NOVEMBER 17, 2011
The regular monthly meeting of the Board was called to order at 9:30 a.m. in the Conference Room of the Board’s office, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Members of the Board present:Byron Talbot, Chairman
Victor Weston, Vice Chairman
Lloyd “Chip” Badeaux
George L. Crain, Jr.
Nelson A. “Andy” Dupuy, Jr.
Courtney Fenet, Jr.
August Gallo, Jr.
Danny Graham
Kenneth Jones
Donald G. Lambert
Lee Mallett
Garland Meredith
Christopher Stuart
Art O. Walker
Mr. William Clouatre was absent.
Finding a quorum present, the regular order of business began.
Also attending the meeting were: Michael B. McDuff, Executive Director; Judge Darrell White, Retired, Hearing Officer; Stephanie Laborde, Board Attorney; Judy Dupuy, Administrator, and from the staff, Bobbie Hughes, Emma Payne, Paula Lamonte, Mark Jones, Bertha Jenkins, Kellie Prudhomme, Deborah Irwin, Doug Traylor, Rebecca Johnson, Lori Guthrie and Sharon Fabre; Compliance Director Brent Templet; Compliance Supervisor Lynwood Allemore; and Investigators, Chris Verges, Todd Brady, Tommy Mimnaugh, Greg Perrin, Carl Bourque, Marc Mary, Charlie Pellegrin and Johnny Rogers; and Keri Dupont, recording the minutes.
Mr. Victor Weston led the members and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Judge Darrell White gave the invocation.
Judge Darrell White then introduced himself, and advised those present of his duties.
A Motion was made by Mr. Lambert and was seconded by Mr. Weston to accept the Minutes of the October 20, 2011 regular meeting. The Motion passed.
Mr. Michael McDuff introduced special guests, Mr. Trent Hardin, Mr. Michael Demouy, and Mr. Ken Naquin.
Mr. Art Favre and Ms. Ashley Bryant made a brief presentation to the Board.
Bastoe Plumbing, LLC,
Ms. Laborde read the allegations against Bastoe Plumbing, LLC, and asked if there was a representative present.
Ms. Krystal Bommer, attorney for the Judgment Creditor, appeared and made a statement.
A Motion was made by Mr. Meredith which was seconded by Mr. Jones to giveBastoe Plumbing, LLC, 30 days to satisfy the Judgment. If the Judgment is not satisfied within 30 days, its license will be revoked. The Motion passed.
B. J. Couvillion, Inc.
Ms. Laborde read the allegations against B. J. Couvillion, Inc., and asked if there was a representative present.
Ms. Lana Cocreham appeared on behalf of Cocreham Brick, and made a statement.
A Motion was made by Mr. Weston which was seconded by Mr. Gallo and Mr. Dupuy to giveB. J. Couvillion, INC.,60 days to satisfy the Judgment. If the Judgment is not satisfied within 60 days, its license will be revoked. The Motion passed.
Compliance Hearing(S):
AA Contracting Services, LLC
**Mr. Dupuy recused himself.
Ms. Hughes read the allegations against Elevation Masters, Inc., and asked if a representative was present.
Mr. Scott Barfield, attorney, appeared on behalf of AA Contracting, LLC, and denied the allegations.
Mr. Aaron Anderson appeared and was sworn in.
Ms. Laborde called Mr. Brent Templet, Compliance Director, to the stand and he was sworn in. Ms. Laborde reviewed the exhibit book with Mr. Templet, and asked that it be entered into the record. Judge White accepted the exhibit book into the record.
Mr. Barfield and Mr. Anderson made a brief statement to the Board.
A Motion was made by Mr. Meredith and was seconded by Mr. Graham to find AA Contracting Services, LLCin violation. The Motion passed.
A Motion was made by Mr. Fenet and was seconded by Mr. Meredith to impose six months of supervised probation and court costs. If the requested documentation is delivered to the Board, the probation will be suspended. The Motion passed.
Kent Custom Elevations, LLC
**Mr. Dupuy recused himself.
Ms. Hughes read the allegations against Kent Custom Elevations, LLC and asked if a representative was present. No representative was present.
Ms. Laborde called Mr. Carl Bourque, Supervisor, to the stand and he was sworn in.
Ms. Hughes presented a settlement offer to the Board on behalf of Kent Custom Elevation, LLC.
A Motion was made by Mr. Weston and was seconded by Mr. Stuart to counter Kent Custom Elevations, LLC’s settlement offer. The Motion passed.
The Cumberland Investment Group, LLC
**Mr. Dupuy recused himself.
Ms. Hughes read the allegations against The cumberland Investment group, LLC, and asked if a representative was present.
Mr. Ryan Castiex, attorney, appeared, and denied the allegations.
Mr. Randy Gaspard, owner, appeared and was sworn in.
Ms. Laborde called Mr. Chris Verges, Investigator, to the stand and he was sworn in. Ms. Laborde reviewed the exhibit book with Mr. Verges, and asked that it be entered into the record. Judge White accepted the exhibit book into the record.
Ms. Laborde called Mr. Carl Bourque, Supervisor, to the stand and he responded to questions.
Mr. Trent Hardin, with the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, appeared and made a statement.
Mr. Castiex and Mr. Gaspard made brief statements to the Board.
Ms. Jeanne Renton, homeowner, appeared and made a statement to the Board.
A Motion was made by Mr. Weston and was seconded by Mr. Gallo to find The cumberland Investment group, LLC in violation. The Motion passed.
Mr. Weston withdrew his Motion, which was accepted by the Board.
After some additional discussion, a second Motion was made by Mr. Weston and was seconded by Mr. Gallo to find The cumberland Investment group, LLC in violation. The Motion passed.
