Monday April 28, 2014
Commission Members:
Emily Durand-ChairLinda Mann
Mary FlicekKelly Linton
Ron PrescherBruce Wildes
City Representatives:
Chad Springer, City Administrator
Wendy Busch, City Planning and Zoning Assistant
The regular meeting of the Heritage Preservation Commission was held on Monday April 28, 2014at Wabasha City Hall and called to order at9:05 am by Chair Durand.
Roll found commissioners Durand, Flicek, Prescher and Linton present. Commissioners Wildes and Mann were absent.
Commissioner Flicek would like to add NAPC to Other Business item 7D. Chair Durand also added Cheryl from the Wabasha Chamber of Commerce to the agenda under Old Business A ii.
CommissionersLinton and Prescher moved to approve the minutes from March 24, 2014as written. Adopted unanimously.
Design Review - NONE
Old Business
A.)Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation “Picture It Painted” Grant Update
i.Design planning and subcommittee formation –Chair Durand attended the SMIF required meeting for the Valspar Grant in Owatonna. The City has between 15 and 20 gallons of paint coming our way to help create more consistent signage in Wabasha. She spoke with the City Administrator regarding partnering with City dollars or with gifted money and both are possibilities. She spoke with Sue Mundy who is very busy with commissions right now and not wanting to be a barrier to the process. Sue was the artist behind the design of the City of Wabasha sign on the highway but thought we should talk with those responsible for painting it and to her recollection it was a firm out of the Rochester area. At this point Sue does not feel she can commit to painting the signs. A three day notice of color choice is needed before we pick up the paint in the St. Paul location. Chair Durand indicated that it isn’t the HPC’s direction to design the signs as all signs are out of the HPC district and represents the City as a whole. City Administrator Springer would like to get a dollar amount for the project in hopes of potential funding from Xcel Energy. Mr. Springer met with an Xcel Energy representative that indicated they had funds available for Cities and that Wabasha has not utilized any at this point. Commissioner Flicek will contact people who helped with the previous signs. Chair Durand indicated that Scott Durand and Sue Mundy will come up with a design and color choices.
ii.Public Art Panel – Craig Huff a local artist presented an idea of art panels with starting locations in the downtown area. The first building of interest is Jewson’s on the corner of Main Street and Pembroke. Cheryl from the Chamber indicated they are looking for funding through the Foundation for this particular project and towards more artwork through town. Possibly down on the Wabasha Pharmacy which would hopefully draw people down the street once they have left the Eagle Center. She likes the idea of the panels as it isn’t directly onto the brick of the building. Mr. Huff indicated that anchoring would be minimal due to lightweight materials. Cheryl stated that Jewson’s building already is equipped with anchoring from Septoberfest. Chair Durand questioned the thought of putting the panels in store front windows with lighting. Commissioner Flicek stated that the HPC had gone through a mural workshop with the SHPO office. Michael Koop would need to come down and review the project with the State Historic Preservation Office before going forward. Commissioner Flicek would love to see historic photo boards placed into the store fronts showing the buildings history as well as placing the panels on metal signs that line the avenue. The signage would be temporary or seasonal. Placing artwork along Pembroke from Kwik Trip to the downtown area would be complementary as there is no artwork at this point. Wendy will speak with Molly regarding where artwork can be placed inside and out of the historic district. Flicek stated that the sculptures placed by RJAC that are on display are overdue and Craig’s artwork could be the next to be on display. Chair Durand will send the Secretary of Interior Standards to Cheryl and Craig to review and provide any clarification if needed. Commissioner Flicek also brought up Big Jo Alley as a potential location and the design standards are less but still need to meet the requirements. Craig proposed 4` by 6` movie poster size and the Pembroke Theatre was brought into conversation on how appropriate that would be placed on the old movie theatre building. Craig will draft an artist statement and get it to Chair Durand for Michael Koop from SHPO.
B.)Grant for fall AASLH Conference – staff emailed the grant and had confirmation that it was submitted. Staff also booked two rooms for the full stay for one staff and two commissioners to attend.
C.)Jacks Barber Shop Update - None
New Business –
A.)Public Art Panel – Staff will get the sign ordinance to Chair Durand to provide to the Chamber and Mr. Huff.
The commission went on to discuss Other Business and will come back to Strategic Planning if time allows.
B.)Strategic Planning-
Other Business–
A.)Preservation Month Activity– Chair Durand stated she did have her picture taken with Tim Penny at the pickup for the paint and at the very least should have that published that we were the awardees of the Valspar Picture it Panted Grant and thanking Rotary for their support. Also that we are looking for additional partners to make it a reality.
B.)Pieces of the past – Commissioner Flicek indicated that she drove past the Tin House and that the front awning is crumbling. Wondering if the City has any rules about slum and blight and how could we protect that home? Commissioner Flicek will forward an email to Molly and ask what direction we should go with that building. Staff indicated that in the recent past someone had shown interest in buying the property but nothing has happened since then.
C.)Action items
Interior Standards to be emailed to Cheryl Wright and Craig Huff from Chair Durand
Commissioner Flicek will email Molly regarding Tin Catalog Home.
D.)NAPC – Commissioner Flicek indicated that the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions’ has a biennial training program for local preservation boards and commissions in Philadelphia July 16 – 20th. Two years ago Molly along with Commissioners Flicek and Linton traveled to this training and almost all on the funding of grants. Early bird deadline is in June. Staff would need to check availability to see if it would be possible to attend. Mary will check with Molly on the availability of grants to fund a trip like this first.
The commission went back on to talk about the Strategic Plan. Chair Durand would like to see a more concise plan to put in place. Trying not to create a list of items that need to be done, but rather prioritize two goal areas with three objectives that we set out to accomplish. An example of this is education of our local partners. Things to ask ourselves are; what are the top two to three things that must go right for this strategy to work? If we pursue this strategy what are we deciding not to do? What specific capability will we need to develop in order for this plan to succeed?
Commissioner Flicek stated there is a legacy grant available to help commissions write a strategic plan and perhaps if there isn’t deadline to provide an updated strategic plan we shouldn’t rush to get through it. We should be aligned with the State and National priorities.
Commissioner Linton felt that Carol Scott maybe interested in joining the HPC when she has finished on the board with the Eagle Center, possibly within a year or two. Chair Durand mentioned Jay Jewson as a person who is from here and has lived here all his life and is constantly commenting on the facebook page “Wabasha MN, I lived there once.” Commissioner Flicek had asked Monica, whose husband works for Jewson’s and she is thinking about joining the commission. Commissioner Linton stated that a Brenda Amend (was a Passe) has a business next to Dr. Mann’s office for massage therapy and maybe she could be a potential candidate. Commissioner Flicek will check back with Monica and report back to the commission.
Staff has not received all members bios and Commissions Linton and Prescher will work on them after the meeting today.
Chair Durand will modify a word document of the current strategic plan and forward it on to the Commission for review. The item will stay on the agenda as Old Business for continuous review.
The next regular meeting of the HPC is scheduled forMonday May 19, 2014at 9amat Wabasha City Hall.
Having no other business CommissionersFlicek and Lintonmoved to adjourn at10:40am. Adopted unanimously.
Wendy Busch, Planning and Zoning Assistant