Dr Sophie Marnette

Balliol College



Chrétien de Troyes


The twelfth-century French author Chrétien de Troyes was one of the most influential figures in Western literature as his romances on the legend of King Arthur created themes and characters that endured to this day (the chivalric quest, the love of Lancelot for Guenièvre, the Graal as a sacred object). The course will focus on issues such as Chrétien's authorship, his art as storyteller, his handling of irony and ambiguity, his re-working of mythic themes and characters, etc. The course will also examine major themes underlying his texts (such as so-called courtly love, the representation of knighthood, the expression of moral standards, etc.).[1]

List of topics:

  1. Chrétien's authorship: Who was Chrétien? What was his milieu? How is it reflected in his work?
  1. Values, Society and Ethics: Chivalry, Courtly love, Kinship and Marriage
  1. Women and Gender in Chrétien's romances
  1. Narrator & Narrative poetics: art of the story teller, point of view and authorial interventions,
  1. Irony
  1. Origins and sources (Celtic myths, Latin Literature, Medieval Romances, Lyric poetry)
  1. Manuscripts and Editing


5 seminars 1h1/2

2 essays (2000-3000 words each) + 1 book review (500 words each)



Erec et Enide. Edited by J-M Fritz (Collection Lettres Gothiques)

Cligès. Edited by C. Méla (Collection Lettres Gothiques)

Yvain (Le Chevalier au lion) . Edited by D. Hult (Collection Lettres Gothiques)

Yvain, ou, Le chevalier au lion. Edited by J. Nelson and C. W. Carroll (Appleton-


Lancelot (Le Chevalier à la charrette). Edited by C. Méla (Collection Lettres Gothiques)

Perceval (Le Conte du Graal). Edited by C. Méla (Collection Lettres Gothiques)

General reading on Chrétien de Troyes’ work:

Baumgartner, Emmanuèle. Chrétien de Troyes: Yvain, Lancelot, la charrette et le lion.

Paris: PUF, 1992.

Duggan, Joseph J. The romances of Chrétien de Troyes. New Haven ; London: Yale

University Press, 2001.

Frappier, Jean., Chrétien de Troyes Nouv. éd. revue et augm. Paris: Hatier, [1971].

Kelly, Douglas [et al.] Chrétien de Troyes: an analytic bibliography. Woodbridge:

Tamesis, 2002.

Lacy, Norris J. The craft of Chrétien de Troyes: an essay on narrative art. Leiden: Brill,


Lacy, Norris J., Kelly, Douglas and Keith Busby The Legacy of Chrétien de Troyes. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1987-8.

Lacy, Norris J. and Grimbert, Joan Tasker (eds.). A companion to Chrétien de Troyes.

Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2005.

Maddox, Donald. The Arthurian romances of Chrétien de Troyes: once and future

fictions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.

Nykrog, Per. Chrétien de Troyes: romancier discutable. Genève: Droz, 1996

Owen, D. D. R. ‘Two More Romances by Chrétien de Troyes?’ Romania 92, (1971):


Shirt, David. ‘How Much of the Lion Can We Put Before the Cart?’ French Studies 31,

(1977): p.1-17.

Topsfield, L. T. Chrétien de Troyes: a study of the Arthurian romances. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 1981.

Zai, Marie-Claire. Les chansons courtoises de Chrétien de Troyes. Europäische

Hochschulschriften, ser. 13, vol. 27. Bern: Peter Lang, 1974.

YVAIN (Le Chevalier au lion)

General Studies

Buridant, C. & Trotin, J. ‘Chevalier au lion (Yvain). Paris: Champion 1972

Cline, Ruth H. Yvain or the Knight with the Lion. Athens: U of Georgia P 1975

Frappier, Jean. Etude sur Yvain, ou le Chevalier au lion de Chrétien de Troyes. Paris:

Société d’Edition d’Enseignement Supérieur,1969.

Hunt, Tony. Yvain: (Le Chevalier au lion). Critical Guides to French Texts. London: Grant & Cutler. 1986.Reason, Joseph Inquiry into the Structural Style and Originality of Chrestien's Yvain Washington, DC: Catholic U of America P 1958

Lonigan, Paul R. Chretien's Yvain: A Study of Meaning through Style Ann Arbor:Univ. Microfilms for CUNY 1978.

