Funding the Mission


Planned Income/Sources

$1,242,258 – Total Income

$ 839,000 – Support from Congregations

$ 83,500 – Unrestricted Investment Income

$ 259,950 – Restricted Investment Income

$ 33,475 – Miscellaneous Fee Income

$ 26,333 – Needed additional income or expense reduction to balance the budget

$1,242,258 - Total

Planned Expenses/Comments particular to Budgeted Departments

$128,550 - Ministry of the Bishop (Budget Series 50000 lines 51100 – 51500)

In our catechism a bishop is described as apostle, chief priest, and pastor of a diocese, with duties to guard the faith, unity and discipline of the whole Church; to proclaim the Word of God; to act in Christ’s name for the reconciliation of the world and the building up of the Church; and to ordain others to continue Christ’s ministry. The personnel expenses of the Bishop, and his executive secretary, are shown under staff (line 79000 series) in the line item budget. The Bishop and Executive Secretary compensation is outlined on line 79105 and 79101 respectively.

$161,270 - Mission Discernment & Planning (Budget Series 55000 lines 55150 - 55810)

The diocese is the smallest unit of the Episcopal Church that represents, in a unique geographic area, the full polity of the Church. It therefore is an appropriate level of the church at which mission discernment and planning take place for mission and ministry in this specific time and place. The joint mission strategy is then undertaken by the diocese, the congregations in union with its Convention and by the congregants.

National Church Covenant (line 55400). Needs to be discussed by Council!!

$277,820 - Leadership Education & Training (Budget Series 60000 lines 61117 – 62450 and 62500)

Baptism, confirmation preparation and a great deal of Christian formation education routinely take place at the parochial level. Present and future church leaders are first identified by the congregation within which they regularly worship. However, after identification and during preparation for and when in leadership positions, the church leaders and their congregations both look to the diocese for the needed educational and peer support in the performance of ministries. Much work of leadership education and training is performed at the diocesan level because it can more effectively be done at the diocesan level of the church than at any other level.

The diocese assists with clergy transitions at time of vacancy of cure, assists certain retired clergy with the cost of health insurance, provides opportunities for active clergy to learn best practices and share ideas. The diocese oversees the formation of future priests and deacons. The new Diocesan Ministry Center, conferences, camps and retreats and scholarships also are accounted as a ministry of education for church leadership. Congregational consultants from the diocese advise individual congregations which seek to develop their potential.

Human Resources Department (line 61000)

The diocese has contracted with an outside agency (line 61117) to provide consultation in the event of a difficulty in the congregations with respect to personnel matters. The diocese has also provided model employee handbooks and training on best practices in personnel management. The diocese sends a representative to Episcopal Church transition conferences to identify clergy willing to move to WNY and who desire to interview for open positions in WNY (line 61121).

The Bishop for 2017 retains the team approach to transitions ministry. and congregational development. The transition team is headed by part-time transition officer and an assistant transition officer. Various other trained people are used in specific ways at specific times. Provision is made for expenses and training of the teams.

The diocese makes medical insurance available to retired lay and clerical employees of the diocese and congregations through its group medical insurance plan and the Church Pension Group. In most cases retirees are required to pay for the cost of this coverage, but some employees are entitled to an employer contribution with respect to these costs. The budget reflects the current obligations and does not reflect the change in cost, if any, which is scheduled to occur in 2017.

Leadership Development Department (line 62000)

Canterbury Institute (lines 62106 - 62166) The Brent School has been replaced by the Canterbury Institute for Lifetime Learning.

Commission on Ministry(line 62200) The Commission on Ministry oversees all educational programs of the diocese, both lay and clerical.

Diversity Training (line 62342 also see line 65106) These funds are part of the Anti-racism and Diversity Commission program for 2017.

Scholarships (line 62500)Guidelines for the Leadership Development Scholarships are intended to prepare persons for diocesan leadership (as opposed to congregational leadership or personal spiritual growth purposes). The increase is to accommodate what is anticipated to be increased demand.

Diocesan Center fixed costs (line 62400) This budget section of accounts is the fixed cost for operation of the Diocesan Center

Diocesan Ministry Center Program Expenses (line 62450)The 62450 series of accounts relates to the costs which are the budget of the Diocesan Ministry Center and the responsibility of the Canon for Connections.

The original plan was for the Ministry Center to become self- supporting. However, due to the overwhelming demand for the space from within the diocese, renting the space to outside groups has been limited at best. Partially for that reason, the Diocesan Council has made funding from the Forward In Faith Capital campaign available to the Trustees, who in turn will designate those funds for use, as a quasi-endowment, to offset operating expense of the Diocesan Ministry Center portion of the common building housing the Ministry Center and the Diocesan Office. This fund provides annual income to the Ministry Center of $27,000 for 2017.

