Committee for Crescent Observation Intl. 1069 Ellis Hollow Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 USA Tel./Fax: 607-277-6706
Crescent Sighting Report Form
Date of observation: / City/Town:
Name: / Tel. #:
Exact location from where observed:
When did you FIRST see it: / a) Before sunset / b) 1-2 minutes after sunset / c) 3-5 min. after sunset
d) 6-10 min. / e) 11-15 min. after sunset / f) 20-25 min. after sunset
Exact time when you first saw the moon: / a) Using Binoculars:
b) Naked eye:
Were you able to see by naked eye: / Yes / No / Do you wear glasses? / Yes / No
Were others able to see it?: / Yes / No / How many wear glasses?
How long was it visible? / a) Less than a minutes / b) 1-2 minutes / c) 2-5 minutes
d) 10-15 min. / e) 20-25 Min.
Sky conditions where you saw it: / Clear blue / Clear white / White Haze
Pink haze / Thin gray clouds / Heavy clouds
Rainy / Foggy
Where did you see it? / a) Left of the sunset / b) Right of the sunset / c) Above the sun
1) High / 2) Low / 3) Close to the ground
( / )
( / )
( / )
(Crescent Moon)
* / *
Horizon / / / Horizon
Mark à at west point
Please make a sketch of the crescent moon as you see it. Be sure to include a reference to TRUE WEST, the position of the sun at sunset, the shape of the crescent and the direction of its horns, any star.
Other witnesses with you:
Name: / Saw by him/herself: / Yes / No / Time: / Tel. #:
Name: / Saw by him/herself: / Yes / No / Time: / Tel. #:
Name: / Saw by him/herself: / Yes / No / Time: / Tel. #:
Committee for Crescent Observation Intl