Honors English 10: Midterm Review 2017

Vocabulary Definitions

  1. dolorous
  2. magnanimous
  3. adamant
  4. galvanize
  5. fluctuate
  6. adulation
  7. cajole
  8. nuance
  9. circumvent
  10. pernicious
  11. lethargy
  12. demagogue
  13. banter
  14. argot
  15. droll
  16. coerce
  17. jingoism
  18. erudite
  19. affable
  20. pertinent
  21. intrepid
  22. diffident
  23. gadfly
  24. contrite
  25. irascible
  26. apathy
  27. gregarious
  28. dogmatic
  29. motley
  30. ostensible
  31. austere
  32. credence
  33. bacchanalian
  34. frowzy
  35. candid
  36. gauche
  37. decorum
  38. audacity
  39. furtive

And Then There Were None

Refer to Reading Check Quizzes for study content.

Peer Editing

See grammar pages for study practice.

“Our Town”

  1. How did Simon Stimson die?
  2. How old is Emily when she begins her new life?
  3. What is Emily doing when she asks her mother her very important question in Act II?
  4. What office in the student council did George hold?
  5. Who is the empty chair on stage in Act III reserved for?
  6. What does George say when Emily tells him what she is worried about while drinking sodas with him?
  7. Which of the following does the stage manager say is NOT eternal?

Love. Life. The stars. Family.

  1. What does Mrs. Webb give to Emily when she first begins her new life?
  2. What do Emily and Mrs. Gibbs say about the living when George enters the cemetery?
  3. What does George realize when he is talking to Emily after the student council elections?
  4. What does the stage manager urge the audience to do while George and Emily prepare to tell their story?
  5. What does Emily beg her mother to do at the end of the play?
  6. Who is the author of this play?
  7. How many Pulitzer Prizes did the author of “Our Town” earn?
  8. All of the following are central values of “Our Town” EXCEPT for which?

The family

Appreciation of everyday pleasures

Christian morality

Everyone makes mistakes

  1. All of the following contributed the “radical” nature of the play EXCEPT for which?

There were no curtains or scenery.

Dramatis persona who traveled fluidly in and out of the play

Actions were mimed.

Main characters died.

  1. According to the author, all of the acts can be classified by the following EXCEPT for which?

“Daily life”


“Love and Marriage”

“Life and Death”

  1. How is the clothing of the stage manager reflective of his characterization?
  2. How is the town’s conservative, Christian nature conveyed?
  3. All of the following are themes of “Our Town” EXCEPT for which?

Drugs and alcohol



Technology and Modernization

  1. Which of the following sentiments was unlikely expressed by the author of this novel?

“Human life, however painful, dreary, or inconsequential in its daily events, is both a precious gift in its own right as well as a portion of the mysterious plan that rests in the “Mind of God.”

“I don't want to die without any scars.”

“I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being.”

“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.”

  1. Fill in the blank: One message that can be taken away from the story of life in “Our Town” is there is beauty in the __.

Banter Conduit Gadfly Mundane