employers and the Chapter. Since its initiation in 2001-2002, the committee has prepared a generic program and then customized it to meet the needs of insurance employers and related professional associations. Since its initiation, 33 employers, universities and related professional
associations of CPCUs have met with the officers, directors and Champions of the Chapter.
Chapter Champion George Geders organized a Connections Visit at FCCI Insurance Group with Mike Holm from The Institutes. On July 3, 2012, Mike Holm visited FCCI’s Midwest Regional Office and presented an overview of The Institute’s courses, exams, materials and how to earn designations. As a Champion, George discussed the Chapter’s activities and resources available.
The Connections Committee is concentrating on strengthening the Chapter’s existing relationship with employers of CPCUs and their liaisons and continue to develop relationships with organizations and entities through which the local CPCU Chapter and the associations may mutually benefit.
Ramona Leopard, Chairperson: 317-931-7115
While the Education Committee’s primary responsibility is to coordinate the Chapter’s educational programs, the committee also encourages member CPCUs to continue their education and earn CPD (Continuing Professional Development) certification. To complete these tasks, the committee is charged with determining curricula, class format, and timing of classes as well as arranging for instructors and facilities.
2012-2013 REPORT
The CPCU Education Committee has continued to be busy this year. In the fall of 2012, the Chapter held CPCU 530 and CPCU 556 with a total of 24 students. For spring 2013, the Chapter held CPCU 500 and CPCU 540 with a total of 29 students.
The Chapter welcomed a new instructor in 2013. Charles Hadley observed the fall class of CPCU 556 held by Jeff Passage. Charles is now teaching CPCU 500 for the Chapter’s spring semester. The committee continues to look for the opportunity of adding additional instructors.
During the two semesters, Chapter Board members, Debra Adam, Jon Lough and Ruth Kelly, visited with the classes. They discussed the Chapter’s activities, the benefits of being involved, the availability of mentors and encouraged the students to complete their designation.
At the Chapter’s monthly meetings, members were encouraged to continue or to obtain their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) through the CPCU Society. Information on this program was provided, which included instructions on how to keep
track of CPD points online. E-mail communications were also sent to members during the year.
Finally, the Chapter continues working to get mentors for new students attending classes to assist them with how to study for the tests and stay on track each week with the workbooks and reading materials. The Chapter has had new designees and members volunteer as mentors to work with students during both semesters this past year.
Daniel Pigg, Chairman: 812-232-0336
Gamma Iota Sigma is an insurance fraternity at both Ball State University and Indiana State University. The committee’s goal is to encourage and support GIΣ students at the universities. This includes, but is not limited to, being the liaison between the universities and the Chapter, visits once or twice a year to the university to meet with the students and determining ways the Chapter can assist the students preparing for a career in insurance.
2012-2013 REPORT
The Central Indiana Chapter provides scholarships tothe insurance programs at Indiana State University (ISU) and Ball State University (BSU). TheCPCU Scholarship is a $1,000 scholarshipgiven to one student ateach of theschools. The Chapter administers theBSU and ISU $1,000 Harry J. Loman Foundation Scholarship established through the CPCU Society. The Chapter also administers the Mark Gray Memorial Scholarship, which was established to honor the memory of Mark Gray who was a CPCU and a founding partner of the Kightlinger & Gray, LLP law firm. This is a $1,000 scholarship given to one student from each school. The Chapter is pleased to have many of these students attend the I-Day program each year.
Chairman Daniel Pigg sits on the Insurance Advisory Council at ISU. He visits with insurance classes each year to discuss CPCU and the different professional insurance designations. In the past year, Daniel has attended insurance panel discussions, career fairs, golf outings, scholarship luncheons and Gamma Iota Sigma meetings at the universities. He helps with scholarship interviews and the selection of ISU’s Gongaware scholars. The Gongaware scholars are insurance majors who receive full tuition for all four years. Daniel also works with the universities and companies involved with the Chapter that have internships available. If your company has internship opportunities available, please contact Daniel at .
Debra Adam, Chairperson: 317-931-7329
The goal of the Good Works Committee is to increase CPCU visibility through service to the community. The committee organizes opportunities for members to participate in as a group and acts as coordinator and liaison for the events.
2012-2013 REPORT
August 24, 2012, was the United Way Day of Caring and the Chapter had ten volunteers. The group worked at the Boys and Girls Club of Hancock County and helped scrape/paint and clean the inside of the gym.
During I-Day on October 4, 2012, money and gloves were collected for the Coats for Kids Campaign. The Chapter donated over 166 pairs of gloves 61 hats to the Salvation Army.
At the November 28, 2012, luncheon meeting the Chapter held a paper driver for the Shepherd Community Center and collected several reams of paper for the Center.
