fromFriday afterAscension Dayuntil Saturday beforePentecost Sunday

1st day: Friday, May 18th

Come Holy Spirit, Creator Blest (Veni, Creator Spiritus)

Come, Holy Spirit, Creator blest,
and in our souls take up Thy rest;
come with Thy grace and heavenly aid
to fill the hearts which Thou hast made.

O comforter, to Thee we cry,
O heavenly gift of God Most High,
O fount of life and fire of love,
and sweet anointing from above.

Thou in Thy sevenfold gifts are known;
Thou, finger of God's hand we own;
Thou, promise of the Father, Thou
Who dost the tongue with power imbue.
Kindle our sense from above,
and make our hearts o'erflow with love;
with patience firm and virtue high
the weakness of our flesh supply.
Far from us drive the foe we dread,
and grant us Thy peace instead;
so shall we not, with Thee for guide,
turn from the path of life aside.
Oh, may Thy grace on us bestow
the Father and the Son to know;
and Thee, through endless times confessed,
of both the eternal Spirit blest.
Now to the Father and the Son,
Who rose from death, be glory given,
with Thou, O Holy Comforter,
henceforth by all in earth and heaven. Amen.

Intercessions of the 1st day afterAscension Day

(source: the vespers in the breviary of priests )

Let us give praise to Christ, whom the Holy Spirit anointed, and pray to him:

Seated at the right hand of the Father, intercede for us.

Lord, look down on all who bear the name of Christians:

may the Holy Spirit draw them together into one.

Seated at the right hand of the Father, intercede for us.

Enlighten all who suffer persecution in Your name,

so that they know how to answer their persecutors.

Seated at the right hand of the Father, intercede for us.

May everyone acknowledge You as the true vine,

and become branches bearing the fruit of the Spirit.

Seated at the right hand of the Father, intercede for us.

Christ, King of all the earth, You rose into heaven amid jubilation:

reign over all the peoples of the earth.

Seated at the right hand of the Father, intercede for us.

May all who have been united to Your death and resurrection through baptism

pass with You from death into life.

Seated at the right hand of the Father, intercede for us.

Lord God,

you restore us to eternal life by our Savior’s resurrection:

place us at Your right hand,

where He is enthroned with You.

You gave us a new birth in baptism:

clothe us in the garment of eternal happiness

when Christ comes in His glory.

Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

God forever and ever.


The Holy Rosary: The Glorious Mysteries

or at leastthe 3rdmystery:The Descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost

Prayer to The Lady of All Nations

Lord Jesus Christ,
Son of the Father,
send now your Spirit over the Earth.
Let the Holy Spirit live
in the hearts of all nations,
that they may be preserved
from degeneration, disaster, and war.
May the Lady of All Nations,
the Blessed Virgin Mary,
be our Advocate. Amen.

2nd day: Saturday, May 19th

Come Holy Spirit, Creator Blest (Veni, Creator Spiritus)

Intercessions of the 2nd day afterAscension Day

Blessed be Christ, on whom the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove.

We make our prayers to Him and put our weight behind them by saying:

– Amen.

Send, Lord, the one You promised to send,

to renew and rejuvenate the Church.

– Amen.

May all nations hymn You as God and King:

may Israel be Your chosen people.

– Amen.

You have cast out demons:

cast out our sins and vices.

– Amen.

Babel sundered the peoples of the earth and their speech, but Pentecost overcame that division:

through Your Spirit, unite all peoples in a universal faith.

– Amen.

May Your Spirit dwell within us

and give life to our mortal bodies.

– Amen.

Lord God,

we believe that the Saviour of mankind

is enthroned with You in majesty.

Listen to our prayer,

and, according to His promise,

let us feel His presence among us

to the end of time.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,

who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever and ever.


The Holy Rosary: The Glorious Mysteries

or at leastthe 3rdmystery:The Descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost

Prayer to The Lady of All Nations

3rd day: Sunday, May 20th

Come Holy Spirit, Creator Blest (Veni, Creator Spiritus)

Intercessions of the 3rd day afterAscension Day

We do not know how to pray as we ought but the Spirit himself pleads on our behalf with groaning deeper than words. And so let us ask:

– May the Holy Spirit plead for us.

Christ, heavenly Shepherd, give your counsel and wisdom to our shepherds and pastors,

the better to lead your flock to salvation.

– May the Holy Spirit plead for us.