Woledge, Brian Commentaire sur Yvain de Chrétien de Troyes Geneva: Droz 1986

Specific studies

Adler, Alfred ‘Sovereignty in Chrétien’s Yvain’ PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 62,(1947 June): p. 281-305

Black, Nancy B. ‘The Language of the Illustrations of Chrétien de Troyes's Le Chevalier au lion(Yvain)’ Studies in Iconography 15, (1993): p. 45-75

Bogdanow, Fanni ‘The Tradition of the Troubadours and the Treatment of the Love Theme in Chrétien de Troyes' Chevalier au Lion’ In: Barber, Richard (ed) Arthurian Literature, II; Brewer--Rowman & Littlefield, Cambridge, Eng.--Totowa, NJ 1982

Brody, Saul N. ‘Reflections of Yvain's Inner Life’ Romance Philology 54,(2001 Spring): p. 277-98

Brown, Arthur C. L. ‘Chrétien’s Yvain’ Modern Philology: A Journal Devoted to Research in Medieval and Modern Literature 9,(1911 July): p. 109-28

Brown, Arthur C. L. ‘The Knight of the Lion’ PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 20,(1905): p. 673-706

Brugger, Ernst ‘Yvain and His Lion’ Modern Philology: A Journal Devoted to Research in Medieval and Modern Literature 38,(1941 Feb): p. 267-87

Cheyette, Fredric L. & Howell Chickering ‘Love, Anger, and Peace: Social Practice and Poetic Play in the Ending of Yvain’ Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies 80, (2005 Jan): p. 75-117

Combellack, C. R. B. ‘The Entrapment of Yvain’ Mediaeval Studies 37, (1975): p. 524-30

Cook, Robert G. ‘The Structure of Romance in Chrétien's Erec and Yvain’ Modern Philology: A Journal Devoted to Research in Medieval and Modern Literature 71,(1973 Nov): p. 128-43

Curtis, Renée L. ‘The Perception of the Chivalric Ideal in Chrétien de Troyes’s Yvain’Arthurian Interpretations 3,(1989 Spring): p. 1-22.

Dragonetti, Roger ‘Le Vent de l'aventure dans Yvain ou Le Chevalier au lion de Chrétien de Troyes’ Le Moyen Age: Revue d’Histoire et de Philologie 96,3-4 (1990): p. 435-462 Doc. Type:

Dubost, Francis ‘Le Chevalier au lion: Une 'Conjointure' significative’ Le Moyen Age: Revue d’Histoire et de Philologie 90, (1984): p. 195-222

Dubost, Francis ‘Merveilleux, fantastique et ironie dans Le Chevalier au lion de Chrétien de Troyes’ Co-Textes 33, (1997): p. 25-45

Dubuis, Roger ‘Du bon usage du 'double' et du 'dédoublement' dans Le Chevalier au lion de Chrétien de Troyes’ In: Pérouse, Gabriel-A. (ed.); 252 pp.; Doubles et dédoublement en littérature; Univ. de Saint-Etienne, Saint-Etienne 1995

Dubuis, Roger ‘Yain et Iwein: Variations sur le motif du 'Don contraignant'‘ Marche Romane 30,3-4 (1980): p. 81-91

Dugan, Mary ‘Le Rôle de la femme dans Le Chevalier au lion’ Chimeres: A Journal of French and Italian Literature 15, (1981 Autumn): p. 29-38.

Duggan, Joseph J. ‘Yvain’s Good Name: The Unity of Chrétien de Troyes’s Chevalier

au lion.’ Orbis Litterarum 24, (1969): p.112-29.

