Headteachers, Teachers Governors
Commissioning Service for Headteachers, teachers and governors
Leader:Jesus Christ is the light of the world,
a light no darkness can quench.
The light and peace of Jesus Christ be with you all.
All:And also with you.
Leader:Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
All:Who is worthy of all thanksgiving and praise.
Leader:Blessed are you, Sovereign God of all, to you be glory and praise for ever! From the rising of the sun to its setting, your glory is proclaimed in all the world. You gave Christ as a light to the nations, and through the anointing of his Spirit you call us into his marvellous light. May our lives bear witness to your truth and our lips never cease to proclaim your praise, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
All:Blessed be God for ever!
(The leader invites all gathered to profess the faith of the Church)
Leader:Do you believe and trust in God the Father, who made all things?
All:We believe and trust in him.
Leader:Do you believe and trust in his Son Jesus Christ, who redeemed the world?
All:We believe and trust in him.
Leader:Do you believe and trust in his Holy Spirit, who gives life to the people of God?
All:We believe and trust in him.
Leader:This is the faith of the Church.
All:This is our faith.
We believe and trust in one God, Father, Son and Holy Sprit. Amen.
(The Headteacher, Staff and governors are invited to stand or come
Leader:Lord Jesus Christ the source of all knowledge and truth, give to all who teach, wisdom, strength and compassion in all they undertake and grant that all who learn may be open to your transforming power; for your sake.
(The leader addresses the Headteacher)
Leader:N you have been appointed as headteacher to X school. You are responsible for ensuring that the school is rooted in Christian values, principles and beliefs, that worship and religious education are central to the whole life and work of the school and that the Christian faith influences the whole school curriculum and its ethos.
As headteacher you have a special responsibility to ensure that everyone in the school is valued and recognised as being created in the image of God and uniquely gifted by Him.
Will you faithfully serve the school and its community?
Headteacher:With the help of God, I will.
(The leader addresses the staff and governors)
Leader:Staff and governors will share in your work. Will you support the headteacher in this task by your prayer, through working together and in fellowship?
Staff and Governors :With the help of God, we will.
(The leader addresses the headteacher, staff and governors)
Leader:Christ is our teacher.
Will you promise to offer all those you serve a vision of life inspired by the example of Jesus?
Response:With the help of God we will.
Leader:Will you encourage all to follow Jesus’ commandment to love one another?
Response:With the help of God, we will.
Leader:Will you foster respect for all God’s creation?
Response:With the help of God, we will.
Leader:Will you strive to offer by word and deed a Christian example to those you serve in our Community?
Response:With the help of God, we will.
(The leader invites parents and pupils to stand)
Leader:Parents and children will you promise to help and support your new headteacher and the staff and governors of your school?
Response:With the help of God, we will.
(The leader addresses all present and invites them to stand)
Leader:As part of our mission and ministry, we are all called by God to teach and learn together. Will you pray regularly for each other as learners and teachers?
All:With the help of God, we will.
Leader:In recognition of our calling, we all say together:
All:In darkness and in light
In trouble and in joy,
Help us, heavenly Father,
To trust your love,
To serve your purpose.
And to praise your name.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
(All resume their seats except for the headteacher)
(A governor of the school presents the keys of the school)
Governor:On behalf of the governors I welcome you to X and present you with the keys of the school as a symbol of your headship.
May God be with you in all that you do.
(A member of the congregation presents a Bible)
Member of Congregation:
On behalf of Y Church I welcome you.
Receive this Bible to mark your new headship. It is God’s word and the foundation of all true wisdom. May it guide and inspire you.
(A pupil presents some flowers or a plant)
Pupil:On behalf of the children I welcome you.
(The headteacher returns to their seat)
The intercessions
God of all time and wisdom, through the power of your spirit,enlighten us all as we teach and as we learn that we may discern your word and find your truth.
Lord by your spirit:
All:Bring in your kingdom.
God our inspiration, uphold all those who exercise their vocation ineducation whether as teachers, leaders or helpers. In our community we pray for………….
Lord by your spirit:
All:Bring in your kingdom.
God our anchor and support, we pray for all those who are responsible for education planning, policy making and
administration. In our community we pray for……
Lord by your spirit:
All: Bring in your kingdom.
God of healing and wholeness, we give thanks for all the
educational opportunities made available to us. Protect and sustain all those who are denied access to education or training. In our community we pray for……
Lord by your spirit:
All:Bring in your kingdom.
God of renewal and growth, give us all, learners and teachers, children and adults, ears which are eager to listen, eyes which are quick to see, hands which are sure to do, and hearts which are always open to learn more of your love.
Lord of the Church
All:Hear our prayer,
And make us one in heart and mind
To serve you with joy forever.
The peace is then shared.
Extracts from Patterns of Worship (CHP, 1995)
Extracts from Churches Serving Schools the National Society
Extracts from The Diocese of Winchester
Extracts from JohnKebleSchool Service
Extracts from Willesden Area Commissioning Service