Mr. Wingler


7th Grade World Geography/Civics

Hale County

Middle School

1.  Course Description:

Geography enables the students to see, understand, and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the uses of geography. The study of world geography will include areas of study in culture, economics, history, governance and civics as well as interactions between individuals and groups of people.

Students who display competent geographic skills are able to:

·  Utilize geographic tools to locate analyze information about people, places, and environment

·  Describe how geographic and human characteristics create culture and define regions

·  Determine the forces that contribute to cooperation and conflict between people and nations

·  Explain how physical processes and human actions modify the environment and how the environmentaffects humans

Civics will explore the origins of the American democratic system while looking at how the Constitution embodies the values and purposes set up by the Founding Fathers.The structure and function of the government will be analyzed on a national, state, and local level while showing how each level is interrelated.This will launch the class into discussing how constitutional values relate to other nations and world affairs.Throughout the course we will focus on how the people play an active role in government and the importance each citizen contributes to society.

Students who display competent civics and government skills are able to:

• Define government and trace its historical foundations
• Explain interrelationships of local, state, and federal governments
• Understand basic values and principles of the American republic
• Describe the relationship of the United States to the rest of the world
• Identify rights and responsibilities of citizenship, including the practice of responsible citizen

2.  Coursework:

Daily Grades/Homework: Work will be collected from the students daily. Daily grades will be used to document student learning and assess areas of strength as well as determine areas to focus on improving. Homework may be assigned throughout the semester.

Quizzes: A quiz will be given on most weeks and will be used to assess student learning on vocabulary, key concepts, and map skills.

Tests/Projects: Tests will be given at the end of most units of study. Tests will utilize a combination of multiple-choice, matching, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer questions to more thoroughly test student knowledge and ability.

9 Weeks Exams: Comprehensive exams will be given every 9 weeks and will be used to document student learning and progress throughout the year.

Grading Scale: / A / 90-100 / Daily Grades/Homework: 25% of Final Grade
B / 80-89 / Quizzes: 20% of Final Grade
C / 70-79 / Tests/Projects: 25% of Final Grade
D / 60-69 / 9 Weeks Exam: 30% of Final Grade
F / Below 60

4. Classroom Rules:

1. Be Present: Be in class, on time, and ready to learn. Limit distractions and work hard.

2. Be Prepared: Bring the appropriate materials to class every day. Keep up with assignments.

3. Be Responsible: Treat others with respect. Accept the consequences of your actions.

5. Make-up Work: It is the student’s responsibility to make up any missed assignments/tests/etc. Each class will have their own “missed assignments folder” and students may collect their missed assignments when they walk into class. If a student misses a test, quiz, or unit exam then it is the student’s responsibility to schedule a time to take the missed assessment. Make-up unit exams, tests, and quizzes may be altered from the original version.

6.  Restroom Policy: Students will be encouraged to use the restroom between classes. Since students will usually be within one or two classrooms of their next class, they will have time to use the restroom between classes. If a student needs to use the restroom during class, they must sign out and take a restroom pass.

7.  Cell Phone/Technology Policy: Per Hale County policy, cell phones and other electronic devices (such as iPods, tablets, etc.) will not be allowed in the classroom. We will routinely use Chromebooks in the classroom. The school and district policies for use of technology will be followed by all students.

8.  Discipline Policy: A safe and orderly environment is necessary for students to feel comfortable and to learn efficiently. It is important that students monitor their own behavior and limit distractions in the classroom. Below is a general guide to how inappropriate behavior will be addressed in the classroom:

i.  Verbal Warning

ii.  Student-Teacher Conference

iii.  Phone Call Home/Parent Conference

iv.  Office Referral

In the event of a serious violation of classroom procedures and school policies, a student may be referred immediately to the office and additional steps may be taken to try to address the behavior issue(s).


World Geography/Civics (Mr. Wingler)

By signing this document, I am confirming that I have read and agree to the policies and procedures outlined in this syllabus and that I will agree to do my part in contributing to success at Hale County Middle School.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Best way to contact you: e-mail: ______

phone #: ______


World Geography/Civics (Mr. Wingler)

By signing this document, I am confirming that I have read and agree to the policies and procedures outlined in this syllabus and that I will agree to do my part in contributing to success at Hale County Middle School.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Best way to contact you: e-mail: ______

phone #: ______


World Geography/Civics (Mr. Wingler)

By signing this document, I am confirming that I have read and agree to the policies and procedures outlined in this syllabus and that I will agree to do my part in contributing to success at Hale County Middle School.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Best way to contact you: e-mail: ______

phone #: ______