Edwards, Robert ‘The Problem of Closure in Chretien's Yvain’ In: Levy, Bernard & Sticca, Sandro The Twelfth Century; Center for Medieval & Early Renaissance Studies, State U of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton 1975

Ferran, Marie-Hélène ‘Deux évocations du peuple dans Le Chevalier au lion de Chrétien de Troyes’ In: Mathé, Roger Peuple et littérature; U. E. R. des Lett. et Sciences Humaines, Univ. de Limoges, Limoges 1981

Florence, Melanie J. ‘Description as Intertextual Reference: Chrétien’s Yvain and Hartmann's Iwein’ Forum for Modern Language Studies 29,(1993 Jan): p. 1-17

Fogg, Sarah ‘The Function of Split Personality in Chretien's Yvain’ In: Zayas-Bazan, Eduardo & Suarez, Manuel Laurentino The Twenty-Seventh Annual Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference; Research Council of East Tennessee State Univ, (Johnson City, TN) 1978

Germain, Ellen ‘Lunete, Women, and Power in Chrétien’s Yvain’ Romance Quarterly 38,(1991 Feb): p. 15-25

Glasser, Marc ‘Marriage and the Use of Force in Yvain’ Romania 108,(1987): p. 484-502

Greene, Virginie ‘Le Deuil, mode d'emploi, dans deux romans de Chrétien de Troyes’ French Studies: A Quarterly Review 52,(1998 July): p. 257-78

Gregory, Stewart ‘La Description de la fontaine dans l'Yvain de Chrétien de Troyes: Un Problème d'interprétation’ Romania 110,3-4 (1989): p. 539-41

Grimbert, Joan Tasker ‘On the Prologue of Chrétien’s Yvain: Opening Functions of Keu's Quarrel’ Philological Quarterly 64,(1985 Summer): p. 391-398

Grinnell, Natalie ‘The Other Woman in Chrétien de Troyes’s Yvain ‘ Critical Matrix: The Princeton Journal of Women, Gender, and Culture 10,1-2 (1996 Fall): p. 36-57

Hall, Robert A., Jr. ‘The Silk Factory in Chrestien de Troyes' Yvain’ Modern Language Notes 56,(1941 June): p. 418-22

Harris, Julian ‘The Rôle of the Lion in Chrétien de Troyes' Yvain’ PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 64,(1949 Dec): p. 1143-63

Hawkins, Anne Hunsaker ‘Yvain's Madness’ Philological Quarterly 71,(1992 Fall): p. 377-97

Hostetler, Margaret M. ‘Enclosed and Invisible? Chrétien's Spatial Discourse and the Problem of Laudine’ Romance Notes 37,(1997 Winter): p. 119-27

Hunt, Tony. ‘Some Observations on the Textual Relationship of Li Chevaliers au Lion and Iarlles y Ffynnawn.’ Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 33, (1974): p.93-113.

Hunt, Tony. ‘The Dialectic of Yvain’ Modern Language Review 72, (1977): p. 285-99

Hunt, Tony. ‘The Lion and Yvain’ In: Grout, P. B. et al. (eds.) The Legend of Arthur in the Middle Ages: Studies Presented to A. H. Diverres by Colleagues, Pupils, and Friends; Brewer, Cambridge, Eng. 1983.

Hunt, Tony. ‘Beginnings, Middles, and Ends: Some Interpretative Problems in Chrétien’s Yvain and Its Medieval Adaptations’ In: Arrathoon, Leigh A. (ed.) The Craft of Fiction: Essays in Medieval Poetics; Solaris, Rochester, MI 1984

Hunt, Tony. ‘Le Chevalier au lion: Yvain Lionheart’ In: Lacy, Norris J. & Grimbert, Joan Tasker (eds.) A Companion to Chrétien de Troyes; Brewer, Cambridge, England 2005

Janssens, Jan ‘The 'Simultaneous' Composition of Yvain and Lancelot: Fiction or Reality?’ Forum for Modern Language Studies 23,(1987 Oct.): p. 366-376

Jonin, Pierre ‘Aspects de la vie sociale au XIIe siècle dans Yvain’ Lettere Italiane 16, (1964): p. 47-54

Kibler, William W. ‘Chrétien de Troyes: Yvain, or The Knight with the Lion’In: Wilhelm, James J. (ed.) The Romance of Arthur, II; Garland, New York 1986

Krueger, Roberta L. ‘Love, Honor, and the Exchange of Women in Yvain: Some Remarks on the Female Reader’ In: Fenster, Thelma S. (ed.) Arthurian Women: A Casebook; Garland, New York, NY 1996

Krueger, Roberta L. ‘Love, Honor, and the exchange of Women in Yvain: Some Remarks on the Female Reader.’Romance Notes3, (1985): 302-17.

