Ryde Public School
Street Address: Pope St, Ryde NSW Australia 2112
Telephone: 9809 3181 Fax: 9808 2732
Issue 1 – Term 1 – Week 3 / Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Issue 1 – Term 1 – Week 3 / Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Coming Events for Term 1
Date Event
10/2/2012 Whole School Assembly
9.35am-10.10am (School Hall)
15/2/2012 School Swimming Carnival
17/2/2012 Scripture classes begin
20/2/2012 Living In Australia
21/2/2012 Making Friends Show
Principal’s Report
I will be remaining as relieving principal for this term until Ms Collyer is able to return from her duties in the Northern Sydney Regional Office.
The start to the school year has been a great success, a wonderful time to welcome all to our school community at Ryde Public School. A very warm welcome to all our new families and students who are joining us at Ryde this year.
Our first day on Monday 30 January students from Year 1 through to Year 6 arrived and enthusiastically enjoyed meeting up with one another, catching up on holiday news and seeing their teachers from last year.
On Tuesday 31 January the excitement continued as we welcome the new kindergarten students and their families to our school. They just looked superb in their uniforms, ready to begin school.
As we begin the school year we welcome new staff to Ryde Public School. I have already had the opportunity to introduce the new staff to the students and I am sure that parents will also have the opportunity to meet them and welcome them in the near future. The new staff to Ryde Public School are: Miss Emily Parlett, Miss Nicola McCormack, Miss Emma Davis and Mrs Shannon Bligh.
Class Organisation and Formation
This year we have an enrolment of approximately 425 children in the mainstream classes which will enable us to form 14 classes with 2 Opportunity Classes and 4 Support Classes as expected for the beginning of 2012. The compositions of classes at Ryde Public School are in Stage groupings. Stage 1 comprises Years 1 and 2, Stage 2 comprises Years 3 and 4 and Stage 3 comprises Years 5 and 6. A great deal of time, planning and thought goes into the formation of classes at the end of term 4 during the previous year. We like to begin the new year with students in their new classes right from day one. Many factors are taken into consideration when children are placed into a particular class including social and academic needs.
The school newsletter will go home on the odd weeks in the term on Wednesdays beginning this week. This week all families will receive a hard copy however in the future please check the school Website where you can download a copy. For those families without internet, hard copies are available from the front office each fortnight.
School Uniform
Ryde Public School has a great uniform which many of our students wear with great pride and we actively encourage all our students to wear their uniform correctly. It is for these reasons that we a promote the wearing of the correct school uniform among our students. Your support in promoting these expectations would be greatly appreciated.
Supervision Time
Morning supervision begins at 8:30am. We would strongly recommend that children are not dropped off at school before this time. Parent/Caregivers wanting to pick up students before 3pm must sign their child out at the front office before collecting them from classrooms.
Gates and Parking
Please be aware that the school gates are closed at 9:15am and open at 3.00pm each school day. This procedure is very important for the safety of our students. Please also be aware that parking in the school groups is not permitted as we only have limited parking for staff and official visitors.
Please be aware the school gates are locked at both ends of the school at 6.00pm each evening. Please note this is a security requirement.
Peanut Allergy
Peanut allergy is an increasingly common food allergy, especially in children and is the allergy most likely to cause anaphylaxis (servere allergic reaction) and death. Signs of the allergy usually appear in the first few years of a child’s life. Children can become senstive or reactive to peanuts through a number of ways apart from simply eating peanuts. For example through close contact with a person who often eats peanuts or peanut products.
Currently we do have students in the school who are sensitive to nuts and nut products. We are asking all parents to assist us by not sending peanuts or peanut based products in their childs’ lunch boxes.
Welcome to all students, teachers and families of Ryde Public School as we begin 2012.
Anne Barltrop
Relieving Principal
Parent Helpers needed for Maths Drill
To improve the knowledge of basic maths facts, we are looking for some parent helpers who could spare 1/2 - 1 hour in the morning on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. The parents would withdraw individual students and spend 5minutespractising basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts using a flash card program. If you are able to assist, please contact MissMee or your child's class teacher.
