A TAA petition identifies aworkergroup at aspecificfirm orsubdivision and coversall individuals in that group. Generally, ifa workeris laid off, apetition must be submitted within oneyearofthelayoff for that workerto becoveredand certifiedunderaDOL-approved petition.
A group ofworkers maybe eligibleforTAAiftheirjobs arelost orthreatened dueto trade-relatedcircumstances as determinedbyDOLinvestigation. These circumstances mayinclude:
- increased imports of articles or products;
- shift in production to or an acquisition of services or articles from any foreign country by the worker group’s company
- employer’s loss ofbusiness from a customerwith TAA-certified workers
- employeridentified as trade-injured by theInternational TradeCommission
Afterinvestigation, DOL determinesgroup eligibilityto applyfor TAA benefits and services. Onceadetermination is issued by DOL, TWCcontacts the employerto secureindividual workereligibility, which is predicated on separation dueto lack of work (layoff). Workersarenotified by TWCoftheirpotential eligibility, at which timetheymayapplyforservices at WorkforceSolutions Offices.
Note: TAARA 2015 restores the service sector coverage. This should eventually increase the number of TAA-certified participants eligible in Texas.
Ifa worker is amemberof a DOLTAA-certified group, the worker maybe eligible for the following benefits and services ata Workforce Solutions Office:
EmploymentandCase ManagementServicesSkillassessments, career counseling, support services, information on training, and more
Up to 130 weeksof occupational training
Up to 130 weeksof wage subsidies for workers enrolled in training within 26weeks of their trade-related layoff orthe petition certification, whicheverdate islater
Awage subsidy, available to workers age 50or over whoare reemployed atannual wagesof$50,000or less
Job Search Allowance
Reimbursement for costs of job searchoutside the worker’s localcommuting area
Reimbursement for relocation costs fora job outside the worker’s localcommuting area
Health Coverage Tax Credit
Provides assistance with the payment of premiums for qualifying health insurance. This program is administered by the Internal Revenue Service.
Foradditional information on TAA benefits and
services, visitTWC’s website at clickon the Programs & Services tab and select the TradeAdjustmentAssistancelink.
TheTradeAdjustmentAssistance(TAA) program helps trade-affected workers transition into long-term suitable employment. The number of participants receiving services and benefits varies based on the specific TAA-relatedcertification. Thisreportdescribestheservicesand outcomesfor TAA-certified workers who participated orcompleted trainingin the TAA program duringStateFiscalYear 2016 (SFY’16).
TAA-certified workerscovered in thisreport werecertified underand subject totherulesof the TradeActof1974, theTradeActof2002, the Tradeand Globalization Adjustment AssistanceActof2009,theTrade AdjustmentAssistance Extension Actof2011, orthe Trade Adjustment Assistance Reauthorization Act of 2015 (TAARA 2015).
TAA Service Provision and Outcomes
DuringSFY’16, theTexas workforcesystemprovided thefollowing TAA servicesand outcomes:
- 11,628workers weredeterminedpotentially TAAeligible and outreached for service provision
- 1,181workersapplied for TAA servicesor benefits
- 2,733workersparticipated in TAA-supported trainingservices.The most common trainingoccupations supported were:
Hairdressers, Hairstylists, and Cosmetologists
Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics
Truck Drivers
Welders, Cutters, Solderers and Brazers
Office Clerks
- 295 workers participated in vocational and remedial training programs, either integrated or conducted concurrently at the same school.
Thefollowingperformanceresults were attained for the1,676 workersexitingTAA servicesin SFY’16:
- 1,279 (76 percent) entered employment;
- Ofthose enteringemployment,90 percent retainedemploymentover thefollowing threequarters
- Workers securingemploymentregained90 percentofpre-layoffwage levels,based on asix-month follow-up
- 507 workers participated in basic skills enhancement during TAA-supported training
Thefollowing were the most common sectorsin whichworkers secured employment:
- Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services
- Manufacturing
- Retail Trade
TAA OverviewandPetitionProcess
TAAisafederalprogramthatassists U.S.workers who have lostormaylose their jobs asaresultof foreign trade. TAA seeksto provide adverselyaffectedworkers with opportunitiesto obtaintheskills, credentials, resources,and supportnecessaryto become reemployed. TAA servicesand benefitsare administered bythe TexasWorkforce Commission (TWC) in cooperation with Texas’ 28 LocalWorkforceDevelopment Boards.
Thefirststepto receiving TAAbenefitsand servicesisto fileapetition onlineor bymail with the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). Petitionscanbeobtainedonline or at WorkforceSolutionsOffices andcan be filed by:
- threeor moreworkersin thesamefirmor subdivision
- the workers’ employer
- a union official or other duly authorized representativeoftheworkers
- designatedTWC orWorkforceSolutionsOfficestaff
Upon receivingapetition,DOLinitiatesaninvestigation to determinewhetherthe circumstancesofthelayoffmeet thegroup eligibilitycriteriaestablished bythe TradeAct of1974, asamended.
TAA Annual Report 2016 (11 22 2016)Notebook.docx