Krueger, Roberta L. ‘The question of women in Yvain and Le Chevalier de la Charrete’. In Krueger, Roberta. Women Readers and the Ideology of Gender in Old French Verse Romance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993: p.33-67.

Laidlaw, James. ‘Shame Appeased: On the Structure and the Sen of the Chevalier au lion.’ In Peter S. Noble and Linda M. Paterson, eds., Chrétien de Troyes and the Troubadours: Essays in Memory of the Late Leslie Topsfield; p.195-219. Cambridge: St Catherine’s College, 1984.

Laranjinha, Ana Sofia ‘L'Ironie comme principe structurant chez Chrétien de Troyes’ Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale 41,162 (1998 Apr-June): p. 175-82

Laurie, Helen C. R. ‘The Psychomachia of Yvain’ Nottingham French Studies 30,(1991 Autumn): p. 13-23

Lepage, Yvan G. ‘Encore les trois cents pucelles (Chrétien de Troyes, I, v. 5298-5324)’ Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale 34,(1991 Apr-June): p. 159-66

Locke, Frederick W. ‘Yvain, 'A cele feste qui tant coste qu'an doit clamer la pantecoste'‘ Neophilologus 43, (1959): p. 288-292

Lonigan, Paul R. ‘Calogrenant's Journey and the Mood of the Yvain’ Studi Francesi 58, (1976): p. 1-20

Loomis, Roger S. ‘Calogrenanz and Crestien's Originality’ Modern Language Notes 43,(1928 Apr): p. 215-22.

Luria, Maxwell. ‘The Storm-making Spring and the Meaning of Chretien's Yvain’ Studies in Philology {Chapel Hill, NC}64, (1967): p. 564-585.

Luttrell, Claude. ‘La Boz de la fontaine dans Le Chevalier au lion de Chrétien de Troyes’ Romania 114,3-4 [455-456] (1996): p. 521-24.

Maddox, Donald. ‘Yvain et le sens de la coutume’ Romania 109,(1988): p. 1-17.

Matthews, David. ‘Reading the Woman Reading: Culture and Commodity in Chrétien's Pesme Aventure Episode Forum for Modern Language Studies 30,(1994 Apr): p. 113-23.

McGuire, James R. ‘L'Onguent et l'initiative féminine dans Yvain’. Romania 112,1-2 (1991): p. 65-82.

Meyer, Kajsa. ‘Pourquoi un Chevalier au lion? Remarques sur l'actualité du thème choisi par Crestien de Troyes’ Bibliographical Bulletin of the International Arthurian Society 44, (1992): p. 241-44.

Meyer, Kajsa. La Copie de Guiot, fol. 79v-105r du manuscript f. fr. 794 de la Bibliothèque nationale, ‘le chevaliers au lyeon’ de Crestien de Troyes. Faux Titre, 104. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1995.

Mullally, Evelyn. ‘Yvain and the Myth of the Fountain.’ Speculum 30, (1955): p170-79.

Munson, Marcella. ‘Bien m'en avés rendu le conte: Redeeming Economies in Yvain’ In: Norman, Buford, Day, James & Persels, Jeff (eds.) Civilization in French and Francophone Literature; Rodopi, New York, NY, 2006.

Murtaugh, Daniel M. ‘'Oir et Entandre': Figuralism and Narrative Structure in Chretien's Yvain’ Romanic Review 64, (1973): p. 161-74.

Newstead, Helaine ‘Narrative Techniques in Chretien's Yvain’ Romance Philology 30, (1977): p. 431-41.

Nicholson, Peter ‘The Adventures at Laudine's Castle in Chrétien de Troyes’s Yvain ‘ Allegorica: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Literature 9, (1987-1988 Winter-Summer): p. 195-219.

Nitze, W. A. ‘The Fountain Defended’ Modern Philology: A Journal Devoted to Research in Medieval and Modern Literature 7,(1909 Oct): p. 145-64

Nitze, William A. ‘Yvain and the Myth of the Fountain’ Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies 30,(1955 Apr): p. 170-79.

