Lesson Plans

Name: Deana Spencer

Date: 2-3-14 through 2-7-14

Grade: 2/3

Subject: Reading/Writing/Language Arts/Spelling

Core Content:

2.RL.1, 2.RL.2, 2.RF.4

3.RL.1, 3.RL.2, 3.RF.4

·  I can ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how.

·  I can retell stories and determine their message, lesson, or moral.

·  I can read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.


100th Day of School

Writing Prompt- If I had $100…….

Using the words “One Hundred Days of School” how many words can you create out of the letters.

Write 100 words that I know.

Read a poem aloud and discuss about the 100th day of school.

Fill out 100 Day bookmark by filling in the blank of each sentence.


Common Core- Daily Skill Practice

Reading Block-

Review high frequency words- using powerpoint/flash cards, etc…

(Pg. 96G teachers edition)- Warm up with the Morning Message. As we write the message we will work on punctuation and capital letters. We will then read the message together. Students will then be asked to identify high frequency words within the morning message.

Sharing Literature- I will read aloud “Come On, Rain” pg. 96H Teachers Edition

Introduce Phonics: Inflections: -es (f to v)

Transparency 126: Vowel Digraphs

Apply Phonics- Students will identify vowel diphthongs from transparency 126.

Practice Book pg. 26

Introduce Spelling words- give pretest

Practice Book. Pg. 27

Practice Book. Pg. 28

Send home list of spelling words and vocabulary words for the week.

Spelling Book Pg. 70

Students will Define Vocabulary Terms- check understanding using questioning methods

Read pg.98-99 aloud and discuss vocabulary

Vocabulary- Transparency 129

Student Model: Personal Story - Transparency 127 (whole group)

Words That Tell How Many- Transparency 128 (whole group)

Read Aloud


Common Core- Daily Skill Practice

Reading Block-

Review high frequency words- using powerpoint/flash cards, etc…

(Pg. 113D teachers edition)- Warm up with the Morning Message. As we write the message we will work on punctuation and capital letters. We will then read the message together. Students will then be asked to identify high frequency words within the morning message.

Sharing Literature- I will read aloud “Come On, Rain!” pg. 113E Teachers Edition

Phonics- Inflections:- es (f to v)

Apply Phonics- students will dictate the sentences written on the board and then draw a picture to represent the sentence.

Review Spelling words- State the generalization, review words with oi and oy, compound words and review high-frequency words

Spelling Book. Pg. 71

Practice Book- pg. 29-30

Preview/Predict for our Story of the week “Cool Ali”

Read aloud and discuss using questioning “Cool Ali” - Guided Comprehension. As we read we will complete a Problem-Solution Chart (Transparency 131)

Using the Think/Pair/Share method answer Think and Respond questions on pg. 88

Language Practice – Handout

Writing Connection- Write about a painting, a statue, or another piece of art you have admired. Tell how it made you feel.

Language Handbook- Words that tell how many- pg. 133

Read Aloud

Computer Lab- Lexia Reading


Common Core- Daily Skill Practice

Reading Block-

Review high frequency words- using powerpoint/flash cards, etc…

(Pg. 119C teachers edition)- Warm up with the Morning Message. As we write the message we will work on punctuation and capital letters. We will then read the message together. Students will then be asked to identify high frequency words within the morning message.

Sharing Literature- I will read aloud “Summer Shower” pg. 119D Teachers Edition

Phonics: Compound Words

Reading book- pg. 120-121 Antonyms

Practice Book- pg. 31

Spelling Bee

Spelling Book. Pg. 72

Write sentences using the vocabulary words.

Listen to the story on CD.

For Homework Re-read “Cool Ali” and answer guided Comprehension Questions from handout

Practice Book pg. 32

Short Answer Prompt- Cool Ali

Language Handbook- pg. 134 Words that tell how many

Read Aloud


Common Core- Daily Skill Practice Quiz

Reading Block-

Review high frequency words- using powerpoint/flash cards, etc…

(Pg. 121E teachers edition)- Warm up with the Morning Message. As we write the message we will work on punctuation and capital letters. We will then read the message together. Students will then be asked to identify high frequency words within the morning message.

Review Common Abbreviations

Practice Book pg. 33

Spelling Test

Reading Test

Language Arts Quiz

Alexia Reading Activities/Handouts (small groups)

Read Aloud-

Multiple Intelligence- Bodily Kinesthetic

Clapping out Spelling Words