September 20, 2010 AT 6:00 p.m.
COMMISSIONERS: Gene R. Beck, President
Kristina Warren, Vice President
James Baird
ATTORNEY: Scott Hoff
AUDITOR: Stephanie Campbell,
Brandi Brownewell, Deputy Auditor
AUDIENCE: 8 Individuals
COUNCIL: Nancy Fogle
The Putnam County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on September 20, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. at the Annex. The pledge to the flag was given.
Jim Smith, Co Highway Supervisor said we need the dollar amount on the bond at Heritage Drive dam for McCullough. They will have one lane closed for three days for the bridge inspection in Floyd Township on October 15, 2010. Gene Beck made a motion to approve the bond for $15,000. Kristina Warren seconded. The motion carried.
Gene Beck said Clear Creek should notify the Highway Department and 911 of the closing on the week of. When it gets low enough the highway will come out and inspect the pipes.
Jim Smith, Co Highway Supervisor stated they had received the contract for Clark Dietz for the bridge inspection work approved by the Commissioners. The contract needed to be signed. Gene Beck asked if it had been approved by the State. Jim Smith said it had. County Attorney Scott Hoff needed to review the contract. Kristina Warren made the motion to table until the next meeting on October 4, 2010.
Gene Beck seconded. The motion carried.
Gene Beck announced that he will not be at the October 4, 2010 meeting. He has a doctor’s appointment.
Jim Smith announced the Rotary Club will visit the highway department on October 20, 2010.
Beagle Club Road is located at 900 South in Cloverdale. Gene Beck said that Cloverdale contacted Jim Smith about grinding part of the road. He thinks it is too late in the year to start the project. Jim Smith said that it would not get hot enough to seal back together. And, the highway department had already stored the machine for the year. Per the recommendation of the Co Highway Supervisor, Kristina Warren made the motion to not grind the road due to the lateness of the year. Gene Beck seconded. The motion carried.
This issue was tabled from the last meeting. The replat took the Conservation Outlot 1, which was originally 61.73 acres and broke it off into 2-Conservation Outlot 1 with 36.92 acres and Outlot 2 with 24.81 acres. Scott Hoff said this is an existing one and it was recombined and has gone through Plan Commission. Kristina Warren made the motion to approve. Jim Baird seconded. The motion carried.
The MOU’s were tabled until the next meeting.
Gene Beck read the two bids for the work at the jail.
Mike Jones Paving $44,700.00
Xtreme Construction Inc. $45,934.75
Jim Baird made the motion to approve the Xtreme Construction bid from Fillmore. Kristina Warren seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Jason Semler, a representative from Umbaugh, came to the meeting to discuss the financial information for the Annex. There was a discussion on the estimated project cost and funding for the Annex. The available proceeds are $5,000,000 with a total of $5.2 million. He worked the numbers using $1.9 million as a down payment from various county funds. This will leave $3.3 million which would be paid from the EDIT revenue. He recommended submitted a tax backup to get a better response on the bond.
Mr. Semler set it for a 20 year bond issue with principal payment starting 2018 when the jail bond is paid off. The interest rate is between 4.1-5.65%. There was discussion on the debt versus debt coverage. The jail bond does not count against the counties debt limit. The emergency telephone system does count against the bond. Gene Beck asked about the time line. Eric Ratts with DLZ, said as far as design, it would be about 5 months or so. Gene Beck thanked Jason Semler and said they would get back in contact with him.
Prosecutor Tim Bookwalter and Mayor Sue Murray came to the meeting to discuss the K-2 situation in Putnam County. Mr. Bookwalter said it is not illegal because it is synthetic marijuana. They are hoping after the legislation meets it will be illegal. They are presenting an ordinance to the Commissioners for approval. He said it was almost identical to the one Boone County had passed.
County Attorney Scott Hoff said if there is an offense it will go to court and they will ask for $1,000 fine to be paid. The Sheriff and the city police will go and ask stores to remove it from the shelves once the ordinance is passed. Jim Baird made the motion to approve the ordinance. Kristina Warren seconded. The motion carried.
Michael Rogers and Bill Jennings came to the meeting to ask for road maintenance assistance. The road is in section one, in front of the store and down to the T, which is approximately 100 yards long. This road is used by three North Putnam High School buses. Michael Rogers has spoken with George Sherman with North Putnam High School transportation and said it was a certified turn around. Gene Beck said that Jim Smith should contact the school about the turn around and get back with the Commissioners.
Will Neibold came to the meeting to ask for a new copier. Mr. Neibold found a copier from Staples for $399.00 and he does not have the money for it in his budget. Jim Baird made the motion to approve the new copier to be paid out of the Cumulative Courthouse account. Kristina Warren seconded. The motion carried.
Gene Beck made the motion to approve the payroll. Jim Baird seconded. The motion carried.
Jim Baird made the motion to approve the claim. Kristina Warren seconded. The motion carried.
Gene Beck said to leave things as they are for the moment because there haven’t been any problems. The Commissioners suggested possibly bidding it out for next year.
1. Letter from DNR re: CTS-2932-Basin 17 Big Walnut Creek
2. Monthly Clerk report 8/31/10
3. Letter from IDEM re: 327 IAC 3 Construction permit application
4. Letter from Russ Reid
5. Humane Society Inter-Local Service Agreement
The Commissioners acknowledged their mail.
Jim Baird made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Kristina Warren seconded. The motion carried.
Gene R. Beck, President Kristina Warren, Vice President
Jim Baird Stephanie Campbell, Auditor