Owen, D. D. R. ‘Calogrenant and the Dreamer: The Inspiration for the Roman de la Rose’ Forum for Modern Language Studies 33,(1997 Oct): p. 328-40.

Pelen, Marc M. ‘Madness in Yvain Reconsidered’ Neophilologus 87,(2003 July): p. 361-69.

Press, A. R. ‘Chrétien de Troyes's Laudine: A Belle Dame sans mercy?’ Forum for Modern Language Studies 19,(1983 Apr.): p. 158-171.

Ribard, Jacques ‘L'Enigme Calogrenant’ In: Busby, Keith & Jones, Catherine M. (eds. Por le soie amisté; Rodopi, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2000.

Schweitzer, Edward C. ‘Pattern and Theme in Chretien's Yvain’ Traditio: Studies in Ancient and Medieval History, Thought, and Religion 30, (1974): p. 144-89.

Severin, Nelly H. ‘The Function of the Magic Fountain in Chretien's Yvain’ Chimeres (1976 Spring): p. 27-37.

Simpson, James R. ‘Lion-Heart of Darkness? The Black Book of the Courtier in Le Chevalier au lion’ Nottingham French Studies 46,(2007 Autumn): p. 49-61.

Stanesco, Michel ‘Le Lion du chevalier: De la stratégie romanesque à l'emblème poétique’ Litteratures 20, (1989 Spring): p. 7-13.

Steele, Stephen ‘Rape in the Eye of the Reader: Sexual Violence in Chrétien’s Yvain’ Dalhousie French Studies 30, (1995 Spring): p. 11-16.

Sullivan, J. M. ‘The Lady Lunete: Literary Conventions of Counsel and the Criticism of Counsel in Chrétien’s Yvain and Hartmann's Iwein’ Neophilologus 85,(2001 July): p. 335-54.

Thorpe, Lewis ‘L'Yvain de Chrétien de Troyes et le jeu des topoi’ Oeuvres & Critiques: Revue Internationale d'Etude de la Reception Critique d'Etude des Oeuvres Litteraires de Langue 5,(1980-1981 Winter): p. 73-80.

Uitti, Karl D. ‘Le Chevalier au lion(Yvain)’ In: Kelly, Douglas (ed.); 353 pp.; The Romances of Chrétien de Troyes: A Symposium; French Forum, Lexington, KY 1985.

Uitti, Karl D. ‘Narrative and Commentary: Chrétien's Devious Narrator in Yvain’ Romance Philology 33, (1979): p. 160-67.

Vance, Eugene ‘Chrétien’s Yvain and the Ideologies of Change and Exchange’ Yale French Studies 70, (1986): p. 42-62.

Wadhera, Priya ‘Des Récits coupés: Etude d'un récit qui hésite à se faire chez Chrétien de Troyes’ In: Augustyn, Joanna, Matheis, Eric & Redien-Collot, Renaud (eds.);pp.; Carnival: A History of Subversive Representations; Columbia UP, New York, NY, 1999.

Zaddy, Z. P. ‘Chrétien misogyne’ Marche Romane 30,3-4 (1980): p. 301-307.

Zaddy, Z.P. ‘The Structure of Chretien's Yvain’. Modern Language Review 65, (1970): p. 523-40.

PERCEVAL, Conte del Graal


Baumgartner, E. Chrétien de Troyes: Le Conte du Graal, 1999.

Blons-Pierre, C. Catherine, Lectures d'une œuvre: Le Conte du Graal de Chrétien de

Troyes: matière, sen et conjointure, 1998.

Busby, K. Chrétien de Troyes, Perceval (Le Conte du Graal), 1993.

Cazelles, Brigitte. The Unholy Grail: A social Reading of Chrétien de Troyes’s Conte du

Graal. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1996.

Frappier, Jean., Chrétien de Troyes, Perceval, ou, Le conte du Graal. Paris: Centre de documentation universitaire, [1953].

Frappier, J. Chrétien de Troyes et le mythe du Graal: étude sur ‘Perceval ou le Conte du

Graal’, 1972.

Frappier, J. Autour du Graal, 1977.

Hüe,D, (ed.).Polyphonie du Graal, 1998.

