Com B Course Attribute


Identify Communication Part B Sections tt

You have the ability to identify sections of courses where only certain enrollment sections fulfill the Communication Part B (Com B) requirement.

Only courses that have been approved to offer section-level Com B can be setup this way in SIS. See approved Com B courses/sections here:
A Com B section also has to be offered for at least two credits. ISIS will not allow you to code a Com B section if it is not setup to be offered for at least two credits/units at the association.

If a course has already been approved as COM B at the course level, you will NOT need to code it at the section level. You can verify if the entire course is approved as Communication Part B, by going to >Curriculum Management >Course Catalog >Course Catalog, |Catalog Data| tab,
Course Attributes of GE, COM B.

Coding a Section as Communication Part B

Step / Action
1.  / Select from your Main Menu:
>Curriculum Management
Schedule of Classes
Maintain Schedule of Classes
2.  / Find desired course.
3.  / Click the |Basic Data| tab.
4.  / Find the specific enrollment section you want to identify as ‘Com B’.
5.  / On that enrollment section, scroll down to view the Class Attributes area.
6.  / To assign a Com B Course Attribute to approved sections, follow steps below:
If Course Attribute field: / Then:
Is Blank / a.  Type ‘GE’ in Course Attribute.
b.  Type ‘Com B’ in Course Attribute Value.
c.  If an error displays, this course has not been approved for section-level Com B, or you are trying to place the attribute on a non-enrollment section. Click [OK], and click this Class Attributes row’s Delete [-] button.
Is filled in and you need to add a new row / a.  Click the Class Attributes last Add [+] button.
b.  Follow the ‘Is Blank’ procedure above.

7.  / If you have more sections to apply course attributes to, go to Step 4.
8.  / Click [Save].

Note: Section level attributes need to be assigned EACH term. They do NOT term roll.

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