Committee: DISEC

Sponsor: The People's Republic of China, The Delegation of Canada, The Delegation of The French Republic, The Delegation of The State of Israel, The Delegation of The United States of America

Signatories: The Delegation of The Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Topic: “The regulation and/or disarmament of Military, Consumer and Corporate Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)”

Reminding that the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations, began deploying military UAVs in January 2013, for facilitated surveillance in the Kivu provinces of eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, and to this day continues to use them for other peacekeeping operations,

Expressing that military UAVs reduce the need for military personnel, and thus also reduces or eliminate the various risks personnel may face during combat or in hostile areas,

Mentioning that drones are typically significantly cheaper to both develop and run than other conventional military programs and products,

Recognizing that the use of UAVs has, and continues to significantly contribute towards combating terrorist groups such as ISIS, and has allowed the facilitated and continuous surveillance of hostile areas as well as rogue nation states,

Further reminding that over 10 countries currently have UAVs deployed in combat situations, that over 26 countries have possession of armed military drones, as well as over 23 countries around the globe are currently developing military UAVs (drones),

Noting that consumer UAVs (drones) commonly cause issues affecting international airports, with one of the latest cases occurring this April in China, when more than 240 flights were disrupted by drones flying near Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport (southwest China), leaving more than 10,000 travelers delayed,

Taking into account that the exponentially-growing military UAV sector is predicted to be worth over $13.7 Billion by 2026,

Pointing out that corporate drones are quickly on the rise, with delivery companies such as Amazon and DHL in particular taking an interest in investing in this new form of transport,

  1. Asks other nation states to defend the military use of UAVs in order to;
  2. Protect and ensure international security and peace:
  3. Through continued efforts of combating terrorism
  4. Through continued surveillance of remote and hostile areas, as well as rogue nation states; if approved by a UN procedure.
  5. Protect the benefits provided by UAVs, including cost benefits and the reduced need for military personnel in hostile areas.
  6. Allow the U.N. to use military UAVs to continue peacekeeping efforts.
  7. Protect the exponentially-growing and expanding military UAV sector, but the nation state must monitor private contractors and developers within their borders.
  8. Requeststhat other countries adopt restrictions and regulations regarding consumer UAVs such as:
  9. Weight, height (of drone), distance (from owner), flight duration and weather condition restrictions:
  10. Weight (of drone): 0-7kg without drone license, a maximum of 7-116kg with a license from the government agency (such as the CAAC)
  11. Height (of flight): maximum of 150m with authorization to do so, maximum of 75m with standard flights
  12. Flight duration: 80% of the battery life of the UAV
  13. Distance (from owner): maximum of 750m with authorization to do so, maximum of 500m with standard flights.
  14. Flight should take place only in weather conditions considered safe by local authorities.
  15. Speed requirements should be placed at a national level in which maximum speeds differ between regulated and unregulated flights.
  16. Registering all personal drones (over 7kg) with a serial number (add / India) as well as adding an electronic chip (containing the information related to the owner of the UAV)through a government agency at a national level (such as the CAAC), rather than an international level.
  17. Implementing no-fly zones and times:
  18. Respecting private property
  19. Respecting restricted areas with no public access.
  20. Requiring the use of software like skyward to prohibit
  21. Urging producers of consumer UAVs to increase the security software systems present in their drones.
  22. Any violations of these laws should result in sanctions which each nation will decide on or the possible revocation of the pilot’s license
  23. Creating stricter laws by increasing sanctions and penalties on civilians and, if necessary, confiscating their license needed to operate the drone if the following is detected:
  24. owning illegal or unregistered civil drones;
  25. distributing illegal or unregistered civil drones;
  26. utilizing illegal or unregistered civil drones.
  27. failing to register civil drones
  28. Urges that nations implement adequate regulations and a licensing system for corporate (company) drones;
  29. All companies wanting to use drones for business reasons must apply for a license through the ruling government agency (such as the CAAC).
  30. Companies must use the UAVs for their stated purpose; compromises in this would result in the revocation of their license.This would be overseen in the form of regular on-site inspections by the ruling government agency.
  31. Companies must state their flight routes to the ruling government agency (such as the CAAC), and must keep to the states flight routes; compromises in this would result in the revocation of their license.
  32. All companies are responsible for their drones, as well as the injuries/deaths caused by them:
  33. Financial compensation must be provided to the victim
  34. Financial compensation must be provided to the family of the victim
  35. A public apology by the company must be made
  36. A governmental investigation should be launched on what occurred; potentially leading to the revocation of the company's license, and prosecution of theoperator, if deemed necessary.
  37. (add / UK)Further requests to limit the amount of hunter-killer military drones in the hands of a certain country or territory at any given moment in the airspace above another country or territory:
  38. a single UAV takes up minimum:
  39. 50,000 km squared in countries with the area of over 300,000 km squared;
  40. 13,000 km squared in countries with the area of over 75,000 km squared;
  41. 8,000 km squared in countries with the area of less than 75,000 km squared.
  42. Any violation of this law will result in sanctions imposed onto the country or territory equivalent to the severity of the breach.