Chittaranjan, 22nd January 2016; The 16thAnnual Conference of Indian Public Health Association-Railway Service Branch (IRPHACON) was organized by K.G.Hospital of Chittaranjan Locomotive Works (CLW) on 22nd January, 2016 morning in Chittaranjan Club premises. The programme was inaugurated by Dr.Anil Kumar, Director General, Railway Health Services/Railway Board as Chief Guest along with Shri C.P. Tayal , General Manager /CLW as President of the conference by lighting the lamp at Chittaranjan Club.Dr. J. Swain , CMD/ E.Rly and Organising Presidentand Dr.Gajendra Kumar, Advisor/Railway Board also attended in the Conference as Delegate. Around 60-70 delegates comprising Railway Doctors from different railways and guests attended the Conference. The Conference was attended by railway doctors of all Production Units and Zonal railways like Eastern Rlys , South Eastern Rlys , Central Rlys, North Central Rlys. and CLW. Later, after the inauguration of the conference, Medical Officers of Indian Railways and other dignitaries from all over India presented papers on important topics.
Dr. Satyajit Bose, CEO/ Mission Hospital/ Durgapur spoke on this occasion as Guest Lecturer . Dr. Devesh Kumar/ACMS/DLW presented a paper on ‘Health Care Resources and Utilisation in different Indian Railways Workshops’;Dr.S.G.Madwesh/CMS/RWF on ‘Public Relations in Railway Hospitals’;Dr.Priyanka Roy,Dept.of Labour,Govt. of West Bengal on ‘Hazards of welding in workplace’;Dr.Rajiv Kumar Jain ACMS/Northen Railway on ‘Creating Mother –friendly workplaces’;Dr.Kamalesh Sarkar,MD/MAMS on ‘Malnutrition Scenario among school Children-an ICMR study’;Dr.P.S.Mitra,Sr.DMO/SDAH/ER on ‘An assessment of occupational stress and their coping strategies among train drivers in Indian Railways’and Dr.A.Majumdar,CMO/CLW on ‘Waste Management of CLW township’presented their papers.
Apart from the above a panel discussion too was conducted on ‘Current and Future Challenges in Addressing Health issues in the workplace’ in which visiting Doctors participated.The panel discussion was moderated by Dr.Gajendra Kumar, Advisor/Railway Board.Smt.Amita Tayal , President , CLW-WWO along with members of CLW-WWO,Sr.Officers of CLW were present on this occasion.
Dr. A.Majumdar, CMO/KGH/CLW as the Vice President of Org. Committee Dr. S. Mallik & Dr.Ajay Kumar as Organising Secy were present during this conference.
It is hope that, the conference will immensely help in implementation of innovative and modern Public Health measures in Indian Railways through interaction among Medical Officers dealing with Public health in Indian Railways.The theme of Public Health Conference was “ Public Health Challenges In Indian Railways.”
The News Editor
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