Activity1.3.1 – Career Wheel


Science and technology are instrumental in the production and processing of food, fiber, and renewable natural resources,and are the basis for many careers in agriculture. Studying agriscience careers may help you determine that an agriscience career is right for you and guide you to get the appropriate training and experience necessary for a successful and rewarding career.

An estimated 300 different careers await you if you decide to stay in the field of agriculture. There is a need for approximately 400,000 people to fill positions in agriscience careers each year. Of those positions, there are typically only 100,000 filled by people who are educated and trained in agriscience. The remaining openings go to people who are trained in fields outside of agriculture. Openings in agriscience include areas such as mechanics, sales,genetic engineering, nutrition, and extension.


Per Student:
  • 3 sheets construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Ruler
  • Compass
  • Assorted markers
  • Computer with Internet access
  • Agriscience Library
  • Pencil
  • Agriscience Notebook


In this activity, you will be creating a career wheel that models the career opportunities awaiting you in the fields of agriculture and natural resources. Complete Part One and prepare to take notes for Part Two when your teacher will present PowerPoint®Agriscience Careers.

Part One – Preparing the Wheel

  1. Select three pieces of different colors of construction paper.
  2. Use the compass to measure and mark a 10” diameter circle on the first sheet of construction paper.
  3. Use the compass to measure and mark a 4”diameter circle on the second sheet of construction paper.
  4. Use the compass to measure and mark a 2” diameter circle on the third sheet of construction paper.
  5. Cut out all three circles.
  6. Glue the three circles one on top another forming a bull’s eye. The bottom circle should be the 10”, the middle ring is the 4” circle and the 2” circle should be on top.
  7. Label the top circle –“Production Farming – 1/5th of all careers”.
  8. Label the 4” circle on the space showing – Non-Farming – 4/5th of all careers.
  9. Divide the outermost circle into seven equal sections by drawing equally spaced lines around the circle.

Part Two – Identifying Career Sections

As your teacher presents the PowerPoint®Agriscience Careers, label the seven career sections with the areas presented.

Part Three – Research

  1. Use the Internet and Agriscience Library to research each of the seven areas and find three careers that are available within each area.
  2. List the careers on the back of your wheel behind the associated category.
  3. For each career you select, list two aspects of that career you find interesting.


  1. Of the careers that have been selected on the career wheel, which three interest you the most?
  1. List three characteristics that make these three careers appealing to you.

Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education – Copyright 2011

AFNR – Unit 1 – Lesson 1.3 – Activity 1.3.1 – Career Wheel – Page 1