You live on high and are rich in compassion:

look after the poor and destitute of the earth.

– May the Holy Spirit plead for us.

You were conceived of the Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit:

keep consecrated virgins pure in the spirit of their vows.

– May the Holy Spirit plead for us.

You are our High Priest giving praise to the Father in the Holy Spirit:

unite all men in the praises you offer.

– May the Holy Spirit plead for us.

May the dead attain the freedom and glory of the sons of God,

and full and perfect bodily redemption.

– May the Holy Spirit plead for us.

Lord God,

we believe that the Saviour of mankind

is enthroned with you in majesty.

Listen to our prayer,

and, according to his promise,

let us feel his presence among us

to the end of time.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever and ever.


The Holy Rosary: The Glorious Mysteries

or at leastthe 3rdmystery:The Descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost

Prayer to The Lady of All Nations

4th day: Monday, May 21st

Come Holy Spirit, Creator Blest (Veni, Creator Spiritus)

Intercessions of the 4th day afterAscension Day

Let us thank Christ, who filled the Apostles and the entire Church with the comfort of the Holy Spirit. With all the faithful let us pray:

– Lord, give comfort to the Church.

You are the Mediator between God and man; You have chosen priests to work alongside You:

may everyone come to the Father through them.

– Lord, give comfort to the Church.

May rich and poor meet through You, for You are the God of both:

save the rich man from glorying in his riches.

– Lord, give comfort to the Church.

Make Your gospel known to all peoples

and may all reach the obedience of faith.

– Lord, give comfort to the Church.

Send forth Your Spirit, the bringer of comfort,

to wipe away the tears of those in sorrow.

– Lord, give comfort to the Church.

Purify the souls of the dead

and raise them to join Your saints in heaven.

– Lord, give comfort to the Church.

Lord God,

let the grace of the Holy Spirit come upon us,

so that we may hold fast to Your will with fidelity

and show it forth in a holy life.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,

who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever and ever.


The Holy Rosary: The Glorious Mysteries

or at leastthe 3rdmystery:The Descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost

Prayer to The Lady of All Nations

5th day: Tuesday, May 22nd

Come Holy Spirit, Creator Blest (Veni, Creator Spiritus)

Intercessions of the 5th day afterAscension Day

Honor and glory to Christ, who has made those who are faithful to Him sharers of the Holy Spirit. Let us cry out to Him:

– Christ, hear us.

Pour out the Holy Spirit, whom the Father has sent, onto the Church,

to purify and strengthen her and spread her presence across the world.

– Christ, hear us.

By Your Spirit, lead those who rule over us:

may they serve You and work for what is good.

– Christ, hear us.

Send Your Spirit, the Father of the destitute

to give help to the poor and assist them to rise.

– Christ, hear us.

We pray for all the ministers of Your sacraments:

may they always be faithful to their calling.

– Christ, hear us.

Give the dead, body and soul, the fullness of your redemption,

the result of Your passion, resurrection, and ascension.

– Christ, hear us.

God of power and mercy,

grant that when the Holy Spirit comes

He may dwell in us

and make us a temple filled with His glory.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,

who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever and ever.


The Holy Rosary: The Glorious Mysteries

or at leastthe 3rdmystery:The Descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost

Prayer to The Lady of All Nations

6th day: Wednesday, May 23rd

Come Holy Spirit, Creator Blest (Veni, Creator Spiritus)

Intercessions of the 6th day afterAscension Day

With the Apostles and all who enjoy the first-fruits of the Holy Spirit, let us praise God and call on Him:

– Lord, listen to us.

Almighty God, you have glorified Christ in heaven:

grant that all may recognize His presence in the Church.

– Lord, listen to us.

Holy Father, You said of Christ: “This is My beloved Son, listen to Him”:

grant that all may hear His voice and be saved.

– Lord, listen to us.

Send Your Spirit into the hearts of Your faithful,

to wash what is filthy and water what is shriveled and dry.

– Lord, listen to us.

May Your Spirit come, and deign to guide the course of history,

and renew the face of the earth.

– Lord, listen to us.

We commend the dead to your care

and beg you to fulfill our hopes and bring us to resurrection.

– Lord, listen to us.

God of mercy,

you have gathered Your Church together by the Holy Spirit.

Keep us devoted to Your service

and united among ourselves.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,

who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever and ever.