$144,480 - Services to Congregations (Budget Series 65000 lines 65100 – 66900)

Worship, stewardship, education, evangelism, pastoral care and service to the community are primary focuses of the work of the church done by the various congregations. The congregations are spiritual communities which support all baptized persons in their ministry to work, pray and give for the spread of God’s kingdom. But all of these activities are assisted or augmented by resources and networking opportunities provided through the diocese. Examples of such resources are communications, stewardship education, planned giving, operation in the First Thirty Ministries and direct aid to missions. Such supporting and assisting services can be more effective if engaged at the diocesan level of the church than at any other level.

Christian Formation Resources Department (line 65100)

Archives (Account 65105) The Diocesan Archivist is a volunteer. She provides authenticated sacramental records from closed parishes in reply to individual inquiries. She assists congregations in search and prepare for anniversary events by helping them find historical references and copies of pertinent materials. She networks with local historical societies, historical institutions, and libraries.

Anti-Racism Commission (line 65106 also see line 62342) The Commission’s stated goal is “to educate, train and facilitate ongoing dialogue about racism and cultural diversity among members of the Diocese, the surrounding communities… and between persons… of different racial and cultural backgrounds in order to improve cross-cultural relationships by dispelling fears and, when possible, addressing or removing systemic barriers to racial, ethnic and cultural harmony.”

TENS (line 65342) The diocese is subscribing to a diocesan membership in the Episcopal Network for Stewardship, which provides online resources for stewardship education in the congregation.

First Third of Life (65400)

All of the lines within 65400 fund first thirty staff and programming,including but not limited to: Family Camp, Jr High and Sr. High overnights, Feast of Lights, Episcopal Day at Darien Lake, Confirmation Station, Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) and other programs to be developed in response to identified needs, including campus ministry.

The Canon for Connections salary is reflected in (65403)

Communications Department (line 66000)

Communications (lines 66210 – 66900) is key to nearly every aspect of the work of the diocese. Not surprisingly, expected outcomes of the work of the Diocesan Communications Office involve a number of different audiences – clergy, congregations, lay leaders, all members, and the general public. Electronic communications have become the primary mode of communication, and our e-mail list for Postings, the weekly update, numbers 1479 individuals. Additional venues for information are the diocesan web site , the news blog, the diocesan Facebook page, the bishop’s blog, and the bishop’s Facebook page.

The general public has access to, parish websites and, of course, the news media when they take an interest in what we are doing. At present, the diocesan communications office hosts some of the web sites of congregations, with more congregations opting for diocesan host services each year. The General Convention in 2012 adopted a resolution urging all congregations to establish a web site by 2015.

Communications is handled by a team, with two members being consultants and one being a staff member who is responsible for a portion of diocesan communications as part of her full time position.

$10,775 - CommunityServices & Networking (Budget Series 78000 lines 78001 - 78966)

The mission of the church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ. Some areas of the work of reconciliation are more effectively done at the diocesan level, national and international level. Our diocese maintains connections with other local denominations through the Network of Religious Communities and the NYS Community of Churches. We maintain connection with foreign and domestic missionary work through a network and partnership with other dioceses, the Global Episcopal Mission Network (GEMN) and through companion diocese relationships. We participate in national efforts of the United Thank Offering (UTO) and Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD). Because most support for these ministries to our community and our world are funded through direct contributions, endowed funds and designated revenue, this general category is expected to consist of approximately 3% of expenditures of undesignated funds.

Network of Religious Communities (line 78950) and NYS Community of Churches (line 78960) A number of years ago we cut our support to our local and state ministry partners and then we cut our support by half again. Budget difficulties continue but with a new bishop and a new search for solutions to continuing issues suggest this is a time to seek compatible partners both in our quest to build vital congregations and in the quest to make meaningful change in the communities in which we live. This budget seeks to restore a more appropriate level of support for ecumenical ministries.

Salsa (line 78965). Support for this networking resource is being written in partnership with several of the dioceses in Province II.

Honoraria (line 78966) This account is accessed by application to the Bishop. Diocesan committees and commissions should apply in the first quarter of 2017 so the Bishop can evaluate all alternatives for expenditure simultaneously and adequately prioritize funding available speaker opportunities.

$20,500 - Supporting Services (Budget Series 78995 line 78997)

This expense is for the annual independent audit.

$498,863 –Administrative Staff Salaries and Business Expenses (Budget Series 79000 lines 79101 - 79600)

Diocesan employees for 2017include: the Bishop, the Executive Assistant to the Bishop, Administrative Secretary, Bookkeeper,Grounds and Facilities Manager.

Additionally, a Financial Consultant is included in this budget series.

Payroll and insurance taxes, plus pension expenses for all clergy and lay employees are included in these lines.

The budget provides for a COL-related increase.

$ 1,242,258 – Total of expense line items

$1,242,258 – Total Expense