A Motion was made by Mr. Weston and was seconded by Mr. Gallo to impose a fine of $2000, six months of supervised probation and court costs. The Motion passed.
Triple Oh Shoring, Inc.
**Mr. Dupuy recused himself.
Ms. Hughes read the allegations against Triple Oh Shoring, Inc., and asked if a representative was present.
Mr. Omar Oceguera, owner, appeared, was sworn in, and denied the allegations.
Ms. Laborde called Mr. Chris Verges, Investigator, to the stand and he was sworn in.
Ms. Laborde reviewed the exhibit book with Mr. Verges, and asked that it be entered into the record.
Judge White accepted the exhibit book into the record.
A Motion was made by Mr. Meredith and was seconded by Mr. Gallo to find Triple Oh Shoring, Inc. in violation. The Motion passed.
A Motion was made by Mr. Meredith and was seconded by Mr. Fenet to impose a fine of $500.00 court costs. The Motion passed.
a)Scottie Knott
b)Gene Lail
c)Bryan J. Bourque
d)Travis Taylor Hargrave
e)Larry P. Bellard
f)Roland Trahan d/b/a Roland’s Heating & Air Conditioning
A Motion was made by Mr. Meredith and was seconded by Mr. fenet to continue matters 4. A through f. The Motion passed.
CCAD-FAM Enterprise Company, LLC
Ms. Hughes read the allegations against CCAD-Fam Enterprise Company, LLC, and asked if a representative was present.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phillips, owners, appeared, were sworn in, and entered a plea of No Contest.
A Motion was made by Mr. Jones which was seconded by Mr. Stuart to accept the plea.
Mr. Reed Smith, attorney for Jefferson Parish, appeared, and made a statement to the Board.
A Motion was made by Mr. Meredith and was seconded by Mr. Fenet to accept the voluntary surrender of CCAD-Fam Enterprise Company LLC’s License upon the completion of its current project, plus court costs. The Motion passed.
Johnson Construction Services, L.L.C
Ms. Hughes read the allegations against johnson construction services, llc, and asked if a representative was present.
No representative was present.
Ms. Laborde called Mr. Brent Templet, Compliance Director, to the stand.
Ms. Laborde reviewed the exhibit book with Mr. Templet, and asked that it be entered into the record.
Judge White accepted the exhibit book into the record.
A Motion was made by Mr. Weston and was seconded by Mr. Dupuy to find johnson construction services, llc in violation. The Motion passed.
A Motion was made by Mr. Weston and was seconded by Mr. Gallo to revoke the license of johnson construction services, llc and assess court costs. The Motion passed.
Act 725 – Settlement Offer(S):
Zion Church Builders, Inc
A Motion was made by Mr. Weston and was seconded by Mr. Gallo to accept. The Motion passed.
Woody Enterprises d/b/a Gull Lake Enterprises/ Horizon Plumbing & Heating Services
A Motion was made by Mr. Weston and was seconded by Mr. Gallo to accept. The Motion passed.
M W Builders, Inc.
A Motion was made by Mr. Weston and was seconded by Mr. Gallo to accept. The Motion passed.
Phoenix Fire Protection, Inc.
A Motion was made by Mr. Weston and was seconded by Mr. Gallo to accept. The Motion passed.
Southeast Fire Protection, L.P.
A Motion was made by Mr. Weston and was seconded by Mr. Gallo to accept. The Motion passed.
Request for Rehearing:
Donald Gerdon Allen
A Motion was made by Mr. Weston and was seconded by Mr. Gallo to grant the request. The Motionpassed.
Report from the Staff
Ms. Dupuy had nothing to report.
Building Committee
Mr. Graham has nothing to report.
Classification and Testing Committee
Mr. Weston informed the Board that the Committee had met and Mr. Dupuywould give a report.
Legislative/Rules and Regulations Committee
Mr. Gallo had nothing to report.
Act 725 Committee
Mr. Meredith had nothing to report.
Finance Committee
A Motion was made by Mr. Dupuy to accept the financial report as submitted. Mr. Stuart seconded the Motion. The Motion passed.
Mr. Dupuy made a Motion to transfer funds, which was seconded by Mr. Weston. The Motion passed.
Residential Building Committee
Mr. Weston made a Motion to accept and ratify the actions of the Residential Committee from the November 2, 2011meeting, which wasseconded by Mr. Gallo. The Motion passed.
Consideration of residential applications, home improvement registrations, and residential exemptions as listed and attached to the agenda. (Pages 4-7)
A Motion was made by Mr. Weston and was seconded by Mr. Dupuy to approve the residential applications provided all outstanding fines have been satisfied. The Motion passed.
A Motion was made by Mr. Weston and was seconded by Mr. Dupuy to approve thehome improvement registrations provided all outstanding fines have been satisfied. The Motion passed.
A Motion was made by Mr. Weston and was seconded by Mr. Dupuy to approvethe residential exemptions provided all outstanding fines have been satisfied. The Motion passed.
Consideration of commercial licensure exemptions as listed and attached to the agenda. (Pages9-11)
A Motion was made by Mr. Dupuy and was seconded by Mr. Stuart to accept thecommercial licensure exemptions. The Motion passed.
Consideration of additional classifications as listed and attached to the agenda.
(Pages 13-18)
A Motion was made by Mr. Lambert and was seconded by Mr. Weston to approve the mold applications.
The Motion passed.
Consideration of commercial applications as listed and attached to the agenda.
- Pending All Requirements Being Met (Pages 20-27)
- Regular Commercial Applications (Page 28)
A Motion was made by Mr. Lambert and was seconded by Mr. Weston to approve the commercial applications provided all fines have been satisfied. The Motion passed.
A Motion was made by Mr. Weston and was seconded by Mr. Clouatre to adjourn. The Motion passed.
The meeting adjourned at 12:11 p.m.