The Holy Rosary: The Glorious Mysteries

or at leastthe 3rdmystery:The Descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost

Prayer to The Lady of All Nations

7th day: Thursday, May 24th

Come Holy Spirit, Creator Blest (Veni, Creator Spiritus)

Intercessions of the 7th day afterAscension Day

Christ is blessed through all the ages. Let us pray for Him to send the Holy Spirit upon all whom He has redeemed:

Lord, watch over all whom You have redeemed.

Send the Spirit of unity into the Church,

to wipe out dissension, division and hatred.

Lord, watch over all whom You have redeemed.

You freed men from possession by demons:

free the world from the evils that afflict it.

Lord, watch over all whom You have redeemed.

Praying through the Spirit started You on your ministry:

grant that priests may be led, by prayer and the Spirit, to make good use of their gifts.

Lord, watch over all whom You have redeemed.

May Your Spirit guide all rulers

to seek the good of all men.

– Lord, watch over all whom You have redeemed.

You live in the glory of the Father:

call all the dead to share that glory with You.

– Lord, watch over all whom You have redeemed.

Lord God,

let Your Spirit come upon us in power

and fill us with His gifts,

to render our minds pleasing to You

and make us docile to Your will.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,

who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever and ever.


The Holy Rosary: The Glorious Mysteries

or at leastthe 3rdmystery:The Descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost

Prayer to The Lady of All Nations

8th day: Friday, May 25th

Come Holy Spirit, Creator Blest (Veni, Creator Spiritus)

Intercessions of the 8th day afterAscension Day

Let us bless the Father, who has poured out the grace of the Spirit upon all nations, and let us pray that this grace may always abound:

– Lord, spread the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Lord, You sent Your Chosen One as a light to enlighten the nations:

open the eyes of the blind and lead out of their prison those who sit in darkness.

– Lord, spread the grace of the Holy Spirit.

You anointed Christ with the power of the Holy Spirit and sent Him out on His ministry of salvation:

grant that He may once more pass through the world, bringing good and healing to all.

– Lord, spread the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Send Your Spirit, who is the light that shines in the heart,

to strengthen the faith of those who doubt.

– Lord, spread the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Send Your Spirit, who is rest after labour,

to lift up the exhausted and broken-hearted.

– Lord, spread the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Fulfill the hope of the dead,

and give them resurrection at the coming of Christ.

– Lord, spread the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Lord God,

you opened for us the way to eternal life

when Christ Your Son was taken up to glory

and Your Holy Spirit came to enlighten Your Church.

Grant that, as we share in so great a gift,

our faith may grow ever stronger,

our service ever more loyal.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,

who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever and ever.


The Holy Rosary: The Glorious Mysteries

or at leastthe 3rdmystery:The Descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost

Prayer to The Lady of All Nations

9th day: Prayer Day, Saturday, May 26th

Come Holy Spirit, Creator Blest (Veni, Creator Spiritus)

Intercessions of the 9th day afterAscension Day

We sing the praises of the Lord. When the Fifty Days were completed He filled the Apostles with the Holy Spirit from heaven. And so with joy and devotion let us pray:

– Send forth Your Spirit and renew the world.

In the beginning You created heaven and earth, and in the fullness of time You restored all things in Christ:

through Your Holy Spirit, forever renew the face of the earth and lead it to salvation.

– Send forth Your Spirit and renew the world.

You breathed the breath of life into Adam:

send Your Spirit into the Church and make her alive, young, and ready to give life to the world.

– Send forth Your Spirit and renew the world.

Enlighten all men with the light of Your Spirit and dispel the murk of the present time:

turn hatred into love, grief into rejoicing, war into longed-for peace.

– Send forth Your Spirit and renew the world.

Refresh the human race with the water of Your Spirit, which flows from Christ’s side:

may it free our earth from the cruel thorns of evil.

– Send forth Your Spirit and renew the world.

Through the Holy Spirit You bring men to life and glory:

through the same Spirit, may the dead enter their home in heaven and rejoice in Your love forever.

– Send forth Your Spirit and renew the world.

Almighty, ever-living God,

You ordained that the paschal mystery

should be completed by the mystery of Pentecost.

Gather together, by Your gift of grace,

the scattered nations and divided tongues

to one faith in Your Name.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,

who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever and ever.


all 4 Mysteries of the Holy Rosary:

The Joyful, The Luminous, The Sorrowful and The Glorious Mysteries

(or at least the Glorious Mysteries)

Prayer to The Lady of All Nations