The Chapter’s Christmas Toy Drive for Riley Hospital for Children was a complete success. Gifts and money were collected at the Annual Holiday Open House on December 17, 2012, and at State Auto Insurance Companies. A carload of toys and gifts were delivered to the Riley Cheer Guild on December 20, 2012.
At the March 26, 2013, luncheon meeting at Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance the Chapter had a collection for the Julian Center. The Chapter donated 29 bags of toiletries, blankets, clothing, etc. along with $275. The Chapter would like to thank The Rough Notes Company, Inc. for greatly adding to the items donated and contributing $250 of the monetary donation from employee contributions.
Rick Hendryx, Chairman: 317-692-7134
I-Day, or All Industry Day, is the biggest event sponsored by the Chapter each year. The full day of activities includes educational seminars highlighted by the All Industry conferment luncheon. The committee takes full responsibility for planning I-Day and the luncheon. Activities include determination of seminar content, arranging for presenters, facilities, publicity, fundraising and obtaining a notable keynote speaker and conferment officer.
2012-2013 REPORT
I-Day was held in October of 2012. The Chapter had six new designees, and these individuals were honored at the conferment luncheon.
I-DAY COMMITTEE (continued)
The committee held a successful I-Day program on October 4, 2012, at the Ritz Charles in Carmel, Indiana. The morning seminar was a presentation on “Social Media and the Insurance Industry: Effectively Using New Technology and Avoiding Mistakes”. The Chapter’s conferment ceremony took place during the luncheon program. The
luncheon keynote speaker was Gary Varvel, an award-winning editorial cartoonist for The Indianapolis Star. The afternoon seminar was “Millionaire Feud – The Coverage Game”. Also, in the afternoon, students from Ball State University, Butler University and Indiana State University took part in the “College Student Roundtable” where they participated in an interactive case study analysis and discussed risk management techniques. The educational seminars were approved for agent Continuing Education (CE) credit as well as Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
Several corporate sponsors participated in this important event and a number of companies participated in the I-Day Exhibit Show.
Jon Lough, Chairman: 317-554-8674
In addition to the seminars planned by the I-Day Committee, the Interest Group Committee also plans educational activities during the year. Interest Group seminars are designed to meet the educational needs of Chapter members (non-members welcome), with emphasis on topics of interest to Chapter members belonging to one or more of the CPCU Society’s Interest Groups (special interests sections, such as underwriting, claims, etc.). The committee plans unique local programs and/or works with the Society to bring national educational seminars or workshops to the local area. Tasks include determining the topics, pricing, facilities, speakers, etc.
Rick Hendryx, Chairman: 317-692-7134
The Chapter conducts several meetings a year for members, but open to non-members also. The committee’s duties include planning and arranging for speakers, topics, facilities, themes, menus, dates, etc. Usually one or two meetings are replaced by a social event, also planned by this committee.
2012-2013 REPORT
The Chapter continued this year to include a charge in the annual membership dues, which allows Chapter members to attend the monthly meetings at no cost. The Chapter strongly encourages participation among its members because monthly meetings provide professional development and great networking opportunities. The Chapter works to provide a variety of speakers that offer members a diverse background of information.
Chapter members are encouraged to join the Monthly Meetings Committee to assist with the planning and implementation of these important programs.
2012-2013 Monthly Meetings
September 27, 2012
Topic: How the 2012 Elections will Impact YOU!
Speaker: Steve Duff, VP Government Affairs, Independent Insurance Agents of Indiana
November 28, 2012
Topic: Breaking the Cycle of Poverty
Speaker: LaMorris Crawford, Shepherd Community Center
December 17, 2012
Holiday Open House held at the Ale Emporium
January 22, 2013
Topic: Indiana Weather is Never Boring
Speaker: Angela Buchman, Meteorologist
February 20, 2013
Topic: Insurance and the Indiana General Assembly
Speaker: Indiana State Representative and House Insurance Committee Chairman Matt Lehman
March 26, 2013
Topic: Insurance Ethics and the State Fair Stage Collapse
Speakers: Bill Beyers and Chris Pearcy, Hume Smith Geddes Green & Simmons, LLP
April 16, 2013
Topic: Safety and Risk Management at the Speedway
Speaker: Kevin Forbes, P.E., Director of Engineering, Indianapolis Motor Speedway
Ginny Peterson, Chairperson: 317-638-4521
The purpose of the Past Presidents’ Committee is to utilize the experience and expertise of former Chapter presidents in assisting the Chapter in meaningful ways.
2012-2013 REPORT
The Past Presidents’ Committee met in October 2012, with officers from the CPCU Society to begin planning for the Society’s Annual Meeting, which will be held in Indianapolis in September 2015. From that meeting, numerous ideas were generated on
the local Chapter involvement which will include volunteers for hospitality and other activities to welcome attendees, monetary contributions for the success of the meeting and sponsorships available for local companies. The group also brain-stormed certain types of social events that can instill interest in the local community as well as the national CPCU participants.