Achievement Awards
Congratulations to the following students who have been presented with an Achievement Award for earning five Ryde Rewards:
JB Pablo C
JD Stella K, Lucas S, Abi T,
JG Helen E, Joyce S, Cicero C
JM Gary J, George S
JS Melody S, Annie H, Emily L, YiLei S
MK Jessica W, Chen Ming F
MS Emma E, Kenneth C, Gabriel F
SB Anastasiya P, Rafael E
SC Mounir K
OC6 Annabel L, Allen G
Extracurricular Music Lessons and Ensembles
Please see attached information sheet and ‘Expressions of Interest’ registration form.
Living in Australia
Living in Australia is an informal course for families that are new to Australia. Please see attached an information sheet and registration forms in English, Korean, Chinese and Indonesian.
Welcome to 2012 and another exciting year of learning. Some points of note for students this year:
Students in Kindergarten and Years 1,2 and 3 require a library bag to borrow books from the school library. Students can arrange to buy their own library bag or purchase a bag from the school office at a cost of $3.00. All students are encouraged to borrow books on a regular basis. The library houses a wide range of books catering for all reading abilities.
The NSW PRC has been an important initiative at Ryde PS since its formal implementation in 2004. All students at Ryde PS will be required to attempt the PRC in 2012. The PRC reinforces reading skills and provides an avenue for students to gain formal recognition of their reading in the form a certificate signed by the Premier of NSW. Children who complete four Challenges receive a gold certificate. Students will be given instruction on how to logon to the NSW PRC website and enter their reading records online. The librarian will enter reading records for all kindergarten students and those students in years 1 and 2 who need assistance.
Mr Steve Lawson
Listed below are the opening dates and times for our School Uniform Shop for Term 1, 2012. If you are unable to attend the shop to purchase for your child please send in an order form with payment and we will fit your child with the correct sizes. Please be aware that receipts will be sent home with your child within three working days.
Thursday 16/2/12 8.30am-10.30am
Thursday 1/3/12 8.30am-10.30am
Thursday 15/3/12 8.30am-10.30am
Thursday 29/3/12 8.30am-10.30am
for 2012
Come and meet ourPrincipal, Staff and Prefects on our
Twilight Information Tours
Term One Dates: Wednesday, 15 February (Third Wednesday of month)
Wednesday, 14 March, 2012 (Second Wednesday of month)
Tours commence at 4:00pm and conclude at 5:15pm
Please meet atour College Reception, Malvina Street, Ryde
Refreshments wlll be provided
ProspectiveSelective Parents
Youare invited to a special Twilight Information Tour on
Wednesday, 29 February 2012 (Fourth Wednesday of month)
Our Twilight Information Tour will leave from our College Reception
commencing at4:00pm and concluding at 5:15pm
** Bookingsfor all tours are essential **
Pleasecontact Ms Thorn for all bookings or any cancellation
Bookings can be made through the College Office on 9809 4894 between 8:15 am and 3:00 pm
Where: Presbyterian Church Hall - Cnr Victoria & Pittwater Rd, Gladesville
Jazz, Tap & Ballet Wednesdays 4 - 6.15pm
(AGES 5 - 7) Mondays 4 - 5pm, Saturdays 9 -10am
Junior & Intermediate Hip - Hop, Tiny - Tot Classes, Adults Classes, Zumba
0431 400 233
Fun, inexpensive, healthy activities for children in
years 3-6. “Big Maks” kids club organises games, cooking, music, craft, competitions and outings (e.g. lazertag, bowling) on Monday nights for only $1.50 (outings twice per term extra). "BIG MAKS" kids club meets at Nth Ryde Christian Church on school Mondays from 6:30 - 8:00pm. 12 Pindari Street, Nth Ryde.
Co-ordinator: Steve Mylonas on 0403308964,
, www.northrydechurch.org
Help Needed for
Elderly & Special Needs
Wendy’s Home Services provides in-home support for elderly and/or special needs clients and we currently have casual work with flexible hours available in your area. We need people to help with:
· Domestic assistance
· Transports to appointments
· Meal preparation
· Basic personal care
Driver’s licence, vehicle, and mobile essential. Availability school term & also holidays an advantage.
Call (02) 4587 5999or visit our website www.wendyshome.com.au
for more information. /
Epping Junior Rugby
Epping Junior Rugby invites you to a ‘Give It A Go Day”
on Sunday 19 February, 2012 from 2.00pm to 4.00pm at
Somerville Oval, Blaxland Road, Epping. This is an
opportunity for children to try rugby, learn new skills, and
have some fun.
For more details visit www.eppingjnr.rugbynet.com.au