February 1, 2010 AT 9:00 a.m.


COMMISSIONERS: Gene R. Beck, President

Kristina Warren, Vice President

James Baird

ATTORNEY: Scott Hoff

AUDITOR: Stephanie Campbell

Brandi Brownewell, Deputy Auditor

AUDIENCE: 15 Individuals

The Putnam County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on February 1, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. at the Courthouse Annex. The pledge to the flag was given.


Jim Smith announced there would be a public hearing with Beam, Longest, & Neff on February 17, 2010, at 6:00 p.m. at the Annex on Bridge 146. Jim Smith also announced there will be a meeting with Clark Dietz on February 4, 2010 at 10:30 a.m. at the highway department on Bridge 248. Jim Smith stated that Bridge 199, near south county line road, needs signatures on the plan documents. Kristina Warren made the motion to approve, and Gene Beck seconded the motion. Unanimous.


They will be redoing the railroad crossings and the county is requesting stop signs instead of yield signs. Gene Beck made the motion to approve. Kristina seconded the motion. Unanimous.


There will be a meeting on 2/4/10 at 1:00 p.m. at the highway department.


Beam, Longest, & Neff is asking for $423,000 an additional for the difference between Bridge 45 & Bridge 10. Clark Dietz is asking for an additional $244,080 for Bridge 248. Gene Beck stated that he thought the funds are 100% with the State.


INDOT wants the Commissioners to sign off on paperwork in regards to West Walnut. Jim Baird asked that the Commissioners do not sign at this time. Gene Beck feels that INDOT should come back and fix the issue first before it gets released. Jim Baird made the motion to not approve the release until the issues in photos are resolved. Kristina Warren seconded the motion. Unanimous.


Scott Hoff brought up the bids for the air unit for the jail. Scott Hoff opened the bids. Kim Hyten discussed the liability for Rural Transit. Kim Hyten presented Area 10 records for Commissioners. Kim Hyten discussed the agreement between North Putnam Schools and Commissioners in regards to buses. North Putnam passed the agreement for transportation for large amounts of people in an emergency. Rural Transit also signed the memo of understanding. Gene Beck made the motion to approve. Kristina Warren seconded the motion. Unanimous.

Kim Hyten stated that they are waiting on the weather to get better to fix the rails on the west side of the courthouse.

Kim Hyten introduced Chris Edwards. He is a weather spotter and is having a class open to the public. It will be held at the Annex on February 25, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.


Scott Hoff presented the bids on the jail to the Commissioners for review.

The bids were from Trane, Perfection Group, and O’Brien Mechanical. Gene Beck made the motion to table the bids until the February 15, 2010 meeting, and stated the bids will be taken under advisement. Kristina Warren seconded the motion. The motion was carried.


Beth Glaze and Brittany Cash came to the meeting to discuss the legal counsel and the money in regards to the $3,000. Gene Beck thought the money was cut from the budget. Beth Glaze discussed the money and that the Council thought it was a onetime cut. Beth Glaze asked for an additional amount. Scott Hoff said the Health Department really needs their own attorney to be able to do that. Jim Baird asked if anything has to be done at the moment. Beth Glaze said Sharon H. did that at the end of the year to hand to Scott Hoff. Jim Baird would like to wait a bit to see what budgets are like. Gene Beck said to go ahead and do the additional to the Council and the Commissioners will give tentative approval.


Brian Poole stated this in regards to Putnam County and seven other surrounding counties. Cayla Summitt said that the State has given them a supplemental grant from Homeland Security to do additional training. Kristina Warren made the motion to approve the budget. Jim Baird seconded the motion. Unanimous.


As of last week, Robbie Cudnik took Bill Ellerman’s name off of the tax roles as in c/o. He was the last president from 9 years back. Bill Ellerman stated he has had to pay the taxes in the past to keep the roads from going up for tax sale. Robbie Cudnik stated with his name removed, he will not receive the tax bill. Kenneth Harrell stated that he wanted to know what would happen to their roads since no one is associated with them. Gene Beck thinks the county went out to look at the roads awhile back and the roads were not up to standards. Kenneth Harrell said the roads were not wide enough and the school buses were driving down them and making the roads worse. The discussion was about the roads and who owns them. Robbie Cudnik stated there were three different developments that have roads on the upcoming tax sales. Gene Beck said the Commissioner’s can’t really give them any advice on this situation. Kenneth Harrell said they will check to see if their association is still active. Gene Beck said to check back with Kim Hyten.