Le Rider, Paule. Le Chevalier dans le Conte du graal de Chrétien de Troyes. Paris:

Société d’Edition d’Enseignement Supérieur, 1978.

Quéruel, D et al. (eds.).Le Conte du Graal: Chrétien de Troyes, 1998.

Sargent-Baur, B. N. La destre et la senestre: étude sur le Conte du Graal de Chrétien de

Troyes, 2000.

Walter, P.Perceval: le pêcheur et le Graal, 2004.


Aronstein, S. ‘Chevaliers estre deüssiez: Power, Discourse and the Chivalric in

Chrétien's Conte de Graal’, In Assays: Critical Approaches to Medieval and

Renaissance Texts 6, (1991): p. 3-28.

Baumgartner, Emmanuèle. ‘Les scenes du graal et leur illusion dans les manuscrits du

Conte du graal et des Continuations.’ In Busby et al, Les Manuscrits de Chrétien de Troyes: The Manuscripts of Chrétien de Troyes; p.489-503. 2 vols. Faux Titre, 71-72. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 1993.

Bruckner, M. T. ‘Rewriting Chrétien's Conte du graal: Mothers and Sons: Questions,

Contradictions, and Connections’, InD. Kelly (ed.), The Medieval Opus: Imitation, Rewriting, and Transmission in the French Tradition, 1996.

Busby, Keith. ‘The Scribe of MSS T and V of Chrétien’s Perceval and Its

Continuations.’ In Busby et al, Les Manuscrits de Chrétien de Troyes: The Manuscripts of Chrétien de Troyes. 2 vols. Faux Titre, 71-72. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 1993, 1: p.49-65.

Busby, Keith. Chrétien de Troyes, Perceval (le Conte du graal). Critical Guides to

French Texts, 98. London: Grant and Cutler, 1993.

Frappier, J & R. Cormier, ‘Perceval or Le Conte du Graal’, In D. B. Mahoney (ed.), The

Grail: A Casebook, 2000.

Frappier, J. ‘Sur la composition du Conte du Graal’, Moyen Age: Revue d'Histoire et de

Philologie 64, (1958): p. 67-102.

Frappier, J. ‘Note complémentaire sur la composition du Conte du graal.’ Romania

81, (1960): p3.08-37.

Frappier, J. ‘Le Conte du Graal est-il une allegorie judeo-chretienne?’, Romance Philology (1963): p. 179-213.

Hoffman, S. de V. ‘The Structure of the Conte del Graal’, Romanic Review 52, (1961): p. 81-98.

Jodogne, O. ‘Le sens chrétien du jeune Perceval dans le Conte du Graal’, Lettres Romanes 14, (1960): p. 111-121.

Lacy, N. J. ‘Gauvain and the Crisis of Chivalry in the Conte del graal’, In R. T. Pickens (ed). The Sower and His Seed: Essays on Chrétien de Troyes; French Forum, 1983.

Laurie, H. C.R. ‘Towards an Interpretation of the Conte du Graal’, Modern Language Review 66, (1971): p. 775-85.

McCullough, A. ‘Criminal Naivety: Blind Resistance and the Pain of Knowing in

Chrétien de Troyes's Conte du Graal’, Modern Language Review 101, no. 1 (2006 Jan): p. 48-61.

Marx, J. ‘Recherches sur le conte d'aventure canevas du Conte du Graal de Chrétien de Troyes, Moyen Age: Revue d'Histoire et de Philologie 67, (1961): p. 439-477.

Ménard, Philippe. ‘Problèmes et mystères du Conte du graal.’ In Chrétien de Troyes et le graal; p.61-76. Paris: Nizet, 1984.

Pickens, R. T. ‘Le Conte du Graal: Chrétien's Unfinished Last Romance’, In N. Lacy et al. (eds.) A Companion to Chrétien de Troyes, 2005.

Pickens, R. T. ‘Le Conte du Graal (Perceval)’, In D. Kelly, The Romances of Chrétien de Troyes: A Symposium, 1985.

Poirion, D. ‘Du sang sur la neige: Nature et fonction de l'image dans le Conte du Graal’,

In R. J. Cormier & E. Sellin (eds.), Voices of Conscience: Essays on Medieval and Modern French Literature in Memory of James D. Powell andRosemary Hodgins,1977.

