July 5, 2011 AT 9:00 a.m.
COMMISSIONERS: Gene R. Beck, President
Kristina Warren, Vice President
Nancy Fogle
ATTORNEY: Scott Hoff
AUDITOR: Stephanie Campbell, Auditor
AUDIENCE: 15 individuals
The Putnam County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on July 5, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. at the Putnam County EOC. Gene Beck opened the meeting and the pledge to the flag was given.
There was a discussion made on the Beck Subdivision and on the Lark Meadow Subdivision. Nancy Fogle made the motion to table the issues and to take under advisement until they received further information. Kristina Warren seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Linda Merkle and Dominique Gibson came to the meeting to announce the 5th annual National Night Out event and to ask the Commissioners to sign a proclamation. The event will be held on August 2, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. Kristina Warren made the motion to approve. Nancy Fogle seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Teresa Parrish came to the meeting asking to fill positions. Becky Bailey and Jean Evans, who are part time employees, are no longer with the county. They were both paid out of user’s fees. Nancy Fogle made the motion to approve. Kristina Warren seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Mark Fahalee and Doug Mistes presented a letter of authorization to work in the buildings to do the study and to develop a game plan to upgrade the systems. This would be at no charge to the county. Nancy Fogle made the motion to approve. Kristina Warren seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The Commissioners signed the letter of authorization.
Nancy Dennis came to the meeting asking to fill Tim Sharpee’s part time position. He was a no show for two days and was terminated. Nancy Dennis is also asking to fill a full time position for a data collector. Bill Brennen gave his notice. She would like to replace him with Mark Harlan. Nancy Fogle made motion to allow. Kristina Warren seconded. The motion carried.
Nancy Dennis said they are currently a month behind on data entry due to the State. There have been 4 people data collecting and the girls are doing data entry work and do not have time to keep up. She’s proposing to pay them overtime to work after normal work hours to catch up. She presented the information and a worst case scenario of cost. Gene Beck asked how many people work in her department. Nancy Dennis said there are 7 including her. He felt with her amount of staff they should be able to do the work without the additional money requested.
Nancy Fogle said we can go ahead and say yes and let the Council make the final decision on whether they should appropriate money to pay the overtime. Nancy Fogle made the motion to approve, contingent on Council. Kristina Warren seconded the motion. Gene Beck opposed. The motion carried.
Jared Hutcheson and Brent Cash introduced the new companies they have formed recently. They have both worked for HOP and recently were informed the departments they worked in were being sold to another company. They were offered a job with the new company but declined. It is the telecom and computer divisions that were bought out. They would like to provide the same services for the county at a reduced hourly rate. Brent Cash handles the computer side and Jared Hutcheson handles the telecom side. The Commissioners like the idea of keeping it local and asked them to send a contract to the County Attorney for review.
BRIDGES 146 & 10
Jim Smith discussed contracts and FA3 applications for the bridges. Bridge 146 goes to letting next month. There is also a meeting on Bridge 125 on Friday at 10 a.m. at the bridge. INDOT needed the agreements for the bridges. Gene Beck made the motion to approve. Kristina Warren seconded the motion. The motion carried.
There was a contract change with DLZ due to the right of way engineering needing to be included into the PE total. Scott Hoff has reviewed the contract. Kristina made the motion to approve. Nancy Fogle seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
The application was turned in for the grant and $795,000 was awarded to preserve the bridge. The grant FHWA $980,000 and Local $245,000 equals $1,225,000. The local match money has already been appropriated for the project when they first spoke about it 3 years ago. The project is scheduled to start in 2014. Kristina Warren made the motion to approve. Nancy Fogle seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Jim Smith said as of next week, the pug mill will shut down due to lack of money. After some discussion, Gene Beck made the motion to ask the Council to take $500,000 out of the Rainy Day Fund to fix the roads. Nancy Fogle seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Jim Hazelwood with Heritage Lake came to the meeting to speak about the culvert that is torn up at Heritage Lake. Gene Beck explained that the slip liner may be used to replace the culvert. CPI and an engineer came out to inspect the pipes. There was a quote given of $400,000 because FEMA wanted an answer ASAP, it was just an estimate.
Kathy Winslow from Heritage Lake said a letter had been sent out by some of the board members of their association that was misleading. It implies the Commissioners are in favor of the Barrett Law.
Jim Baird, State Representative, stated that the road and infrastructure needs are being updated.
Gene Beck made the motion to make Jon Shafer the EMA Director in the interim. He is currently the Assistant Director. Kristina Warren seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
MINUTES 6/16/11 & 6/20/11
Nance Fogle made the motion to approve the minutes. Kristina Warren seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Nancy Fogle made the motion to approve the claims. Kristina Warren seconded the motion. The motion carried.
PAYROLL 6/24/11
Nancy Fogle made the motion to approve the payroll. Kristina Warren seconded the motion.
Nancy Fogle made the motion to approve. Kristina Warren seconded the motion. The motion carried.
A quote was received from Barry Grimes for $6,977 for labor and material to refinish 56 chair backs and seats and to paint metal frames. This quote includes the cost to replace 8 of the chairs with new finished oak seats to match the other chairs. A copy of the quote needs to be given to Judge Bridges. Nancy Fogle made the motion to approve. Kristina Warren seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Gene Beck read the letter from Will Neibold stating he was resigning from the Veterans office. Gene Beck made the motion to advertise for the position in the Veterans office. Nancy Fogle seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
1. Letter re: Disaster Recovery Grant Award
2. Meeting minutes from Cummins 4/28/11
3. Meeting minutes from Cummins 6/30/11
4. Microfilm Office Report June 2011
5. Treasurers Monthly Report May 2011
6. Letter from The Traditions Group
7. Letter from Keith Whitinger re: Veteran Affairs County Rep
8. Letter from Henner & Assoc re: Naviaux Brothers Construction
The Commissioners acknowledged the mail.
There was a discussion made by State Representative Jim Baird about AT&T and T Mobile being in a merger. Steven Rogers would like to meet with the Commissioners and inform them of what is going on and will be requesting them to sign a resolution of support.
Nancy Fogle made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Kristina Warren seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Gene R. Beck, President Kristina Warren, Vice President
Nancy Fogle Attest: Auditor’s Office