Robert Givans came to the meeting to discuss the parking situation around the square of the courthouse. He stated it is getting worse and a lot of it seems to be the employees of the courthouse parking around the square. Gene Beck said that a lot of the office holders pay to park. One of the business holders that came to the meeting discussed moving her business and several others discussed it also. Another business owner stated there is no loading zone anymore in front of her business. Gene Beck stated that the Commissioners can put a memo out to the employees of the courthouse, and ask them to park off of the square. Jim Baird said that he does business during the daytime, and usually finds a parking spot on the square. Gene Beck suggested for the business owners to go to the city and ask for a sign and parking spot in front of each of their businesses. Carla Lawless, from the Visitor’s Bureau, said they have gone to the city already and they said there is nothing that they can do. Kristina Warren asked if the city was refusing to give parking to businesses. Carla Lawless stated that the business owners around the square just need help with patrolling the cars and the parking spots around the square.


Sharon Owens stated that she has rearranged the Treasurer’s Office and divided the furniture within the courthouse. She has several chairs that no one wants and she has someone that would like to buy a chair. Gene Beck said that any surplus items are going thru SRI to be sold. Stephanie Campbell stated that a new memo would go out informing everyone of the change. Scott Hoff suggested that the extra surplus be put in a pile and that SRI sell the items.


The public defender’s office is actually vacated today. The judges would like to use the third floor public defender’s office as a meeting room temporarily. The confidential files will be stored on the first floor until they can be moved to the Annex. The furniture in the department is being requested by six different offices. The copier is on lease if someone wants to take it over. Gene Beck stated that if the officers want the furniture to let them have it. This needs to be arranged with Kim Hyten. Kim Hyten will then get with the Auditor’s office and the remainder will be sold thru SRI.

PAYROLL 1/28/10

Kristina Warren made the motion to approve the payroll. Jim Baird seconded the motion. Unanimous.


Scott Hoff stated the agreement is to sell vehicles thru SRI. Kristina Warren made the motion to approve the agreement. Jim Baird seconded the motion. Unanimous.


Jim Baird asked if Stephanie Campbell was keeping track of the money that has been paid to American Structure Point. Stephanie Campbell said that Sandy Amers, Kim Hyten’s secretary, was keeping track of that information. Jim Baird made the motion to approve the claims. Kristina Warren seconded the motion. Unanimous.


Don Gedert came to the meeting and he asked about the appointments for the Visitor’s Bureau.

Appointments 2010

Alcoholic Beverage Commission

Jim Baird made the motion to appoint Kevin Scobee with a 1 year appointment. Gene Beck seconded the motion. Unanimous.

Aviation Board

Gene Beck made the motion to appoint Rex Eaton & J R Scott until 2012. Jim Baird seconded the motion. Unanimous.

Board of Health

Jim Baird made the motion to appoint Dr. Scamahorn and Ruth Ralph. Kristina Warren seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

Convention & Visitors Bureau

Jim Baird made the motion to appoint the ones with the letter of recommendations. Gene Beck seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

Emergency 911

Gene Beck stated that there were no calls and everyone on the list is interested to continue to serve. Kristina Warren made the motion to approve the appointments. Gene Beck seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

Floyd Township Fire District

Gene Beck made the motion to appoint Joe Myers and David Hansell. Jim Baird seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

Putnam County Hospital

Kristina Warren made the motion to appoint David Bray and Janice Fry. Jim Baird seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

Putnam County Planning Commission

Jim Baird made the motion to appoint Larry Jones. Kristina Warren seconded the motion. Unanimous.

W. Central Solid Waste Advisory Board

Gene Beck made the motion to approve all three reappoints. Kristina Warren seconded the motion. The motion was carried.


Kristina Warren made the motion to approve the letter for congressman. Gene Beck seconded the motion. Unanimous.


Gene Beck acknowledged the mail.


Gene Beck stated that he wants to get a proposal and design and list of the people that are interested for the project.


Gene Beck made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Jim Baird seconded the motion. The motion was carried.


Gene R. Beck, President Kristina Warren, V. President


Jim Baird Stephanie Campbell, Auditor

Attest: Evelyn Owens,

Deputy Auditor