Reading Intervention Groups
Group 1 / Group 2 / Group 3 / Group 4Austin, Mariah / Ben, Marely, Hunter, Allison, Mia, Abbie, Daniel, Alyssa, Eli, DJ, Kloey / Liliana, Kassidy, Kiley, Jenicy, Annie, Montana, Peyton, Frankie / Mason, Willow, Brennan, Emily, Cole, Cadence
My Plans
Group 1 / Group 2 / Group 3 / Group 4Troskey
Students will receive small group instruction: Whole group reading and comprehension analysis of leveled reader (Backward Bird Dog). Text dependent questions answered as assessment. / Thompson
Students will receive small group instruction: Whole group reading and comprehension analysis of leveled Reader
(Sarah, Plain &Tall).
Text dependent questions answered as assessment. / Crump
Passage Practice with how to use strategies—Ready assessment book / Gunter
Students will receive enrichment through Book Study Project: The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe. Discussion and Text Dependent Questions for Each Chapter
Math Intervention Groups
Group 1 / Group 2 / Group 3 / Group 4Eli, Mariah, Alyssa, Jenicy
Allison, Kloey, Austin, Marely, Hunter, Ben / Peyton, Kiley, Abbie, Danny / Emily, Kassidy, Mia, Liliana, Montana, Frankie
DJ / Cole, Mason, Annie, Willow, Cadence, Brennan
My Plans
Group 1 / Group 2 / Group 3 / Group 4Troskey
Students will receive small group instruction skills with EOG Word Problem Practice: Focus-Fractions/Multi-Step Word Problems / Thompson
Students will receive small group instruction skills with EOG Word Problem Practice: Focus-Multiplication Word Problems / Crump
Students will receive small group instruction skills with EOG Word Problem Practice: Focus-Multiplication Word Problems / Gunter
Students will receive small group instruction skills with Common Core Test Prep Materials
Subject: Reading
Topic: Main Idea (Fiction & Non-Fiction)- Review & Reteach
3.RI.2 – Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea.
3.RL.1 – Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.
Essential Questions– What is main idea? What are supporting details? What are key details? How do key details support the main idea? How do I demonstrate my understanding of a text? What strategies can I use to show my understanding of a text?
Academic Vocabulary– main idea, key detail, supporting detail, retell, fiction, non-fiction
After reading a grade level passage, students will be able to identify the main idea of a selection.
All students will make an 80% or better on their main idea post-test.
Guided Reading with Reading A-Z leveled Readers, Titanic Unit
Interactive Notebook Entries and Graphic Organizers
SRC w/Fiction & Non-FictionSelections
Do (with Center Activities)
-Weekly center options introduced:
Guided Reading- Leveled Readers from Reading A-Z, instructional passage review with close reading codes
Respond to Writing-Titanic Unit on Blendspace
Read to Self-Self-selected reading with materials differentiated to students’ Lexile level.
i-Ready-Completion of Extra Lesson on Main Idea
Small Group w/Mrs. Crump-Scholastic News/EOG Passage Review
Working with Words-Word Study Practice Activities/Spelling City
Goals listed on current week’s menu choice board, emphasized at the beginning of each lesson.
Reflection on concepts learned, test performance, and likes/dislikes for next week’s goals.
Differentiation for Learning Styles:
Auditory: Read-aloud instruction, classroom discussion, fiction and non-fiction selections from online resource such as EPIC, Story Line Online, BookFlix
Kinesthetic: Group interactive activities, hands on use of graphic organizers for close reading and interactive notebook selections
Visual: Examples posted and used for modeling (anchor chart on main idea), YouTube clips, BrainPop videos
EC: Separate setting accommodations for testing.
Assessment: Informal observational assessments will be used to guide instruction, Quiz grades taken from select activities after instruction
Subject: Writing
3.W.5 – With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing
Poem of the Week / Tuesday
Cursive / Wednesday
Ready Writing Book Lesson -Writing to Understand Follow Up Lesson (Details to support opinion) / Thursday
Beginning of 1st Draft of Opinion Paper / Friday
Draft of Opinion Paper continued
Subject: Science
Topic: Part of a Plant/Plant Life Cycle
3.L.2.1 Remember the function of the following plant structures as it relates
to the survival of plants in their environments:
• Roots – absorb nutrients
• Stems – provide support
• Leaves – synthesize food
• Flowers – attract pollinators and produce seeds for reproduction.
3.L.2.2 Explain how environmental conditions determine how well plants survive and grow.
3.L.2.3 Summarize the distinct stages of the life cycle of seed plants.
3.L.2.4 Explain how the basic properties (texture and capacity to hold water) and components (sand, clay and humus) of soil determine the ability of soil to support the growth and survival of many plants.
Essential Questions– What is a plant? What are the parts of a plant? What are the stages of a plant’s life cycle? How to plants reproduce? What are the functions for each part of the plant?
Academic Vocabulary– flower, stem, root, leaves, reproduce, pollinate, seed
Brain Pop Video & Quiz-Plant Functions & Parts of a Plant / Tuesday
Science Textbook Activity: Part of a Plant-Critical Thinking Questions wrap up / Wednesday
Fidelity Bank Presentation-No Science today / Thursday
PTO Candy Sales Kick-Off – No Science today / Friday
Parts of a Plant Quiz
Subject: Math
Topic: Perimeter & Area
3.MD.8 Solve real world and mathematical problems involving perimeters of polygons, including finding the perimeter given the side lengths, finding an unknown side length, and exhibiting rectangles with the same perimeter and different areas or with the same area and different perimeters.
Essential Questions– What is the area of a shape? What is the perimeter of a shape? How do I find the perimeter of a shape? How are area and perimeter related? How can I separate the parts of a shape to find the total perimeter or the unknown side length of a shape?
Academic Vocabulary– side, shape, area, square unit, perimeter
All students will make an 80% or better on their post-test for finding perimeter.
Small Group Instruction
Interactive Notebook Activities
Number Talks
Fastt Math
Georgia Math Units
i-Ready Instruction on PerimeterLesson 30
Whole group instruction on Georgia math units, small group instruction (pulling groups for Ready Lesson 30
-The following Georgia Units will be used in small groups progress (some small groups are more advanced than others:
-How Many Different Ways
-A Whole Lot of Garden Hose
-Rectangles Rule
Goals listed on current week’s menu choice board, emphasized at the beginning of each lesson.
Reflection on concepts learned, test performance, and likes/dislikes for next week’s goals.
Differentiation for Learning Styles:
Auditory: Read-aloud instruction, classroom discussion
Kinesthetic: Group interactive activities, hands on use of graphic organizers and math manipulatives (dry erase boards)
Visual: Examples posted and used for modeling, YouTube clips, Kahn Academy Video Aids
EC: Separate setting accommodations for testing, read aloud.
Assessment: Informal observational assessments will be used to guide instruction, quiz at end of instruction