Poirion, D. ‘L'ombre mythique de Perceval dans le Conte du Graal’, Cahiers de Civilisation Medievale (Xe-XIIe Siecles) 16, (1973): p. 191-98.

Ribard, J. ‘Ecriture symbolique et visée allégorique dans Le Conte du Graal’, Oeuvres &

Critiques: Revue Internationale d'Etude de la Reception Critique d'Etude des Oeuvres Litteraires de Langue 5, no. 2 (1980-1981): p. 103-109.

Vincensini, J. J. ‘L''Allure' mythique du Conte du Graal (Comment faire communiquer les mots, les actes et les êtres?)’, In Les Relations de parenté dans le monde médiéval, 1989.

Williams, H. F. ‘The Unasked Questions in the Conte del Graal’, Medieval Perspectives 3, no. 1 (1988): p. 292-302.

Williams, H. F. ‘The Hidden Meaning of Chrétien's Conte du Graal’, In T. Halton et al. (eds.), Diakonia: Studies in Honor of Robert T. Meyer, 1986.

Williams, H. F. ‘Interpretations of the Conte del Graal and Their Critical Reactions’, In Pickens, R. T. (ed). The Sower and His Seed: Essays on Chrétien de Troyes; French Forum, 1983.

Williams, H. F. ‘Le Conte du Graal de Chrétien de Troyes: Positions critiques et

nouvelles perspectives’, Oeuvres & Critiques: Revue Internationale d'Etude de la Reception Critique d'Etude des Oeuvres Litteraires de Langue 5, no. 2 (1980-1981): p. 119-123, 127.



Cligès Raffel, Burton (translator); Duggan, Joseph J. New Haven, CT : Yale UP 1997

Frappier, Jean, Le roman breton. Chrétien de Troyes, Cligès. Paris: Centre de documentation universitaire, [1952].

Freeman, Michelle A., The poetics of translatio studii and conjointure: Chrétien de Troyes's Cligès. Lexington, Ky: French Forum, c1979.

Harf-Lancner, Laurence (ed., introd., translator, and notes) Cligès Paris, France : Champion 2006

Polak, Lucie, Chrétien de Troyes, Cligès. London: Grant & Cutler, 1982.


Accarie, Maurice. ‘Faux mariage et vrai mariage dans les romans de Chrétien de Troyes’. In: Guiran, J.-B. (ed.) Hommage à Jean Onimus; Belles-Lettres, Paris 1979

Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renate. ‘Chrétien de Troyes as a Reader of the Romans Antiques’ Philological Quarterly 64, no. 3 (1985 Summer): p. 398-405 2

Burch, Sally L. ‘Amadas et Ydoine, Cligès, and the Impediment of Crime.’ Forum for Modern Language Studies 36, no. 2 (2000 Apr): p. 185-95

Burrell, Margaret. ‘From Cligès to Le Chevalier de la charrette: The Structural Uses of Treason, Treachery and Deceit’. New Zealand Journal of French Studies 3, no. 1 (1982 May): p. 5-20

Chase, Carol J. ‘Double Bound: Secret Sharers in Cligès and the Lancelot-Graal’ In: Lacy, Norris J., Kelly, Douglas & Keith Busby (ed.) The Legacy of Chrétien de Troyes; Rodopi, Amsterdam 1988

Ciggaar, Krijnie. ‘Encore une fois Chrétien de Troyes et la 'matière byzantine': La Révolution des femmes au palais de Constantinople’. Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale (Xe-XIIe Siècles) 38, no. 3 (1995 July-Sept): p. 267-74

Doggett, Laine E. ‘On Artifice and Realism: Thessala in Chrétien de Troyes's Cligès’.Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies 16, no. 1 (2004 Spring): p. 43-72

Dunton-Downer, Leslie. ‘The Horror of Culture: East West Incest in Chrétien de Troyes's Cligès’.New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation 28, no. 2 (1997 Spring): p. 367-81 0

Favati, Guido. ‘Le Cligès de Chrétien de Troyes dans les editions critiques et dans les manuscrits’. Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale (Xe-XIIe Siècles) {Poitiers, France}10, (1967): p. 385-407